Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I leave before everyone else and go to my room. My maids prepared a bath for me, and afterwards, they prepared me for bed. Payla combs my hair while Tilly and Lola make my bed.

“Your hair is so beautiful, Lux Remi.” Payla smiles at me through the mirror. “And your eyes are just charming.”

“Thank you, Payla.” I smile back.

“I’ve been alive many years, and never in my lifetime did I ever think I would be able to serve a Lux, let alone two.” She puts the comb down.

“We’re that rare?” I ask. She chuckles.

“Oh, you are funny, lady Lux.” She gathers my hair, pulls it back, and starts combing again. She thinks I’m joking? “Prince Jace is very lucky to have found you. I was starting to think he was the last one.”

“The last one?” This old maid is speaking in riddles. She speaks as if I already know what she’s talking about.

“Yes, and I think he was starting to think that too, but now, he’s not alone. Now, he has you.” She beams like a proud grandmother. “With you by his side, the Lux legacy will live on after all.”

“I don’t understand.” I frown. What legacy? What does she mean? “Am I not here for the king?” I’m fishing for whatever information she might know.

“Oh, my dear, I’m sure they will sort all that out. After all, a Lux cannot be the queen.” Did she just...sneer at me? For an old lady, she has quite the attitude. I glance at her through the mirror.

“And why is that?” I dare ask. She looks up at me with her glowing ember eyes; tense silence settles between us. She bows her head.

“Pardon me, lady Lux. I have spoken too much. I meant no offense.” I want to scream. This lady was so close to telling me something and she retreats. I exhale roughly. I feel so light headed.

“No offense was taken, Payla. I,” I pause. Should I tell her? I wring my hands together. “In Breen, nobody treated me differently because I’m a Lux.” I pick my words carefully. Perhaps I can get more information out of her this way. “It’s been difficult adjusting.”

“Oh, I understand, lady Lux.” She nods. “This change must be very difficult for you indeed. However, I’m sure D’ka and Prince Jace will help you in how to conduct yourself here.” There it is again, that slight, condescending tone. Am I imagining it? “As a Lux, you will probably be pulled out of the selection.”

“What?” I clench my fists. Was she told something?

“Ah, but don’t listen to this old maid, Lux Remi. I hardly know what I’m talking about.” She chuckles lightly and pats me on the shoulder.

“Your bed is ready, lady Lux.” Lola comes over and curtsies.

I want to shake this old lady until her teeth fall out. How can she say something so nonchalantly and expect me to just shrug it off!? I grit my teeth. In due time.

“Thank you, Lola.” I stand up and turn to Payla. “Thank you, Payla. My hair has never felt smoother.” Payla curtsies. I do my best not to glare at her as I stiffly walk over and hop onto my bed. It’s so soft. I sink into it, letting my frustration and anger go. It’s not worth it tonight.

“Goodnight, lady Lux.” All my maids curtsy and leave the room.

“Goodnight.” I mumble as the door clicks shut. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

The week passes by in a blur.

All the girls got fitted for three dresses - all red dresses with orange sashes - to their exact measurements. I, on the other hand, was fitted for three lilac dresses with an ombre sash that went from white to yellow. The tailors were excited and told me that they never expected to make a Lux wardrobe for two. I liked their enthusiasm, even though I know it’s misplaced.

All the other lessons passed by in a daze. I don’t remember a single detail, even though I answered several questions. The daily schedule is rigid, starting the day just before sunrise and ending well into the evening. The first thing we do is eat a small breakfast, then it’s etiquette lessons with D’ka, history with Vo, then lunch, and after lunch is poetry with Lady Linnett. She is a spindly lady, with her ashen-colored hair always in a tight bun and frown lines around her lips. She has sharp eyes that glow, like my maid Payla. Both women are quite old and worn.

I actually like poetry. I find it quite peaceful and beautiful. I like the way some of the poems flow together, like the ocean when it gently rolls onto the sand. Lady Linnett has such high expectations for us to learn, memorize, and recite several poems by the next day. It’s foolish to me, but she says that a queen must be able to memorize discussions, important people’s names, and little details of big events that take place in the palace. She says that a queen must be able to store all kinds of information and know what to use, when to use it, and how.

After poetry, we have several lessons with Master Lewos, who is Master of the Arts. He is in charge of our dance lessons, music, painting, archery, swordsmanship, glass making, needlework, and horseback riding. He has assistants, but he is the main instructor for all of these activities. We learn something new every day, but Master Lewos says that eventually we will fall into our talents and start focusing on that. He says that every queen has excelled with one special talent during her reign and that it is his job to help us find it.

Of course, I already have a talent: I can make pearls. However, that is not something I am going to share, because no Fire Queen in their history has ever been able to do that. Plus, I am not even being considered for queen, so I have to “find my talent.” I roll my eyes every time I think about that phrase.

After our time with Master Lewos, we have dinner. Thankfully, we have a little bit of free time after dinner. It’s usually during this time that I wander around the palace with either Oliver or Deckette. I still get lost after a few turns, but I am slowly getting the lay of the land. I’m trying to find different ways out of the palace, unbeknownst to my guard. I’ve found my way to the vault a few times, much to my annoyance.

Tonight, however, I found my way to the library.

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