Chapter 6

Derek's POV

As I am watching Brittany hang around all her friends I start thinking about Amelia. How sweet and innocent she is, and how good her taste would be. I don't understand how she got involved with a girl like Brittany because she is obviously the complete opposite of her. I enjoyed how nervous I made her. I could tell that her skin was craving my touch. I want to make her mine. I want the opportunity to be able touch her and do anything I want to her. I want to hear her scream my name in pleasure as I am fucking her. My cock is getting hard just thinking about it.

I want Amelia as my bride instead of Brittany. I know it will be alot easier to control Amelia than Brittany. The fact that Amelia is so innocent is just a plus. I know that Amelia would be easier to break.

This marriage with Brittany isn't guaranteed if I choose Amelia. What would it really hurt I can just get her to sign the same contract, that was met for Brittany problem solved. Not like Brittany and have signed or finished any parts of the contract.

My parents think that if I come off as a family man that my business will do even better then it is already doing. They think that I need a woman by my side to give me my every desire. I don't want love. I don't even want lust. I just want to get everything I want when I want it. I am not the type of guy that snuggles and wants to play house with anyone. I am the boss and they will follow my command by a snap of my finger.

As I look at the time I see that It is 6:30pm. I walk over to Brittany to tell her that it's time to go pick up Amelia.

She looks irritated and says, "Amelia had to work, and I am not catering to her needs. She can find her own way here or just walk."

I then grab Brittany by her arm and pull her aside. "I am going to pick up your friend Amelia. It is too dark and cold to have her walk all alone."

Britney then laughs and says, "How do you think she gets anywhere any other night? She walks! Her family doesn't even own a car that's how poor they are."

"I will be right back. I am going to get your friend and bring her back to the party. I am not having her walk."

"Suit yourself Derek. Have fun with boring old Amelia."

I smile and whisper in her ear, "I intend to. Our engagement is off because you are truly a whore."

"The only reason that you want Amelia is because she's a virgin and has never been touched."

"I did not know that, but it's nice to know at least I can have a plan going forward. Dont be jealous Brittany, you will be helping me get your best friend to become mine. I crave her pussy more than I crave anything. What better person to help me to get her than you don't you think?"

"What the fuck! Why do you want her over me?"

"Brittany you have been touched by so many people. I can tell when im fucking you. Coming back to your hometown and seeing Amelia has changed everything. Now I want her, and you will help me get what I want! If not I will destroy you in every way I possibly can as well as your family. Also remember one thing; I will always get what I want when I want it. I am going to pick up Amelia. I will be right back."

"Whatever you desire my love."

As I drive away I get to the place where Amelia works. I stop her as she is starting to walk home.

I pull up beside her putting my foot down on the brakes and ask, "Do you still want to go to Brittany's party?"

Her smile is breathtaking. I can tell she is nervous, but she thanks me and gets in the car. I would've opened the door for her, but she's independent and can do it herself.

My desire for her increases as she sits in the back seat. I feel her watching me. I don't think she realises who I am. She then introduces herself to me. She is so sweet. I remind her that we have already met. I can see her confusion, so I make it known that it's me Derek. I'm Britney's fiancé. I think for now it would be good for Amelia to think I am still engaged to her best friend. I don't want to scare her just yet anyway.

As she is talking to me her voice becomes shaky. I know that I drive her as wild as she drives me. My cock gets hard just by the sight of her. I start rubbing it pleasuring myself. I imagine that she is the one rubbing my cock. I don't want to cum in my pants. I'm trying hard to resist it. Before I know it we are pulling up to Brittany's house. Amelia jumps out and runs to the door like someone is chasing her. I enjoy making her nervous. I know that she wants me, but I need to get her to come out of her shell.

I park the car and go in searching for my Amelia. I watch her from a distance. I don't want her to notice that I am stalking her every move. She is so beautiful. She doesn't realize how sexy she really is. She is so simple and different from anyone I have ever met before. I can tell that she is uncomfortable in her own skin. I don't get why because her beauty radiating.

I can tell that she is searching for Brittany but Brittany is upstairs fucking some random guy. She is paying no attention to Amelia nor does she care that Amelia is here, but she will pay. I plan on making that clear to her. I can tell that Amelia is getting restless, and she's going to be leaving any minute. I know that she forgot her coat at work and didn't go back and get it. She does not have a car nor does she have a plan for anybody to pick her up. I don't want it to be known that I have been watching her, but I also don't want her to walk home, so I approach her.

As I grab her arm I know that she's shocked to see me. Or maybe that's how nervous I make her God being this close to her is making me crazy Im enjoying breathing in her scent. As a  bulge appears in my pants. She looks at me and smiles"it OK I don't need a ride I can walk I don't mind."

Why doesn't she want me to take her home, but I'm really not giving her choice. I will not allow her to walk home by herself. As we are walking out she is so clumsy she almost falls once again. I catch her not wanting to let her go. I can tell she is embarrassed because she brushes it she. I cant help but laugh. I watch as she walks towards the car like nothing happened. Happy that she changed her mind about a ride and I didn't have to fight with her.

I go to open the door for her, but she's not the needy type. She's not like all these other girls that I have been with. I don't want to take her home I want to take her somewhere private and fuck her. I wanna know her taste. She is so beautiful that she doesn't even realize it.

I wonder if she would realize it if I didn't drive her home, and instead drove her somewhere private. I know that's not going to happen because she's too innocent. I am going to bring the nasty out of her. I'm gonna get her to do things that she never even knew existed. I can tell she's nervous as we pull up to her house. I go to lean over her to open the door and I can't resist, so I kiss her lips. I can tell that she is trying not to kiss me back, but I know she wants to.

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