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Chapter 24: Reactions

Okay in this chapter I was thinking about making the heroes reaction, knowing that 'Hitoshi Shinso' is actually the 1st childhood friend of Akatani Mikumo.

So I decided to make a suprise chapter on what will be there reaction/s.

" " : Normal talk

[ ] : Screen talk

Heroes's POV

[Please listen 'I heard a rumor... That you will remember me now...'] Hitoshi said in Akatani Mikumo

As every heroes watching they are confused on what they've just witness and they also saw Akatani's eyes turned grey then they've saw Akatani confused.

[What are these... These memories... These are mine... You are my 1st childhood friend before...] Akatani said as Hitoshi nodded from his words and everyone watching in U.A. was surprised on what they've witness.

"Okay what's just happened?" Present Mic asked

"How could that be?" Nezu said

[But.... How....] Akatani said

[I'll tell you everything but let's just get inside I'm sure lots of people are watching live in broadcast.] Hitoshi said as they get inside.

"Deploy one drone now." Nezu said


[So let me get the straight you brainwashed me before in order to protect me.] Akatani said as Hitoshi nodded

[From who?] Akatani asked

[Before I answer that I want you looked at this photo.] Hitoshi said as he gave the photo to Akatani.

[Who's this?] Akatani asked

[She is Mrs. Vanya Hargreaves... She is the first ever called 'The White Violin' and the first wielder of the quirk you have 'Songstresser' that is the name of the quirk you possess... Evenly she is your Great great great grandmother.] Hitoshi said

"Vanya Hargreaves.... The White Violin.... Songstresser...." Nezu said as he was starting to trembling in feared and All Might saw Nezu reaction

[I don't understand.] Akatani said

[Please let me finish first... You quirk is a specialist unlike other types the specialist is a different type... It has everything emitter, mutation, transformation and conduit has it that's the reason why it's called a specialist... Akatani you are very special you can do or you can be everything.] Hitoshi said

"A quirk that has all types is that even possible?" Endeavour said

[Then why did you make forget about you.] Akatani said

[Akatani specialist is different they already have a very powerful quirk and there quirk is already awaken ever since they were a baby.] Hitoshi said as Akatani and everyone whose watching live shocked on what he said.

"A quirk like that can exist." Midnight said

"No way" Detective Naomasa response

"I can't believe on what I hear." All Might said

[You're asking who is the person that is after for your quirk... It was your dad.] Hitoshi said and this makes Akatani widened his eyes

Every Heroes was surprised on what Hitoshi said, and Endeavour was more surprised.

[Why did he do that?] Akatani asked

[Your father was a sick old bastard I still remember everything... When we were playing at your house I accidentally heard your father only married your mother because of quirk.] Hitoshi said

"Quirk Marriage" Eraserhead said and every heroes begun more to surprise.

[What's the connection of my mother.] Akatani said

[Mrs. Inko she was in the blood line of Vanya Hargreaves... Akatani your father is trying to use you as a tool for his success... So that he can be famous.] Hitoshi said

As Hitoshi said those words the slightly understand the situation.

[My father did those things... But wait then why he leaves me that doesn't make any sense.] Akatani said as he was confuse

The heroes also confused as well that something isn't right on why Akatani's father leave him.

[I did those things to him when we were in the age of four I rumored you that 'You think you're just ordinary' so that he can say his plan was a failure and it did work, and Mrs Inko can't bare another child.] Hitoshi said

Every Heroes widened there eyes in shocked that they can't believe that Hitoshi use his quirk in public with even noticing.

[All these time you did those things to me.] Akatani said as he was crying.

They're even more surprised that he is the one that makes Akatani to think he is a quirk less.

[I only did those things to protect you I rumored you 3 time that was the first one, the second one is that 'In the aged of 14 your quirk will awaken'.] Hitoshi said

[Then that explains why I am a late bloomer and what was the last one.] Akatani said

[You will forget about me.] Hitoshi said as Akatani was surprised on what he heard.

The was surprised and slightly confused on why he do that act.

["Why why did you do that?] Akatani asked

[I have to... Also I need to manipulate the doctors including your dad... I rumored him that 'he will leave you and your mother and forget about them' plus I can't forgive myself that time, I was only waiting for the right moment but we were kids that time I mean will believe me of course not, also I love you.] Hitoshi said as he was crying now.

"Say what did he just said he brainwashed a doctor." Eraserhead said

"This is way more than just a disobeying a law." Naomasa said

Akatani walked towards to Hitoshi then he suddenly move his right hand and SLAP

[You stupid eyebags you could have said those things earlier... Not to mention I always thought something is wrong with my memories... Why I still dreaming an indigo hair boy, why I'm always afraid of cats and why is it I feel always empty.] Akatani said as he crying then somehow he smiled.

[And thank you for always there for me.] Akatani said

[You're not mad at me.] Hitoshi said as Izuku nodded

[How can I be mad you already became my hero and evenly your also an Extraordinary gift to me, and I never regret loving you.] Akatani said as he hugged Hitoshi

"Aww I think that's what it means to be an Extraordinary." Midnight said

Later that moment Akatani immediately noticed the drone and use his quirk to destroy it.

As the drone finally destroy Naomasa noticed that Nezu is more terrified.

"Nezu are you okay" Naomasa asked as everyone in the room look at him.

"Akatani.... He needs to be more on watched.... He needs more protection!!!!" Nezu said in feared
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