Chapter Three
Shopping. God how I hated shopping. Yet I promised dad. Celestial and I sat in the nail salon in town that she really liked to go to. I wasn't too much of a fan of getting my nails done, but by the Mythical God's above, they knew how to take care of the feet. I chuckled softly to myself. I don't remember the last time I had been pampered. I laid my head back against the chair, listening to the other females gossiping to each other.
'When was the last time I was pampered like this?' I thought to myself. My mind drifted back to my mom painting my nails. Doing everything she could to make me a girly girl. I sighed.
"Everything okay Morgan?" I heard Celestial ask. I looked up, everyone was staring at me.
"Oh, yeah. Everything's fine." I shrugged. "This is just making me miss my mom. Dad turned me into such a tomboy, that I never really did things like this after my mom died." I said honestly. Celestial looked down at her hands that were resting in her lap.
"I understand. I hope you don't think I'm trying to replace your mom." She spoke, slightly above a whisper.
"No!" I grabbed her hand, forcing her to look at me. "I would never think that! I had my mom yes, but she died when I was young. Now," I looked her dead in the eyes and smiled, "now I have you. A new mom. A second mom. Someone I can talk to about boys when dad's not around. I love you. You make dad really happy and in turn, that makes me happy."
She smiled brightly, showing all her pearly white teeth, fangs included. Her eyes sparkled.
After about an hour and a half, our nails were prepped and polished. Her nails were long, with red and gold paint. Mine were simple, white with little green flowers. No, I'm not a child, I just liked the simplicity of it.
We went to a couple stores, looking at shoes, dresses, jewelry. I knew we would be coming back to these stores after tomorrow, so I motioned to her to the wedding dress shop. She laughed at me, curiousity brimming in her eyes.
"Why a wedding dress shop?"
"Just because." I giggled, opening the door to the shop. Before I could walk in, I bumped into a strong figure. I almost fell back, but before I could brace for impact on the concrete, I felt a strong, gentle hand grab ahold of my back. Sparks tingled all along my body, licking my skin for goosebumps to appear. I looked up at my mysterious savior. I stared into a pair of cobalt blue eyes. They danced like rain as they looked down into my golden hazel eyes.
"Are you okay?" His voice husky, but kind. I gulped.
"U-u-u-um y-y-yes." I stuttured. He stood me up, not entirely releasing me from his firm grip. My hand rested on his chest, feeling his heartbeat pound beneath my hand. We stared at each other for what seemed like hours. Sparks growing more as our skins touched. 'What is going on?' I thought to myself. He finally released his grip on my back, my face showing my disappointment as he took a step back. Although I just met this guy, his touch sent a wonderous feeling through me; like we were connected somehow. The emptiness I felt when his touch was gone took a toll on my already confused heart and mind.
"I'm sorry for bumping into you. My name is Mark." He smiled at me. A drop dead, gorgeous smile with a few crooked teeth. The way his eyes bore into mine made a shiver go up my spine.
'I've seen him before, somewhere. Where could I have seen him before?'
"I'm Morgan." I smiled back. He lifted my hand and planted a kiss on the back of my hand. Electricity shot through my whole body just from his touch. The warm touch forced my cheeks to turn a light shade of pink. His eyes never leaving mine, smiling against my hand. I felt my face grow hotter and a knot forming in the pit of my stomach. Butterflies burst from my heart, engulfing me in a warmth I've never felt before. This was enticingly odd.
This man was a GOD in human form. His cobalt blue eyes were paired with rugged features and a slight scar running from one corner of his eye to his cheek. He was rigid in his face, like he had seen hard battles in his lifetime. He wasn't built like most guys that you see, but in all definition of the word, this man was gorgeous from head to toe. His black hair created a type of barrier that only showed his eyes as he looked at me. The darkest part of the swirling cobalt kept secrets hidden from the rest of the world, but I could see them.
