Chapter 1

I can't believe it's time for my best friend to come home from college. It has been 2 years since she left Alaska. We talk over the phone maybe once a week but seeing her will be so nice. I am not the type that really makes friends but Britney and I have always been super close.

Which doesn't make sense at all, we are very different from each other. People would say, "Amelia the only reason she is your friend is because she feels bad for you." I never let it get to me, becauseI knew the truth behind our friendship. It was like we completed each other. I know it sounds crazy but as mush as I needed her she needed me.

Even though Britney was super popular and everyone loved her. Britney included me in everything just to make sure I never felt left out. Especially after my father had his stroke. My father and I was super close. My mother and I is a whole different story. My mother never loved me she treats me like her slave. I know it was hard for my dad when he saw how she was treating me. He spoke up and she stopped but only when he was around. When we would be alone her true colors would show. Now that he is in a coma state she is full force bitch.

I look over at my clock damn it my alarm is about to go off. I put my covers over my head then I hear my alarm, I'm already dreading this day knowing it's going to be hell. I know I need to get the hell out of this bed but I'm so warm under the covers and I no once they come off I'm going to be freezing. That is what is making me not want to move. I could stay under these covers forever it is so warm.

I jump as I hear my phone begin to ring. I know that it has to be Brittany I get up without a second thought I am super excited to talk to her. She got me this phone so we could stay in touch while she was in school. Im hoping She left for Alaska she was suppose last night. I can't wait to see her, I miss her so much. It is nice to have something to look forward to. My life right now is just filled with disappointment.

I answer, "Hey girl what's up?"

"So we are going to be landing at the airport in like two hours girl! You better be up and ready to have some fun!"

"Of course! I am super excited! I can't wait to see you!"

She laughs, "Are you being a little sarcastic?"

"Of course I am being sarcastic! I am just tired that's all. I couldn't sleep last night and I don't want to get out of this warm bed."

"Well we will be there soon so you've got two hours to get your ass together. I have people for you to meet including my fiancé."

"Yes Britney, I will get myself together. I will see you soon. I'm glad your coming home so we can hang out!"

Britney is so beautiful of course she is engaged and soon to be married. I have never met him, but I have heard about him a few times while we would talk on the phone. I believe his name is Derek, but I am not sure. She doesn't really talk about him all that much. She was never the type of girl that really talked about her boyfriends. She never seemed to keep the same boyfriend for too long. Her being engaged is astounding to me. I am not calling her a whore, but she just always wanted to keep her options open.

She enjoyed fucking most of the guys in our school. It's likely she has been with all of them. Which in all reality wasn't that many probably only like fifteen guys at most. Every guy that I ever liked was always interested in her so of course she was with them. I mean she didn't know I was interested in them and I would never tell her. After she was with them, there was no comparing to her.

I was friends with the prettiest girl there were consequences that came with that. Britney always got what she wanted when she wanted it with no exceptions. I just allowed her to do whatever she wanted. Sometimes I was a little jealous. But there was no comparing to her so why would I even try.

Britney went away to college. Which was easy for her since she comes from a family that has lots of money. My family we are not as fortunate I guess. You can just say we are more simple. Everything that we have, we have worked really hard for. I was not as lucky to go away to college, so I work at the local store in town. That is where I make some of my money. I just attend one of the public colleges they have here. It really isn't much of a college, but I don't complain. I hope to have my own business someday. That would be my dream, but I need to quit daydreaming.

I finally get myself moving it's about time to get my chores done. God forbid if I sleep in my mother would start freaking out. I tried as hard as I could to get off work today. I think Britney was expecting some big party because she hasn't been home in like two years. Her family has planned a party, giving her just what she wants like they always do. I think the party starts at 7pm and I know Britney's not going to understand if I don't show up on time. She will be furious with me, but some of us have to work for a living. Everyone can't be set for life like her.

Fuck I hear my mom coming up the stairs. As she comes into my room, "Jesus Amelia, what are you doing? You need to get out of your bed, do your chores, and they need to be completed before you go to work. You need to go feed the chickens and get the eggs, so we can have some breakfast."

I sit up in my bed and look at my mom, "I know mother! I'm getting up right now."

She walks over to me, Good! Now get going."

I go over and get some clothes on, I just want to get these chores over with. I really can't wait to get my own place, but honestly I doubt that It will ever  happen. Living around here is hard. My family really needs my help especially my little income that I make. For now its helping us get by. Living out here can be rough, so staying together is sometimes is the smartest anyone can do.

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