Knocking At the Devil's Door
*Author's Note: This book has not yet been edited.
Noah sat in the back of his cab, looking for something, anything. He’d been to countless hotels, each saying the same thing,
"Sorry sir, we’re completely booked.”
He couldn’t be mad at them, frustrated maybe, but not mad. It was well past midnight, and his new penthouse wasn’t ready so here he was cab meter high, hoping for somewhere to lay his head for the night. The bright lights of a hotel caught his attention.
Hotel Succubus
He arched his brow. "Must be new.” Granted he hadn’t been back to New York in years, but still, he knew every inch of it. "Stop the cab.”
The cabbie looked back at him. "Need me to wait for you?”
Noah shook his head and grinned. "I got a good feeling about this one.”
Exiting the cab, with his suitcase, Noah made his way to the lobby. A beautiful blonde eyed him, her lips parted slightly.
“Please tell me you have a room for the night, I’m exhausted and everything else is full.” Noah said.
She shook her head. "I’m sorry. We’re holding a private event tonight, the hotel is closed until 10 A.M”
Exasperation lined Noah’s face. "So much for having a good feeling about this place.” Shaking his head, he pulled out his phone and sighed. "Of course it’s dead...I can’t catch a fucking break.” The blonde chuckled and him, and his face flushed. "Sorry…you wouldn’t be willing to call me a cab would you?”
She cut her eyes. "What’s your name?”
Extending her hand, she shook his. "I’m Samantha. Do me a favor, take a step back and do a 360 turn.”
She smirked. "Go on. I may be able to provide you an exclusive room. Just take a step back and do a 360 spin.”
Noah was exhausted and irritated. Still, if she was willing to provide him with a room just for a twirl, he would do it. Adjusting his lapels, he did a 360 spin, seeing Samantha's smirk turn into a smile.
"How would you like to come to our event tonight?” She asked.
He shook his head. "I appreciate the offer Samantha, but I’m really tired.”
Nodding her head, Samantha handed Noah a key. "Completely understandable. Right down that hall, and if anyone asks you’re a guest of Samantha. I’ll have the bellman bring up your suitcase.”
Giving her an appreciative smile, Noah walked down the dimly lit hall. The hotel looked even more elegant on the inside. The golden cascading chandelier, the white and gold trim.
Noah nodded his head. "Very nice.”
Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he turned to see another beautiful woman with red hair.
"Right this way sir.”
Following her, he found himself next to a group of other men.
They must be here for the event.
Somehow, he’d taken a wrong turn. “Miss I don’t be-“ The redhead ignored him and walked away. Noah sighed in frustration. He just wanted a quiet evening.
"Alright guys, line up. The owner will be here in a moment to greet you.” He heard the red head say.
Thank goodness
Noah thought. At least he could ask him. Falling in line with the other men, Noah smelled a sweet perfume pass his nose. The sound of heels clicked on the floor, as a woman came into view. Noah's jaw almost dropped at the sight of her. The other women were beautiful, but she was unreal. Long curly black hair that sat in a messy bun of curls at the top of her head, with a few disobedient strands that cascaded down framing her face. Her big brown eyes looked straight forward, and he found himself looking from her full lips to her supple breasts, to the smooth chocolate hue of her skin.
Fucking Hell
He thought to himself. Walking past him, she slapped an object against her hand, that he immediately realized was a crop.
“ALRIGHT YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! ALL EYES ON ME!” Lilith hit the crop against her hand again and glared at the line of men before a laugh escaped her lips. “I’m just kidding, you should have seen your faces.” She winked at one of the guys in the line. “You liked that didn’t you? Nasty.” She chuckled, and his face flushed. "Let me guess...you were approached by a beautiful woman who handed you a black card. On the back of the card, it had this address and a small notation that told you to come for a night of fun. Does that pretty much sum up everything?”
Noah had no clue what she was talking about. Still, he wasn’t going to interrupt her, especially not the way her smile made him suddenly nervous. Nods followed her statement as she continued.
"With that in mind, I’m sure all of you are wondering why you’re here. Well, it’s simple. You’ve been invited for a night of orgies, restraints, unbridled sex, and anything else you can imagine, not only with the woman who invited you but as many as you can handle.” Lilith smirked as the guy's mouths dropped.
One spoke. “You’re joking right?”
Pushing open the doors of a large room, Lilith presented the women. The guys watched as they pleasured one another with toys, their mouths, fingers, and anything else they got their hands on.
"Does it look like I’m kidding? Consider yourselves lucky fellas, you get a night that men only dream about, and I’m your mistress of wonder, the owner of this merry go round, Lilith.” She closed the door. "Now, a show of hands, whose interested in entering the candy factory?”
Each guy raised their hand, with eager looks on their faces. Lilith's eyes traveled through the group, landing upon one whose face was as red as her nails. Walking over to him, she stepped in close.
“What’s your name cutie?”
She smiled. "Well Noah, don’t be shy. Trust me, this is a judge free zone.” She pointed to who he’d come to know as Samantha. “You could literally stick your fingers in Samantha’s ass right now, and I would cheer you on.”
His face flushed again. What the hell was this? He’d heard of sex parties but never managed to stumble onto one.
“Ooo they’re gonna have so much fun with you Noah.” Lilith said chuckling.
Walking back to the group, Lilith walked down the line, sizing them up. "First thing first, who here believes in the supernatural? Zombies, witches, demons, werewolves’ vampires, etc, etc?”
Noah arched his brow, realizing the other men wore the same expression. Nobody raised their hands. Rolling her eyes, she turned to Samantha.
Samantha nodded. Rolling her head, Lilith’s eyes turned from their dark brown hue to a piercing purple. The men's mouths dropped as black wings emerged from her tight floral top, and small horns appeared on her head. A long black tail resembling latex whipped around her leg and tapped on the ground.
