The Infamous Three

“Okay fine, don’t talk to me…but just answer me this…was he any good?” Samantha asked a vey pissed off Lilith.

Cutting her eyes at Samantha, Lilith turned her head and began to sort through papers under the front desk. "Why does that matter?”


Lilith sighed, banging her hand lightly on top of the papers. “Incredible.” It was true, and that irritated her more than the fact that Samantha set her up. She thought about his words before he kissed her for the second time.

"But you will."

Prickles went up Lilith's back. "Cocky bastard,”

Samantha smirked. "No different than your other three cocky bastards.”

"Very different. Liam is silly, gentle, and affectionate. Jayden is adventurous, fun, and honest, and Mason…he’s my intelligent dirty boy…loves him some of his mistress.” She chuckled, and then rubbed her forehead. "Noah is…he’s…I don’t really know what he is.”

Samantha’s grin was almost on her forehead. "Sounds like you underestimated him…just like you did the infamous three.”

Lilith ignored Samantha, but she couldn’t ignore her words. Each of her favorites had managed to completely catch her off guard in some way. Their sexual energy fed her so well, she had no desire to feed on anyone else, at least until last night.

"It doesn’t matter anyway Samantha. He doesn’t remember and I can chalk it up as a night of a fun experiment.” Lilith said before her eyes widened to the size of plates as she watched Noah walk her way. Samantha chuckled as she walked away leaving Lilith growling at her.

"Excuse me miss, I was wondering if you could help me?” Noah asked clasping his hands on the desk.

Putting on her most professional smile Lilith regained her composure. "How can I be of assistance?”

"Well, I was wondering if you would join me for dinner tonight.”

Shaking her head feverishly, she declined. "I don’t go out with guests of the hotel. I like to keep my business separate.”

"You own this hotel?” Noah asked looking around.


"Very nice." He said giving her a impressed nod.

“Thank you.”

Tapping the top of the counter he smirked at her. "Too bad you’re not available for dinner, though I completely understand. Like they say, the devil is always busy.” Watching her mouth part, Noah turned and walked away. He counted in his head.


Hearing her heels behind him, he chuckled when she whipped him around.

“What the hell did you just say?” She asked stunned.

Leaning into her, he whispered in her ear. "You heard me. You look beautiful today by the way.” The look of horror on her face, made Noah laugh out loud.

“H-how do you-“ Lilith stammered as Noah flicked her name tag.

"Christine doesn’t fit you. I prefer your real name…Lilith. Pick you up in the lobby at 8.” He said and kissed her gently on the cheek, leaving her both confused and angry.

Lilith looked around the restaurant irritated.

He has some fucking nerve

She only came because she wanted to find out how he’d managed to remember the night before. Spotting him at the table, her lips parted.

Why does he have to look so adorable?

His freckles paired with his hazel’s eyes that somehow made him look innocent even in his tailored suit. Noah had managed to get under her skin, and she didn't like it one bit. Making her way to the table, she could see his eyes gleam seeing her, and though she was pissed she couldn’t help but smile. Sitting at the table, she clasped her hands in front of her.

"Why am I here?” She asked already irritated.

Noah grinned a sinful smile in return. "Because I asked you to dinner…because I wanted to spend time with you…because your curiosity as to how I remember is driving you insane.”

"Forever a smartass huh?” She smirked.

"Have to be to keep up with you.”

Leaning forward, Lilith glared at him. "I’m trying my hardest to be polite, but it’s wearing thin, why do you remember?”

Noah sipped his water slowly before answering. "Because Samantha gave me a choice, and I chose to remember.”

Lilith was shocked. "We NEVER give choices.”

“So let me get this straight. I can make the choice to come to Rubicon…I can make the choice to participate…but I can't make the choice to remember?”

Lilith pursed her lips. "You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into human.”

"My name is Noah, Lilith. Not human or anything else you intend to use to remove the personal inclination you have towards me.”Noah paused. "Do you know your boyfriends scoped me out today?”

"WHAT?!” Lilith shouted her eyes purpling in anger.

Throwing up his hands defensively, Noah laughed. "The only one that approached me was-Jayden, yes… but I remembered the other one from the day in the office.” His hazel eyes gleamed. "And the other, I didn’t know, but he strikes me as a really excited and eager person.”

Lilith rolled her eyes. "Jayden, Mason, Liam in that order. Obviously, Mason told them about you, although I don’t know why.”

Noah placed his hand over his chest. "Ouch right in the feels. Jayden was even kind enough to invite me to his gym.”

She seethed at him. "You’re not going.”

Hearing Noah chuckle harshly, Lilith watched his eyes darken in anger. "I’m not sure what you’re used to Lilith, but I’m not a child. You may make the rules at your hotel, but don’t confuse that with your ability to rule over me.” Lilith was done playing games. She was angry. At Samantha, at her loves, but most importantly at Noah. He sighed. "I take it this won’t be the nice meal I was hoping for.”

Cutting her eyes at him, she shook her head no. "What’s your angle, Noah? What do you want?”

