Chapter V: In A Deep Dark Pit
I wiped the sweat from my brow as I knelt and scrubbed the floor with a bristle brush. I felt like Cinderella, and the story echoed in my mind. I knew no prince was coming to save me, but at least the hope of the story kept me going. I was assigned to scrub the kitchen floors. I was about done, blinking and slapping myself to keep myself awake.
I jumped as a basket landed beside me. I looked up to see Mistress Mia, who smirked at me. "So you are the Gutter Wench privileged to serve under Master Monroe? Well, I have a request, formally allowed by Master Monroe. You are to pick some berries for me. It's in the hedge, at the back of the castle, near the barn and building materials...and I want them stat."
She turned her and left, and I took a sigh of relief. Believe it or not, picking berries was a break in consideration to everything else that needed to be done. I grabbed the basket and made my way through the building. I was lucky enough not to have gotten lost, and to give credit to Mia...her instructions were pretty clear.
I was outside, and my feet stumbled on the rocky grass. I closed my eyes for a second. That was a huge mistake.
My foot tripped on a brick. I stumbled forward and screamed as I hurtled into something pitch black. Everything was dark.
My eyes opened slowly, and I could make out pinkish skies. It was late, and my head and shoulder throbbed in extreme pain. I groaned and gasped as a figure loomed ahead.
"Well, well, if it isn't Dimitri's most prized pig stuck in pit!" Master Hevil beamed. "Did me a favour now, saves me from having to bury you myself!"
"Please..." I spoke softly timidly and gasped in pain. "Please help me out...."
"You worthless shell of a servant! I'm not gonna bend a knee nevermind rope to save your kind! You deserve to rot!"Master Hevil laughed.
Tears started brimming in my eyes. I knew trying to persuade Hevil was pointless, and so that was wasting my breath.
"If you want out, crawl out yourself! But be aware there is a heck of a beating involved when you reach the other side. So choose carefully," Hevill walked away and I cried out. I was tired, exhausted, it looks like my shoulder popped and now I was supposed to crawl out? My thoughts pondered on Frodo and Sam at the mountain. Surely if they could crawl up a active mountain, I could crawl up this dirt hole?
A very deep and muddy dirt hole that is, at least 4-5 meters. I groaned as I stumbled to my feet and walked to the edge. I dug my fingers of my left arm into the dirt and started pulling myself up. However, it was short-lived. I fell straight onto my back. I tried.
And Again.
I fell straight onto the dirt floor. Cuts from small rocks made my hands bleed, and I was terrified. Maybe it was better if I were to die now, and join my family. Why put up such a fight? Even if I got out, my life was only going to get worse.
I sat against the corner of the pit. My hands shaking in shock and pain. I bit my lips and rested my head against the wall of the pit. I started to fade, and saw a small child-like figure in the border.
Was it Archie? Waiting for me? However, as quickly as the figure was there it was gone.
"Come back," I begged. "Archie...please, I want you back."
Moments passed. The air grew chilly and nipped my cheeks and arms. I jumped slightly as there was a heavy thud. My eyes widened as I saw a larger figure next to the smaller one. Was that my dad?
"Titus, go fetch Nathan," the voice spoke. "I'll deal with this."
I could barely believe my ears. It was Dimitri. What on earth was he doing here? Why would he even bother to be here was a better question yet.
I watched as Dimitri tied a rope around his waist, and started sailing down the pit. His feet landed with a firm thud. I saw him walk towards me.
"I was wondering what took you so bloody long," Dimitri spoke. "Only to hear from Titus that you have fallen into a pit..." Dimitri shook his head at me. "Only you would pick the most creative way to die, don't you?"
"I'm sorry Master," I whispered, my throat hoarse. "I tried to crawl out...I failed you."
"I see that," Dimitri spoke. "But as much as it may delight you to die...I'm not quite done with you yet."
"Why?" I asked him, and a chuckle passed his lips.
"I'm coming to your rescue, and you're questioning it?
"Doesn't seem something you would normally do for a servant, Sir," I whispered. Dimitri chuckled again.
"Spot on, but there is a little difference here. You are my servant, and I take care of my property, or at least, that is what I try to do. Not that you're making it easy for me," Dimitri touched my shoulder and I cried out in pain. "Yeah, that's dislocated, I'm gonna have to pop it back in before I get you up."
I nodded and gritted my teeth. He looked me dead in the eyes, which surprised me to the core. "On the count of five....one....two....five!" Dimitri popped my shoulder back in and I gasped and screamed at the sudden pain. But as soon as it was there, it got better.
"Now, let's get you out of here, " Dimitri grabbed my good arm, and pulled me up. He lead me back to the side. "Wrap your arms around my neck, I'll do what I can to keep you on, but most of it is going to depend on you..."
I nodded, and did as he asked. It felt weird, like an embrace, but considering he was the Master and I was the servant, I could not be allowed to think like that. His hair tickled my nose, and he had the scent of peppermint and oak lingering on him. I felt him start to climb up gain, and he seemed to have no difficulty with my weight added on. For which, I was utterly grateful. It did not take long for us to reach the top.
However, as soon as he let me go and I looked ahead I stumbled back. Dimitri grabbed my arm again, preventing my second fall within milliseconds. It was Master Hevil, standing there, whip in hand.
"You brought your puppet up so that I could play, how thoughtful," Hevil grinned at me, and I glanced at Dimitri, terrified. Was he going to let Hevil have his way with me?
"She's not yours, Hevil, and it would be wise to remember your place in this household..." Dimitri spoke and I let out a breath of relief.
"Master Monroe, you called?" Nathan spoke. I saw him frown as he glanced at me then back at Dimitri.
"Get her patched up and ready for tomorrow, I can't have a crippled servant now can I?" Dimitri motioned to me. He walked towards Hevil, and the Uncle followed him back into the castle.
I stood there, frozen, and Nathan took a few steps towards me.
"You're lucky to have caught Dimitri in generous mood...he would not often bother to rescue servants nevermind one's who are injured..." Nathan spoke to me and motioned me to follow him. "Normally he would put them down."
My thoughts pondered at this. If what Nathan said was true, then I was severely fortunate. But luck was not going to help me survive for much longer.