Chapter Five

We both bolted out of the house to the car and hopped in. We threw on the radio and sang any song that we knew that came on. We laughed at each others horrible singing while pulling into the Starbucks drive through. We ordered our drinks and headed to the town square and parked the car. The weather outside was beautiful for spring. Celestial and I walked over to the fountain and sat down on a bench.

"The weather is absolutely gorgeous today!" Celestial nudged me while taking a drink of her Mocha Frappuccino. "I wonder if we'll keep having this weather for a few days before it starts getting too hot." Being the middle of May, it normally tends to get hotter during this time. Having a nice breese flow through the middle of the town felt exhilarating. These types of day's don't last very long.

"I know! It's absolutely beautiful. I wonder if the Gods took pity on us humans and decided to allow Mother Nature to grant us some cooler days." I snorted. I took a long drink of my Caramel Frappuccino, while looking around at the crowd that passed by. "Everyone is wearing jeans and a coverall like it's freezing or something out." I waved my hand around.

Celestial laughed. She went to take a sip before pausing and looking up. Her eyes wide and a smirk forming on her face. "Oh! Is that who I think it is?" She nudged me without breaking her stare. I looked at her and followed where her eyes were looking. My mouth dropped. "Hi Mark!" She waived at him.

My face instantly flushed. Those cobalt blue eyes making me shiver at the sight of him. I gulped, looking down at my drink, breaking eye contact with him. I glanced up to see his smile as he walked up to us.

"Hey Morgan, I don't believe I caught your name ma'am?." His voice was like honey to my ears. My face flushed even more. I maneuvered my long brown hair in front of my eyes, leaning down to take a sip from my drink. I nodded my head at him, still looking down.

"Celestial. You can call me Celest. How are you doing this fine day?" Celestial beamed at him. I saw her look at me from the corner of her eyes. A mischeivious grin starting to form from her regular smile.

"Oh, I'm doing alright, I guess. Just doing a little bit of exploring." I watched his cobalt eyes swirling with mischief. "Walking around and taking in the scenery. It's extremely beautiful." He smiled, looking directly at me. My face went beat red and I quickly turned my face away from him.

"Looking at beautiful scenery, huh?" Celestial pondered this, the mischevious smile growing ever larger. I groaned silently to myself. "You know, there is a party at our house this evening, a lot of corporate people coming into town for a private dinner. Morgan could use a plus one, if you're interested and free tonight?"

"I would love to! Unfortunately, I don't have a suit, would some decent dress clothes suit this event?" Mark smiled at Celest. They both glanced at me, feeling their eyes on me, I just quickly nodded my head. Avoiding all eye contact with Mark as much as possible. He made me feel something deep inside that I couldn't quite figure out, it was terrifying.

"Absolutely! Regular dress clothes will be fine. It's not a complete black tie affair." She was just eating this up. I couldn't take it anymore. I sat up straight and stared straight past Mark, both of them jumping at my suddent reaction.

"Yeah, I'm wearing a half black top with a ankle length gray skirt." I said quietly. I could see both Celestial and Mark smile. His eyes glistening in the sunlight. My heart raced loudly in my ears. My breathing became shallow. "I can give you my phone number and you can text me for the address. We must get going. Celest and I still have to get ready for tonight."

Before either of them could say anything, I grabbed the napkin from my cup and held my hand out for a pen. Celest reached into her purse giving me a pen. I quickly jotted my number down on it and handed it to Mark. I then turned on my heel and started walking to the car. I could hear both of them snicker behind me, my face growing ever the more red.

"God, why did this have to happen to me?" I thought. I groaned silently to myself and shook my head. "I feel like such an idiot. Such. A. Fucking. Idiot." I made it back to the car, leaning up against it waiting for Celest to catch up. Mark walked past us, waving at me. I slowly waved back, grabbing the passenger handle and throwing the car door open to escape inside. 'Gods this is a nightmare.'

We made it back to the house and before Celestial could throw it into park, I threw the door open on my side and bolted into the house. I felt like such an idiot. I didn't say a single word to her the entire way. I rushed past my dad going up the stairs and ran into my room, slamming the door behind me. I threw myself on my bed and cried. I really WAS an idiot. I sighed. Being a teenager girl was hard, but being thrown into something like that, no one could be prepared for it.

"What's wrong with Morgan?" I heard my dad out in the hallway.

"Well Chris, your daughter has a crush on a boy and may feel like she embarrassed herself in front of him." I heard Celestial whisper loudly to my dad. "I invited him tonight. He seems like a wonderful boy. He's also-" Her voice went quiet likely whispering to my dad.

'He's also what?' I wondered. Was there something wrong with him? Is this something that I needed to know? I shook my head, I shouldn't be worried about that. I should be worried about him showing up to my house.

"Oh, I see." I heard his voice through my door.

"You don't exactly let her talk about boys to you Chris, so it's rather embarrasing for her to understand how men think when her dad can't talk to her about the male species." Her tone was harsh and firm. I smiled into my pillow. Thank God for Celestial.

Knock Knock

"Morgan, sweetie, can I come in?" I heard my door creak open as Celestial poked her head in. I kept my head in my pillow but motioned for her to come in with my hand. I slammed my hand back next to my head. Breathing a heavy sigh into my pillow, I forced myself to prop myself up on my elbows. I didn't look at her, instead I just stared out my window. I felt my bed shift as she sat down at the edge of it. I could see her reflection off the window. "Your dad loves you very much, but he's not the smartest when it comes to having a teenage daughter." She giggled.

"It's not that." I broke in. I could see Celestial turn her head towards me. "I made an idiot of myself, yesterday and today. I doubt he would even consider liking me. My teenage, emotional brain started thinking of what it would be like to date him. And the sparks I felt, how do I know he felt the same thing as me?" I sighed, resting my face in my hands, still propped up by my elbows. "There aren't that many guys I like, and he's mysterious and gorgeous and I'm," I paused, glancing at Celestial, sorrow in my eyes, "me. Plain, ole boring me; how could anyone like me?"

"No you didn't. At least, I don't see how you did. Sparks?" Celest went ridged for a split second, looking away from me and mumbling to herself. "No, it couldn't be..."

I looked at her, curious what she was mumbling about. "What, what couldn't be?" I sat up straighter and moved closer to her. She paused for a split second, her eyebrows furrowing together.

"Nothing that you need to worry about right now. Now come on," she patted my leg, "lets go get ready for this dinner. Let's kill our outfits and make everyone else jealous. You still have a way to redeem yourself." I looked up to her smiling a big smile at me. Her fangs were showing moreso than usual. It didn't really freak me out, like it probably would most people, but it was always interesting when her fangs made an appearance in her smiles.

I sighed. I looked out the window again, thinking for a moment. I slapped my thighs. "Alright." I said turning towards her. "Lets do this. Lets get fabulous." I jumped off the bed, grabbed my outfit and shoes, and walked to the master bedroom with Celestial. After an hour or so, both Celestial and I were primmed and proper. We had on our beautiful outfits. Celestial curled my hair in banana curls which fell halway down my back. She did my make-up ever so lightly and then turned her attention to herself. She straightened her hair and applied her make-up.

"You look gorgeous, darling." She cupped her hands on my face, forcing me to look into her eyes. "Don't ever doubt the beauty you have. Granted you don't need all this," she motioned at the make-up and curls, "because you are absolutely gorgeous without it." She nipped the tip of my nose with her finger. I smiled gently. I nodded at her, walking towards the door.

"Thanks Celestial. Now come on. Lets knock some people off their feet."

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