Standing, Noah dropped a hundred dollar bill on the table. "After tonight? Absolutely nothing. Have a great night, dinners on me.”

Lips parted, she watched him leave, his face completely flustered. Standing in irritation, Lilith left the restaurant without eating and leaving the waiter a big tip compliments of Noah.

"CHIPS! GAME SYSTEM! LIST OF ITEMS TO DEBATE ABOUT-WHERE’S THE LIST OF ITEM TO DEBATE ABOUT?!” Liam ran down the list of things the guys prepared for Noah’s arrival.

“You really think she’s going to bring him back here?” Mason asked.

“She better! How else are we going to get to know him?” Jayden said stuffing his mouth with chips.

Liam nodded at Jayden’s statement. Hearing the knob of the door turn, the guys quickly jumped onto the couch pretending their hardest to be cool.

Seeing Lilith walk in alone, Mason’s eyes widened. "Where’s Noah, Mistress?”


"Liam she’s mad-tag in.”

Standing Liam rubbed the back of his neck. "Well…I came to pick you up as a surprise, and Samantha said that you were already gone…on a date…with Noah…and that he remembered everything from the night before.”

Lilith's eyes burned purple. "It seems that I’m going to have a little talk with Samantha.”

"Why isn’t Noah with you Lilith?” Liam asked folding his arms to his chest.

"WHY WOULD HE BE WITH ME?!” She screamed at him, her breath ragged.

Jayden shook his head. “Don’t talk to us that way. You can be mad, but don’t snap at us for asking a simple question.”

Breathing in deep, Lilith tried to calm herself. "Sorry.”

He nodded before asking her the third time. "Lilith…why isn’t Noah with you?”

Pacing around the floor, she fumed. "He had the NERVE to invite me to dinner because he wanted to see me, after deciding not to forget the night because he liked me, and then had the AUDACITY to get mad because-“ She pursed her lips.

“Because you were perhaps being a dick?” Jayden said smirking.

She crashed onto the couch. "I just don’t get his angle.“

Laying his head on her shoulder, Liam pulled her hands into his. "Maybe because he doesn’t have one? We have a good feeling about him Lil.” Secretly, she did too and that’s what was getting under her skin the most. Releasing her, Liam stood and looked to Mason and Jayden. “We’re tired.”

“Wha…you’re just going to leave me sexually frustrated and hungry?!”

Jayden placed one of her toys in her hand. "Pretend it owes you money.”

Laughing, the three left Lilith to her own devices.

One Week Later


Lilith heard Liam scream through the loft door. Opening, her mouth dropped as she saw Mason and Jayden cheering Liam and Noah on as they played the game against one another. Noah laughed loudly, winning against Liam again, causing him to throw his controller.

“See me outside.” Liam seethed causing Noah to laugh again.

“Hey, don’t be a sore loser…I told you that I would kick your ass and I did.”

“You beautiful faced son of a bitch.” Liam said.

Noah let out a laughed before the four turned hearing Lilith clear her throat. Standing, Noah adjusted his suit jacket without looking at her.

"Alright, fellas it’s been fun. Jayden work out tomorrow? Same time?”

Jayden nodded, but the three guy's eyes were on Lilith pressing her to talk to Noah.

"Lilith, always great to see you.” He said dryly, his smile not reaching his eyes. "If you would excuse me-“

Grabbing his arm, Lilith murmured. "Can we please talk in private?”

Blowing steam from his nose, Noah followed her to her room. He folded his arms to his chest. "What would you like to discuss?”

She didn’t like how standoffish he was, especially considering the usual brightly sinful smile he usually wore. Lilith took in a deep breath. "Perhaps I accused you of-“

"Having ulterior motives outside of wanting to get to know you?”

She looked down at her feet. “Look, I don’t want to fight with you.”

Noah nodded. "We’re finally in agreeance. I never asked you to jump into anything with me Lilith, but I also don’t appreciate being made to feel like I imagine that there was something between us.” He ran his hands through his hair in frustration. "I really didn’t know that you would be coming home so early or I would have left before your arrival.”

“W-why are you being so mean?”


Noah stepped towards her, and she stood her ground looking up at him. Jaw tightened; his hazel eyes glared at her. "I accidentally stumbled upon a world I had NO idea existed…met someone who I felt something towards, expressed myself honestly and asked her on a date. Yet for some reason, she feels that I’m not being honest. I don’t expect you to automatically trust me, but I do expect you to give me the same respect that I’ve given you and get to know me for me.”

Shaking his head, Noah’s eyes traveled to her lips. He hated that even though he was pissed with her, she still managed to have the same effect on him she did the night he’d met her. Noah widened the space. "Goodbye Lilith.” He said. Leaving, Noah mumbled a goodbye to the guys before exiting the house.

Liam turned to Jayden. "I think it’s time we intervene…like how I did for you, and we did for Mason.”

Jayden nodded. "She’s so damn stubborn.”

The three laughed. If there was one thing they knew it was Lilith, and because of that they knew she really did like Noah. She just needed a little push, and her infamous three knew just how to do it.

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