6: A figment of my imagination


"Oh my Goddess! Who the hell finished the chicken wings!" It came from the corner of the room and the person from which this loud, ear-deafening shriek came was so tiny and fragile, I feared she'd break if she stepped too hard on her feet. When it came to food, Damon's family was ruthless. They'd managed to finish eighteen trays of chicken wings in the span of ten minutes... ten minutes. If that wasn't bad enough. many of them had come up to me and bombarded me with questions I had no idea how to answer, many of which including why I refused to be called 'Luna', why I was not pregnant yet, and of course the classic- why Damon loved me when I was so plain looking. I was subjected to questioning almost the entire evening when suddenly, the new centre of attention arrived in the form of Lucien.

As soon as he entered the front door, the entire room swarmed towards him, bombarding him with their own fair share of questions, most of which, pertained to his love life. It seemed the love lives of the three Michaels siblings were all the rage in the family.

It wasn't until Damon arrived that the crowd suddenly dissipated, with Damon threatening the one thing the family valued the most- food.

"You all better get the hell off of Lucien before I take the food away!" The moment he said this, everyone literally scattered.

Damon then walked towards his brother, held out a hand and helped him up. It was at this time, that I decided to join the two, tired of hiding at the dining table and stuffing my face with food to avoid Damon's family.

"Lucien, you made it!" He said as he grabbed his brother and held him in a tight embrace. For a moment, just a moment I saw Lucien tense up with his arms frozen in the air, and then just as soon as it had appeared, the tenseness vanished, and his arms wrapped around Damon. "I'm so glad you're here."

It was at that moment that I decided to speak as well, and so I said, "Me too!"

Immediately when it left my mouth, Lucien removed himself away from his brother and his golden eyes widened as he began taking in my appearance. He continued gazing at me for a moment more in deep wonder and admiration until Damon cleared his throat, clearly not happy about Lucien's clear ogling at me.

"Shall we head to the dining table before the food's all gone?" Damon asked.

Lucien chuckled and nodded before saying, "Yes please. When food is involved, there is a clear disregard for any form of decorum and civilised behaviour. I'm actually surprised that there is still food left."

Slowly we began nearing the table where Lucien grabbed a dish and placed on it a few pieces of beef and a meagre bread roll. I eyed him suspiciously and asked, "Waiting for the sweets, are we?"

Lucien glanced over at me in surprise and then, between bites asked, "You remembered?"

I nodded, yes and smiled. Lucien had always had an awfully sweet, sweet tooth. He never really enjoyed eating meals but instead lived on snacks, candy and pastries. It was a wonder he was so well-built.

"So that's why you made Andrea make all of those cupcakes?" Damon uttered. I could tell his jealousy was flaring up, something I always found absolutely adorable about him. To provoke him further I nodded quite excitedly and said, "Of course, they are Lucien's favourite!"

"Lucien's favourite? What about me, why didn't I receive any special treatment?" With this he pouted and folded his arms. He was honestly such a baby sometimes.

I smirked and wrapped my arm around his. "Are you jealous?"

Lucien then picked up on what I was doing, and much to my surprise, began playing along. "Yeah, are you?" He then ruffled up my hair, loosening some of the hair from my ponytail and causing it to hang in my face.

Damon growled loudly and snatched Lucien's hand, surprising both Lucien and I. "Hands off of her."

The brothers were just about to break out into an all-out brawl when suddenly Damon froze and so did Lucien as they caught sight of someone approaching. She was freakishly tall; her hair was a deep shade of brown and her eyes resembled a classic shade of hazel. Judging by the pale faces of both Lucien and Damon, I could tell that she was nothing if not bad news.

"Damon! Lucien! It's been so long my lovely nephews!" She uttered, holding her arms up and nearing the two men. Soon, she had them gasping for air in a tight embrace as she smothered them. I had the right mind to get myself the hell away from them when her eyes suddenly rested on me and a scowl decorated her face. It seemed 'bad news' was an understatement.

"This must be the infamous 'Co-Alpha'. Lilac, was it?"