"I’m thinking number three and seven are going to run.” Lilith said turning to Samantha,
Noah could see her fangs as she talked, protruding down from her perfect teeth. He was stuck. Was his exhaustion getting to him? She looked just like something he’d seen before in a book he’d flipped through while waiting for his plane, but he couldn’t remember what.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Number three and seven screamed darting for the door.
Lilith rolled her eyes. "Samantha.”
Producing a green orb, Samantha shot it at the two men, freezing them in place. Lilith grumbled. "You know, after all these years, it’s still hurts the same! Like, come on! I may have horns, wings, and a tail, but I’M STILL A PERSON! I deserve respect! RESPECT ME AS A WOMAN! Then bend me over and disrespect me like I called your mama a bitch in front of your bald-headed ass grandmother, after telling your aunt her potato salad was dry!” She laughed, and Noah decided he liked the melodious way it sounded.
Shifting back into her human form, Lilith places her hands on her hips. “Now, is there anybody else who’s going to run? And don’t worry, they and you will be fine. We don’t kill humans unless you try to hurt one of us. You’re free to leave at any time, and much like at the end of this night, your mind will be erased. This will all seem like a dream. So, if you want to leave, speak now or lean back and let one of us blow your piece. OH MY GOODNESS! THAT WAS NASTY EVEN FOR ME!” She squealed making Samantha laugh.
“The proper term gentlemen is Succubus…even if you don’t know what that means, just know that with the exception of Samantha, each and every one of us here is one. And I’m the head bitch in charge.” Lilith said taking a bow and Noah smirked.
She’s something else.
Somehow, Lilith's humor managed to make him feel comfortable in a place he wasn’t meant to be. Looking over, he realized Samantha had been eyeing him with a gleam in her green eyes. A smirk played on her lips, but she remained silent. As Lilith’s skinny heeled stilettoes clicked against the hotel floor, she eyed the remaining men. "Samantha here will do health screenings. Please see the slide show in front of you of every woman here tonight’s screening papers. We don’t need them…you know being supernaturals’ and all, but we like to get tested to give you peace of mind.”
Samantha scanned the men, stopping at number five. She cut her eyes and whispered to Lilith. Placing her hands on her hips, Lilith scrunched her lips. "Now you know you were crazy as hell for coming in here with that. Get the hell out of my line, dirty.” Hanging his head, number five left the line. "The remainder of you, drop your pants and release the pipe. I like to see what my ladies have to look forward to.”
Noah's eyes widened to the size of plates, and he heard Samantha snicker before nudging her head forward at him. Never one to back down from a challenge, Noah dropped his pants and released himself from his briefs.
How the hell did I get myself in this mess?
He thought to himself. Feeling a surge of energy through his body, he looked down to see his manhood erect. Eyes wide, he stared at Lilith as she inspected the other men.
"Hmmm, tree…baseball bat…sledgehammer…” She stopped at Noah and raised her brow. “Who invited you?”
She smirked, "Way to go Samantha. You're definitely gonna need that anaconda Noah, Samantha’s wives are energizer bunnies.”
Noah inhaled sharply and looked back up to the ceiling. Could he really go through with this? He wanted more than anything to run away, but there was something about Lilith that intrigued him. Her laugh and sense of humor being the first two things that came to mind. And if he were honest with himself, she was the first, middle, and last person he wanted to spend his time with tonight.
“To the rest of you who remain. Please follow me.” Lilith said as she pulled open the doors once more and walked the men inside.
Eyes hungry, one by one each succubus stopped what they were doing and watched Lilith as she called over her shoulder to the men. "Welcome to hotel Succubus gentlemen, or as I like to call it, the Rubicon. Anything goes, and my ladies are insatiable, so I suggest you try your hardest to keep up.”
Noah could hear the soft sound of an erotic song, that slowly started to grow louder. He watched mesmerized as Lilith’s hips moved in sync.
“In her eyes…A distant fire light burns bright…Wondering why…It's only after dark”
Samantha moved towards her and kissed her lips. Unbuttoning Lilith’s flowered top, she released her full breasts from the shirt leaving only a lacy black bra in its place. Lilith moved through the succubi running her nails up the arches of a few of their backs causing them to moan lightly. She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes, her hips still grinding to the song.
” I find myself in her room…Feel the fever of my doom…Falling falling…Through the floor…”
Noah watched as two redheads, one from earlier and another as equally beautiful took to each side of Lilith. Raising her arms over her head, Lilith swirled her hips as they pulled her skirt down slowly revealing a black thong. Noah’s eyes were as big as all the other men in the room. She was electric, and everyone felt her power. Opening her eyes, their purple hue locked with Noah, and she smirked.
“I'm knocking on the devil's door yeah…”
Before he knew it the song was over, and the succubi grabbed onto different men pulling them to join in on their fun.
Samantha held onto Noah. “Don’t move.” She whispered.
Returning her clothes to her body, Lilith looked around the room. "Enjoy yourselves and please, don’t hesitate to find me in my office if you have any questions or concerns. I meant it, we run a decent place.” She stopped and chuckled. "You all know what I mean.”
As he watched her leave, a feeling of dread poured through Noah. He rubbed the back of his neck before turning to Samantha.
"Listen I…"
She grinned, "Third door down the hall.”
"How did you know what I was about to say?”
"Just call it a hunch.”
Leaving Noah to his own devices, she joined her two wives.
"Who is that?” Melanie asked, pulling at Samantha's clothes.
She laughed. "If I’m right, he’s Lilith’s fourth.”
Chasity chuckled. "You know she’s going to kill you right?”
Samantha caressed her face, "Maybe…or maybe she’ll just accept that I’m right and enjoy the ride.”