"Morgan," as if tasting the sweetness of my name on his tongue, "it's a beautiful name. I hope we can meet again soon." He looked up at Celestial and gave her a quick nod before turning to walk away. My face still warm and pink, I vowed to myself I was never washing my hands again, or my back for that matter.
"Oh he was a hottie!" Celestial whispered in my ear, a mischevious grin forming on her face. I turned my head to her, replaying the whole incident in my mind, making my face flush red even more. "Morgan, your face!" Celestial snorted. It made my face grow hotter.
"Can we skip the dress shop?" I pulled my hoodie over my head, bringing my long, brown hair to hide my face. Celestial laughed even harder.
"Of course, it is about time to go home and cook dinner. Maybe we can tell your dad about your admirer." She poked me. I shook my head and turned away from the shop.
"Lets NOT bring this up to dad." I emphasized. "He would kill me."
Celestial smiled as we walked back to the car. We sat in silence the whole car ride. My mind swirled, causing a massive headache to form. I pinched the bridge of my nose. The whole incident with Mark had my whole body feeling hot. My insides were still twisted and my face grew hotter as I thought about his cobalt blue eyes looking into my own. I wouldn't deny that the man was DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! His muscles, his soft black hair that formed around his face as it hung in front of his eyes, everything about him was magnificent.
"Morgan." Celestial took me from my thoughts.
"Hmm. Yeah?" I turned to face her from my position looking out the window.
"I've been asking you if your dad had said anything about who's supposed to be coming over tomorrow. You said it was big wigs coming in, what do you mean by big wigs?" She gripped the steering wheel, her knuckles turning whiter than her already pale skin.
"Oh, he just said they were big wigs. I would assume its corporate people that own the company." I shrugged. I was never a good liar, but I had to say something to keep his secret. The Township had allowed an out-of-state company to come in and build a factory on the outskirts of city limits. It was the only factory within miles of the sea of woods that surrounded the Township. My dad happened to be the head foreman there, so corporate people came from different cities to evaluate the company and how the factory was making progress every once in awhile.
"Oh, okay." She whispered.
"Is everything okay?" I patted her arm.
"Oh, yes. Everything is fine. I just don't understand why your father didn't tell me. He has been kind of distant lately. It has me worried."
"Dad loves you Celest. Maybe he's just been overwhelmed with them coming into town and he's trying to make sure that everything is perfect. You know how dad gets. Everything needs to be perfect." I smiled a soft smile at her. She seemed to release her tension and shrugged.
"Perhaps you're right. I just wish he would have told me about it."
"Believe me, the outfit you picked out is going to knock everyone out of the park." I winked at her. "Celest, tomorrow will be perfect and a night to remember."
"I'm sure you are very much right. Are we cooking or is dad having it catered?"
"I believe he's having it catered." I took a sip of my water. I prayed for tomorrow to be absolutely fantastic. I knew when I saw the dress that Celestial picked out, that it was absolutely perfect. She picked out a strapless, floor length, greenish-blue sequin dress that slit down from her knee, just showing enough skin. Dad was going to keel over when he saw his future wife in this dress. My dress wasn't nearly as fancy, but still sexy enough. It was a two piece dress. The top was a simple one shouldered black top attaching to a front slit, belted, grey skirt. The best part about my outfit, the skirt had pockets! I was over the moon giddy when I had found that out.
"Tomorrow will be interesting." I heard her say to herself.
You have no idea, Celest. Absolutely no idea. I went back to staring out the window, letting my thoughts run wild as to what my dad had planned.
'Mark.' I thought to myself. 'I could see myself dating a guy like him. Yet there was something about him. That feeling that was sent through my body was weird. If only I could figure out what that was all about.'
Before I had realized it, we made it home just in time to cook dinner. We carried the bags in and I handed dad back his credit card. After we sat down to eat, I walked to my room and hopped in my shower. Letting the warm water run down my body was relaxing. Not too long after, I laid in my bed. Quickly and peacefully, I drifted off to sleep, anxious for what tomorrow would bring.