Read with BonusRead with Bonus


I am slow to admit it, but I have been looking forward to seeing Jace and listening to him read. He has such a lovely voice that is not very deep, but not high pitched. It’s become such a soothing sound for me, almost like listening to the waves roll up on the sand at Breen. How I have missed the salty air and chilly breeze. I miss the cows. I always leave in a better mood than when I first meet with the prince. I catch myself smiling. I quickly cough to try to cover it up, but Anna nudges me.

“What has got you smiling all secret like?” She muses, grinning at me.

“You must have something in your eye.” I shake my head. “I was enjoying the food, simple as that.”

“Now why don’t I believe you?” She tilts her head then giggles. “No matter. I enjoyed dancing today. What about you, Remi?”

“It was…taxing to say the least. Do you have any idea what you’re going to base your poem off of?” I take a sip of the orange drink in front of me. It always burns going down.

“I think I will base it off the bakery. I miss the smell of fresh bread in the morning. I miss the heat of the oven in winter, the warm glow and the cozy feeling. I miss my parents.” She pauses. “But most of all, I miss the boy I left at home.” She mumbles the last part. I whip my head around to look at her.

“What?!” I exclaim. “I never knew you had a lover in Breen!” I gasp.

“Hush!” She smiles and quickly looks around. “He’s not my lover, goodness, don’t sound so lewd.” She playfully smacks my arm. “He does not even know of my feelings.”

“What?” I stare at her, wide eyed. “Who is he? Does he feel the same way? How long have you loved him? Tell me, tell me!” I grab her arm and shake it playfully. She laughs and bats my hand away.

“No. You can listen to the poem in two days and try to guess then.” I don’t know why I never assumed Anna would’ve liked anyone. It never crossed my mind, but now that she has said something, I can’t stop thinking about it. Who could it be? “Anyways, Joyce is lucky to be home.” Anna switches topics. “She was one of the first to leave. I only hope I can go home soon. I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”

“Neither did I. I wonder what her night with the king was like.” We both glance down the table to Maya. “I wonder what her night was like. I wish she would tell us what to expect.”

“I guess that is part of the mystery. If we were to know what to expect, then we would probably prepare for it. Seeing as he has seen so many girls, I would think he wants it to be original.” Anna shrugs.

“I guess. I wonder when your night will come.”

“Hopefully soon.” I glance at her with my eyebrows raised. “I know I was excited to be here, and I still am, I just really want to go home now.” I know the feeling. I pat her on the arm and we share a knowing look.

After dinner, I quickly make my way to the library, anticipation in my every step. Every night I expect Jace to hold us to our wager, and every night I am slightly disappointed. He continues to ask me what I want if I win, and I just don’t have an answer for him, yet. He seems to know what he wants if he wins. But tonight, I am confident that Jace will not disappoint, because he has been really building up tonight's story. I can’t imagine what it is about. I swing open the door and to my surprise, the library is empty. I frown and falter in my stride a little. Where is he? He’s usually on time, if not early. I quickly scan the aisles and turn up with nothing.

“Oliver?” I walk back out of the library. “Am I late?”

“No, my lady.” He looks concerned. “Don’t worry. I am sure the captain will turn up any moment now.” He tries to reassure me. I hear footsteps scurrying down the hall. Those are too quick to be the captain.

“Lady Lux.” A small boy appears before me, bowing. “Please excuse the prince, he will be unable to attend your meeting tonight.”

“What? Are you sure?” I frown, feeling quite disappointed.

“Yes, my lady. He sent me here to tell you.” The boy straightens up and holds out a bouquet of flowers. “He told me to give this to you. He picked it himself in the palace gardens.” The boy beams with pride. He is cute, maybe 8 or 10, and a bit scruffy. I can tell he really likes the captain. I take the bouquet and am quite impressed by its volume. I realize I am smiling. I hide behind the flowers.

“You may inform the prince, that I will forgive him this once, seeing as he went through a great trouble to pick these flowers.” The little boy nods.

“May I ask if you like them, lady Lux?” He looks at me with a great excitement that I believe this question is to satisfy his own boyish hope. I chuckle.

“I enjoy them very much, good sir.” He blushes bright red and bows again. “You may also inform the prince that the next time he sends flowers, I will be expecting him to deliver them.” I cover my mouth with my hand, shocked that I said that out loud. I feel myself starting to blush. I am glad Oliver is here right now, instead of Deckette. I’d never hear the end of it.

The small boy steals a quick glance at me, then takes off running down the hall. I sigh and take a deep breath of the flowers. They are truly magnificent. I haven’t seen flowers since we left Breen, but I certainly have never seen flowers such as these. I do not even know the names of most of them. The only flowers I recognize are the very deep, red roses. Some of them look like white trumpets, some are golden clusters, some have long stems with multiple flowers crawling up them, and some are as big and wide as my hand.

I look at Oliver, who is standing in a formal position, looking at the wall across from us. I sometimes wish he were like Deckette and engages with me in conversations, but that is so improper that poor Oliver would most likely have a stroke if he ever did that.

“I suppose we can retire early tonight, Oliver.” I start back towards my room. All my ladies gush about the bouquet the moment I step into my room. They are excited for me and fill up a large vase for the flowers. Tilly arranges them to sit on the table next to my bed.

“It’s so large!” Lola exclaims. “And very delicate. Did the prince give you these?” She smiles widely.

“In a round-about way.” I smile, thinking back to the small boy. I’ll have to ask Jace about him later. My ladies all glance at each other.

“It is nice to see you smile, my lady.” Payla smiles. “I am glad the prince is showing you such favor.”

“Shall we draw a bath for you?” Tilly asks.

“Yes, a bath would be wonderful. Thank you.” Payla starts to comb my hair as Tilly and Lola fill the tub with salt and water. “I do not even know the names to most of those flowers. I was told the prince picked them from the palace garden. Where is that? I was not even aware such a place existed here in the palace.”

“Ah, the royal palace gardens are only for the royal family. It is not showcased for the world to know. Back in the peaceful era, it was donated to us fire folk and was the marvel of this kingdom. In all my years of service here, I have never seen it. We are not allowed to know of its whereabouts. But when I was a little girl, I remember my grandmother telling me stories that her grandfather told her of the garden.”

“Amazing.” How can they keep a garden alive in these conditions? I can barely survive.

“Now that you are here, perhaps I will be privileged to see it before the end of my life.” Payla smiles dreamily.

“Your bath is ready, my lady.” Lola comes out and curtsies. Payla puts the comb down and steps back, also dropping down to a curtsy. I will never get used to that. I stride to the bathroom and have Tilly undress me. I step into the steaming tub and sink down. I heave a big sigh as I hear the door latch click as Tilly leaves the room.

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