"Jasmine. My name is Jasmine." I uttered. She then let go of Damon and Lucien, but before she could near me, Damon grabbed her by the wrist, making her turn around towards him.

"Mind your words Aunt Charlotte. A wrong word from you will cost you your tongue." He seethed. I found it endearing that he chose to stand up for me in front of his family, despite knowing I was capable enough to fend for myself. His Aunt Charlotte, however, did not share the same view. Instead, she scowled and pulled her hand away from him.

"Honestly what has this family come to. A Luna who thinks she's as good as an Alpha. I mean seriously, she doesn't even have a fucking family. She's a worthless little orphan who-"

"I am her family." I heard a familiar voice say sternly from beside me. Slowly I turned towards the source of those words and was startled to see Jared smiling back at me.

"So am I..." This came from Yuki who stood beside Jared, and soon I realised that all of my friends were here from Blake and Cody right down to Mrs Keane and Timmy. When I saw their smiling faces, I almost broke down into tears.

"Hey there Aunt Charlotte, I see you've met my Alpha, Jasmine." This came from Landon who emerged from behind Charlotte and then walked towards Jared, giving him a kiss the moment he was at his side. Charlotte scowled but said nothing. Instead, she turned around, huffed and then began walking away. Once she was out of sight, I turned back towards my friends and grabbed them all into a tight embrace, now unafraid to cry as my happiness began to spill from my eyes.

"You all came!" I shrieked.

"Did you think we'd miss the chance to see our beautiful Vixen bright and smiley at her engagement party?" It was Loren who said this, and when she did, I chuckled and grabbed her, pulling her body tightly against mine. "Loren, you actually came!" I said surprised. I hadn't expected her to actually show up, especially considering that I'd also given out an invite to Oliver.

"I wouldn't have missed it for the world." She uttered as she pulled away from me and smiled. I smiled even more and chuckled again before my eyes caught sight of a grumpy young teenager.

"Timmy!" I yelled out, wrapping the young man in my arms. He froze at first and then began to relax in my grasp. I gripped gently at his shoulders and pulled away from him, inspecting his handsome young face. Three years had changed the young little boy into a young little man who seemed to be growing to be quite the looker.

"And look at this handsome face!" I yelled out. He blushed and said, "Jasmine... don't say it so loudly!"

"His handsome face is giving me a headache. There are always so many young ladies following him around," said his mother.

"I don't find that hard to believe. Have you been keeping well, Mrs Keane?"

She nodded and smiled.

This moment had to be one of the most precious of my entire life. All the people I loved were gathered in this room, smiling and laughing and having fun.

"I'm glad everyone is having fun, but perhaps it is time to say a few words before dinner is actually served?" Said Damon.

I nodded and smiled before Damon began yelling at everyone to pay attention and thereafter yelled at the caterers to clear up the table from the empty snack trays and prepare it for the actual dinner. I was about to join him when, from the corner of my eye I noticed someone rather suspicious. A young woman, it seemed hidden between the crowd. Her head was low and all I could see was a baseball cap covering her long, wavy dark hair. It would not have been suspicious had there been other people here with caps as well. And so, deciding her to be someone not invited, I began to near her. However, before I could even hope of being close enough, Damon began speaking, and Lucien gripped at my hand and pulled me towards him and then shoved me to my place alongside his brother. I tried to look for the woman again but as I searched the crowd, found no trace of her dark baseball cap. Perhaps she was nothing but a figment of my imagination. A hallucination from my lack of sleep, yes, that was what she was.

Hallucination? Perhaps... or perhaps not!

A big announcement! I will be releasing a few Valentine's day bonus chapters in The Alpha's Vixen, so if you'd like to read them make sure to keep an eye out for updates on "The Alpha's Vixen"!

Also I've released a novel titled "Teaching River" which can be accessed with this link: https://anystories.page.link/W9JJ. If you're a fan of highscool romance with a little twist then this novel is definitely for you!

Stay safe! Stay healthy! Sending my love!

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