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Chap.3*Forced In His Bed*

I watched him getting closer to me. It felt like my nightmares came face to face with me. The fear I felt in my veins was worse than watching my own death in front of me. What hurt me the most was that my own father was the reason I was in this position today.

"I've told you to give up, now see, you and I are finally gonna have some fun." He placed his palms on both sides of me, trapping me in between his arms. "Ah! You smell so damn good," he sniffed through my hair and closed his eyes to moan a bit.

I was hugging myself, pulled together, and sobbing in my mouth.

"I will scr--scream!" I warned In a broken tone. My hands clasped together in front of my chest to avoid coming in contact with his chest and my face turned to the side as looking straight into his eyes was spine-chilling.

"You will wake up your sisters, oh! In case you want me to take Cierra instead of you, go ahead, scream." He crackled at how evil his mind was.

"Now, if you don't want it to hurt, you will cooperate." the smirk once covering his lips was gone now. He was down to business and he didn't intend to waste a single minute.

"Go to bed and lay down," he took a step back to release me from the cage of his arms and gestured towards the bed.

I found my body shivering uncontrollably. It was all too frightening to be real. My freaking father, who was supposed to keep me safe, lead the devil straight to me.

"Okay, as you wish." I didn't realize I had pissed him off until he lunged in my direction and grasped a fistful of my hair to pull me away from the wall.

"Ahhh!" I let out a blood curdling squeal in pain as my body was forcefully pushed on the bed. Before I could blink, he was already on top of me.

"No!" I shouted in revulsion when his lips touched my skin. He had completely dug his face in my neck with his lips sucking my skin mercilessly.

I was trying to oppose his attempts, but he had pinned one of my hands over my head. He was stopping my every struggle of pushing him off. His touch was neither gentle nor pleasant.

I was screaming at this point, he had somehow managed to take off his shirt and had torn apart my nightgown from the middle till my bra was revealed.

I could hear some noises from outside the door, I might have awakened my sisters, but there was no point since they couldn't break down that door.

Benjamin licked my whole neck to my chin, leaving bite marks all over my chest and neck. I could feel that his body was ready now, he immediately began to unbuckle his pant and I knew inside my head, it's either I try hard or tolerate the pain.

As my hand was freed for a moment, I stretched it out to the lamp placed on the nightstand, and without any hesitation, I hit Benjamin on his head.

The silence engulfed us, his eyes widened in anger and then the blood began to pour down his face all the way to my chest. He lost his consciousness and landed on me, his face resting on my chest.

I was trembling in fear and desperation. I rolled his body to the side and got out of the bed.

"I killed him!" I uttered through quivering lips. "Oh no! What have I done?" tears sprung down with force this time as my brain began to swirl.

"Ayleen? Open the door!" Cierra's voice from outside the door shook me awake from the world of despair I had lost myself into. I reached the door and unlocked it, thankfully, it was only Cierra as I didn't want Hazel to witness this scene.

"Oh my God! What happened?" Cierra too was shocked to see the amount of blood dripping onto the sheets.

"I didn't wa--nt to k---ill him. He w---as rap----," I began to gasp for air as I was about to choke on my own tears. Cierra hurriedly pulled me closer to her and embraced me to comfort my aching soul.

"How did he get inside?" her eyes were stuck at the lifeless body of Benjamin in the bed.

"Fat--her sold me t--o him." I was weeping and wailing while watching his blood soaking the bedsheets.

"Okay! Okay, listen," my sister bobbed her head to herself, trying to comprehend the whole situation, "We have to go!" she gently tapped my arm to get my attention.

"Wha--what?" I couldn't even speak a word without stammering and gasping for air. I just went through so much in such a short time frame.

"Ayleen! Collect yourself, we have to think quick and act upon it." Cierra grabbed my arm and quaked me awake, "this house is not a shelter for us anymore. Today it was Benjamin, tomorrow it could be anyone. And what do you think will Mayor do once he finds out you almost murdered his son? That too, just pray he doesn't die on us." Cierra was shivering in fear but she knew somebody had to think rationally and get us out of this mess.

"Hurry up, we have to leave before anyone notices Benjamin is missing." I followed Cierra while still sobbing in our room where Hazel was still peacefully asleep.

"Hazel, wake up." she knelt down on her and woke her up, Hazel looked lost and still sleepy.

"Why? What is going on?" she rubbed her eyes and after watching Cierra packing our bags, her eyes darted on me and her face went pale.

"Are you bleeding?" she saw Benjamin's blood on my clothes and worriedly approached me.

"No! But we have to hurry up." I wouldn't let her know what her father did tonight. I didn't even let her go to that room. Cierra knew I wasn't in a state to help her out so I stayed still while hugging Hazel.

I'm less than fifteen minutes, Sierra was done packing our clothes since we didn't have much left after my father went on a spree of selling everything he once had.

"Let's go now," Cierra uttered, and looked through our mutual phone, I hadn't noticed that she was talking to someone the moment she dragged me away from that room.

"Garret is outside waiting for us," she whispered under her breath and led us to the outside.

I still hadn't loosened up, everything that happened was going to leave a huge impact on my life, I knew it.

"You girls okay?" Garret watched my face and knew I had been through some shi*, he swiftly pulled our bags in his car and made us sat inside before any of our neighbor spots us.

Garret was Cierra's boyfriend, they had been dating secretly for years now.

"She is having a fever!" Cierra rubbed her palm on my forehead and announced to Garret, who was quickly driving off to his cabin, the only possible place we could remain safe.

"The moment we reach the safe place, I'll get her some medicines. I just don't understand how a father could do something like that." I heard Garrett's voice falling on my eardrums. But I was slowly losing my consciousness.

"Did he die?" Garrett's words hit my eardrums as I began to faint.

"Garret, if he wakes up fine, his father will make sure he gifts him Ayleen." My sister's concern shook my heart,

"My sister cannot be a toy in the hands of that animal," my sister's voice broke but at that point, I had already lost my consciousness.

I don't know how long I've been asleep, but I feared to open my eyes. Hours might have been passed when I started to regain my senses.

I feared to open my eyes. There was a weird feeling in the surrounding, my body felt extremely heavy to move a muscle.

As I slowly woke up, I heard moans and grunts, and not only that, but there was a weird pain my body was going through.

It wasn't until my body felt completely exposed that I shot my eyes open and the terror of what I was seeing, going through gave me shivers.

I found myself fully naked in someone's bed and on top of me was none other than Benjamin with a bandage on his head.

He was thrusting violently inside me, grunting and moaning in pleasure.

"No! STOP!" I tried to yell, but my voice was caught in my throat. A smile appeared on his lips when he saw I was awake to see him finishing inside me.

How the hell did I end up here? Did I pass out and woke up after days? Did his father gift my body to him?

"I'm not done yet bit***," he growled loudly and grasped my arm to turn me around and adjust himself behind me. He grabbed my hair to pull my head up, "You are gonna love it," his Whisper brought shivers down my spine.

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