Chapter 5: Part 2
"You're not kidding," Jack mumbles. Her eyes blink toward him, standing across the counter. How long had she zoned out? "So, Sera, what can I get you today? I hear through the grapevine you had a bad date last night."
"Oh," she giggles, "I had a date like you wouldn't believe."
"That good, huh?"
"He wishes." The harsh sarcasm tumbles out before she can stop it.
"Ouch!" He pretends to stab his heart with an invisible knife. The laughter allows the awkwardness to dissipate between them, returning to their friendly, fun banter once again. "What can I do to help make this day better?"
"A cup of your world famous coffee should do it."
"Ah, you sure know how to make a guy blush." She stands back, admiring Jack making her latte in the sexy way only he can, while he turns every so often to shoot her a smile. His biceps bulge when he shifts the machine's handle down and up again, causing Sera to turn her head to hide the blush from her own face. When he places the cup on the counter between them he states, "It's on the house."
"No... Jack."
"You're money is no good here," he says with a shake of his head.
"I want to speak to the person in charge." Sera leans over pretending to look for a manager and taps her fingertips against the counter top. "You seem to be giving me a hard time."
"I'll relay the message." He leans close, "But I'm pretty sure he'll agree with me." Jack winks, the sweet smell of coffee beans radiating from him to Sera. "You can pay me back by letting me take you on a real first date."
Something unsettling anchors in her stomach. What is wrong with her? This is Jack, the same person she's been flirting with and daydreaming about for months. Only, the remnants of their date lay uneasy on her heart. If she didn't know any better it's as if he were keeping secrets from her.
Maybe she can give Jack one more chance; last night wasn't completely his fault, right? Furthermore, what does she have to lose? "Well, I guess I gotta do what I gotta do to keep this place in business, seems like everything is falling apart around here as it is," Sera calls over her shoulder and retreats toward the door. Jack's laughter fades as she opens the shop door. The December morning air clears her head while she walks to her vehicle. She rounds the edge of her car and something tells her to glance back. Jack's eyes are still on her through the front window of the shop. His back tenses when their eyes meet, Sera shoots him a wave before climbing into the car.
Throughout the morning, Sera finds herself reminiscing about touching the handsome stranger from her dreams. Those eyes haunt her, piercing through her until she returns to admire them again. She doesn't think she will ever be able to forget them as long as she lives. There's something about them, almost like he is trying to tell her something. She's wondering what his voice would sound like when Amanda breaks up her private party.
"Okay—you don't stop by my desk all morning and you have a cup of coffee." She points to Sera's coffee cup sitting beside her on the desktop. "So, you did see him again." Her eyebrows rise with her tone, "I'm dying here! Are you going to tell me about the date, or do I have to pry it out of you?" She's sitting with her perfect legs on her desk once again, hands braced on the edge, knuckles white with anticipation. "Because I'm not above a tickle war, or beating it out of you—or I could tell Nancy, she'll get it out of you."
"No, no, not Nancy!" Sera's hands fly up dramatically announcing defeat. "I'll tell you, just keep Nosey Nancy out of my business."
Sera collects herself, trying to remember the date through her web of daydreaming about kissing the handsome stranger. Maybe her dream boyfriend is the reason her date with Jack felt odd. Her auburn hair falls from her bun from slightly shaking her head at the turn her thoughts have taken.
"That good, huh?" Amanda has started biting her nails now, impatiently waiting. Sera blinks, realizing she was staring for a few seconds longer than normal.
"Sorry, I just don't know where to start," she covers, trying to figure out a way to put things into words, well words Amanda would accept. "Um, you were right." She shoots a look that screams I-told-you-so. "He closed the shop early, there were holiday lights, and a table for two—"
Amanda begins cooing and kicking her desk in excitement causing Sera to pause. "Go on! I need more tea!"
"He made Panini's and coffee. He told me he's wanted to ask me out for a while—"
"I knew it!"
"Will you let me finish?" Sera scolds and Amanda pretends to slide an invisible zipper across her thin, perfect lips before her arm sends an invisible key flying over the cubicles. "Then weird things started to happen after that."
The mention of 'weird things' make Amanda's eyebrows quirk up, her interest peeked. "Weird how?"
"Pots and pans fell in the kitchen, the register kept chiming, then a fire broke out in the kitchen, and the fire alarm went off." An uncontrolled shiver escapes Sera again.
She takes a few seconds to collect herself, but Amanda breaks into hysterical giggles. Sera's eyes bore into her, but Amanda continues to slap her knee, bubbling over in laughter.
"Oh," Amanda says through more giggles, "Oh my—Sera, your first date in ages, and it's a total fail!" The laughter continues to rack through her. True, it's mildly ironic. Slowly, Sera breaks into laughter alongside her best friend. One giggle leads to another, until their boss Mrs. Valentine passes by shooting them a stern look. The girls shape up, pretending to talk about a patient's file.
"So, Mr. Green, we need to re-bill with a letter of medical necessity and..." When she is out of earshot again, both girls cover their mouths to hide the remaining snickers.
"But seriously," Amanda gets herself under control first, "I made an appointment with a psychic today at lunch, you should come with me."
"What? No, you know I don't like that kind of stuff. It's true; my parents raised me believing witchcraft is wrong. No one should know the future but God himself."
"Oh come on, just come with me, and check it out. I don't want to go alone."
"I don't know."
"Please." She gives Sera the doe eyes again. Damn it! How does she always manage to get her to cave to her whims?
"Yesss!" She slinks back to her desk in victory knowing if she stayed, Sera would end up changing her mind. Sera's eyes return to her computer screen. The codes swim before her because her mind once again retreats to the eyes of the handsome stranger from her dream.