Chapter One

Morgans POV

Horses are such beautiful and wonderful creatures. I watched as Classic and Punch raced around the outside riding arena that I had placed them in to finish my cleaning duties in the barn. I sat on the fence watching them jump and gallop around in circles, neighing and playing with each other like the best of friends they were.

I listened as they shouted their responses to each other. God only knows what they were saying. The wind was swirling around in the trees. It wasn’t a chilly day, but a nice warm one at that. I was comfortably clothed in old jeans and a t-shirt. I tossed my hair back while the wind ravaged through the mangled mess. I smiled and laughed at their nonsense of rolling around in the mud, right after I had literally just finished bathing them before allowing them into the arena.

“I just washed you two this morning! “ I said shaking my head as they both whinnied at me. I shook a fist at them, jumping down from the gate, watching as they galloped the opposite way, bucking their hind legs back at me and neighing in a playful manner. "Did you just tell me to fuck off?!" I yelled at them. Classic shook her beautiful mane around and whinnied at me. She was totally laughing at me. I placed my hands on my hips and glared at them.

"You're asking for it! No treats for you two!" I hollered back, sneaking the horse treats back into my jeans pocket, briefly turning my back towards them. I stayed like that for a couple minutes before feeling a hot breath roll down the back of my neck. I turned my head around to face Punch, who nudged my back looking for the treats I had so well hidden.

"Oh," I pulled out one of the treats from my pocket, "is this what you want girl?" I held out the treat in the palm of my hand as Punch nuzzled her mouth over my hand, nipping at my hand with her lips till she found her prize. I laughed. Classic trotted over in her usual 'care-free' strut. She nuzzled my face with hers, looking down at me with her beautiful green eyes.

"Here you go girl." I said, holding a treat in one hand while running my other hand down her face. They both were beautiful black horses with whites around their hooves. If it wasn't for different breeders, you wouldn't think twice about them being twins. Punch had big, brown, beautiful eyes while Classic had green eyes. I sighed looking at the both of them, petting their faces. I leaned into each of them and wrapped my arms around their necks. They leaned forward, lowering their heads over my shoulder, as if giving me a hug in return. I patted the sides of their neck before backing away from them.

"Why would two marvelous creatures want to stay locked up in a pen, when there was a larger world out of their reach?" That question boggled my mind. I turn towards the barn and head back in to finish my stall duties. "I'll be back to get you both once your stalls are cleaned!" I yelled at them over my shoulder.

The barn was a very large place and held about 10-15 horses, each having their own stall. I was the only worker allowed to be here by myself. Because there was no one else that worked at the barn, I had to muck out each stall, give each horse a bath and feed them. The stalls I normally made decent and picked at each one every other day. I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. Working in a barn was hard work, but it was extremely rewarding. Having no one around and a broken radio, it definitely gave me more time to think than I wanted to. It reminded me of how alone I actually was.

Two Years Ago

"Dad!" I shouted through the house. I searched every room, no one was here. "Dad!" I shouted again.

"In the kitchen! Come down here, there's someone I want you to meet!" I heard my dad call from downstairs.


I raced downstairs, wondering who exactly my dad wanted me to meet. He had been extremely secretive for the past couple months. I rushed down the staircase and into the kitchen. We didn't have a very large house, but it was two story at least. I turned the corner to see my dad sitting at the table, a woman sitting next to him. I paused. They both looked up at me and smiled, my dad motioning for me to come sit down.

I slowly walked over to where they sat and pulled out the chair next to my dad. I stared at the woman, folding my arms over my chest. My eyes lingered down to where their hands sat. They were holding hands! I glanced up at my dad and this mystery woman.

"Morgan, this is Celestial. Celestial, I want to introduce you to my daughter, Morgan." He said standing from his chair. Celestial stood up before walking around the table towards me. She had the biggest smile and beautiful grey eyes. Celestial couldn't have been much taller than me, and at 15 I was standing at about 5' 6".

"I have heard SO much about you!" She leaned down giving me a hug. "I hope that we can get to know each other a lot more!" She pulled away and kneeled in front of me. She placed her hands on mine. Her hands were FREEZING!

"Hi, Celestial. It's very nice to meet you." I said warmly.

"Sweetie, I know you must be extremely curious-"

"Yeah, pretty much." I shrugged, cutting my dad off before he could finish. "I'm just going to assume that Celestial is your girlfriend?" I gave him my mother's famous all-knowing look. He rolled his eyes and laughed. My mother died when I was 8 years old. It was from a car accident, or at least that is what my father said. Somehow, he didn't seem to believe it when he said it either. My dad raised me all by himself. So the fact that he had Celestial now made me quite happy. Because that's what my dad deserved to be: happy.

"Yes, I am!" Celestial chimed in, not missing a beat between my father's and my antics. "I hope we can get along splendidly. Do you like to go shopping?"

"No, not really." I shrugged. Celestial looked disappointed. "But I'm sure there is something we can both do that we enjoy together!" I added quickly. Celestial smiled her big smile again. "I do have one question though."

" You're my daughter, I wouldn't expect any less from you." My dad laughed.

"If you don't mind me asking," I turned towards Celestial, "but are you not human?"

"I told you that she'd catch on quick." My dad playfully elbowed Celestial. Celestial giggled like a high school girl. It didn't take away from her dazzling beauty, but it kind of made her more endearing.

"No, Morgan, I am not human."

"Well then, what are you?"

They both looked at me with somewhat bashful eyes.

"Should we tell her?" Celestial turned towards my dad. Her silver-grey eyes seemed to be lost as to what to do.

"We may as well."

"Um, yes, you may as well tell me. I'd rather not be surprised. Although, I think I have a pretty decent idea of what you are." I said, a winning grin slowly growing on my face.

"Morgan, Celestial is a vampire."

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