One week Later-Rubicon
"Alright Gentlemen, please follow me.” Lilith opened the door walking in the newest group of men to join the fun. "Welcome to hotel Succubus or as I like to call it the rub-“ Her words stopped as she noticed a familiar face already in the room.
Noah sat with another succubi, down to his briefs, her completely naked. As the two played chess, Lilith could see them laughing and enjoying one another’s company. Stalking over to the two, she bent down and whispered in his ear. "This is low.”
He retched his head back. "Before you start a scene, let me be clear. I heard you. Jasmine asked me to accompany her, and I accepted.”
Lilith was floored. She looked to Jasmine who asked. "Is this a problem my queen? I-I know we don’t have repeats, but he disappeared the first time, so I thought maybe he could try again.”
Lilith was beyond pissed, but not wanting to give Noah the satisfaction, she smiled. "Perfectly fine. You two enjoy your evening.”
Walking back towards the group of men, she felt Noah’s eyes on her. She smirked.
If this is the game you want to play Noah…fine.
Rolling her hips, the music started and Lilith mentally picked out one of the guys.
” You always keep me guessin', I never seem to know what you are thinkin' ”
As Samantha joined her side, Lilith whispered in her ear. “I just want you to know, I’m still pissed with you, and I fully plan to deal with you at a later time.”
Samantha’s eyes widened, but she didn’t miss a beat. Kissing her on the lips, she removed Lilith’s top, and her two wives followed shortly to pull down Lilith’s pencil skirt exposing her red lingerie.
” And if a fella looks at you, it's for sure your little eye will be a-winkin' “
Lilith walked over to her selected guy and turned around before bending over in front of him. It was a typical dance she sometimes did to entice the crowd, but it was one that Noah hadn’t seen and she knew it would get under his skin. Backing into the man, she grinded her hips, before her hands found her breasts. She didn’t need to look at Noah to know he was pissed. Turning to face the man, she wrapped her arms around his neck and put a leg up to his waist. Grabbing it, he ran his hand up and down her smooth skin.
” If you decide someday to stop this little game that you are playin'…I'm gonna tell you all what my heart's been a-dyin' to be sayin' “
She grinded into him, placing her breast against his chest, hearing his breath catch in his throat. Eyes purple, she released her large wings, covering their entire bodies so that nobody could see either of them. As the song ended, Lilith opened her wings and smirked. "That was nice, thank you.” Turning and replacing her clothes, she could feel Noah’s angry eyes bore into her. “Everyone have a great time, and please see Samantha if you have any questions or concerns. I’ll be a bit occupied.”
Sitting across from one another, Jasmine gave Noah an appreciative smile. "Thank you for this. Liam said that you were nice and polite. I really don’t like coming here alone.”
Noah tilted his head. "No? I thought this was where you got to feed.”
She laughed. "Some of us are monogamous, like me. We can’t have repeats so I can’t bring my husband, but I really prefer him being the only guy I feed off of…I love him.”
Noah nodded in understanding.
After their game tournament, he’d gotten a call from an eager Liam asking for a favor for a friend. He didn’t want to, especially at the prospect of seeing Lilith again but Liam said that she really needed help, and Noah was always a sucker for helping people. “Is your husband human?” He asked finally.
She shook her head no. "Vampire…”
Noah smirked. "Kinky.”
Jasmine laughed. "I really wish he could come. The one time he did, we had a great time.”
Noah winked at her and repeated. "Kinky.” Making her laugh again.
Leaning across her desk, Lilith tried her best to keep her mind off her hunger.
She threw some of the papers from her desk.
A voice called from behind her. "Hellooo Nurse”
"FUCK OFF!” She growled, whipping around her eyes softening upon seeing Noah. "Sorry” She grumbled. “I thought you were one of the other guys from out there.”
He shook his head staring at her. "Are you okay?”
She nodded. "Can you just leave and close my door?”
Stepping inside, Noah closed the door behind him and folded his arms to his chest. "Don’t give me a hard time. You’re clearly not feeling well.”
Straightening her back, Lilith walked to her chair and sat down. "I exerted too much energy on that damn dance.” She saw his jaw tighten.
"It was…something.” He said through clentched teeth.
She looked at him and tilted her head. "Don’t give me a hard time. I’m clearly not feeling well.” A small smirk played on his lip, and satisfied, she relaxed.
“I don’t know why I feel inclined to clear the air but, I came tonight with Jasmine as a favor for Liam.” Noah said folding his arms to his chest.
She arched her brow. "For Liam?”
"Yes…apparently she hates going to Rubicon without her husband, so Liam asked me to accompany her knowing I wouldn’t try anything…on account of me being smitten with you.” Lilith eyed him."His words not mine.” Noah said letting out a scoff.
Cutting her eyes at him, she blew steam from her nose. "You two played me.”
“Like a fiddle.” He said winking.
“And this entire time, I thought Liam was running late because of the strike.”
She slammed her head against the desk. "Their sex strike.” Raising her fist, she chanted. "No more from the candy store, until we get our number four!... Keep it up and at this rate, you’ll be too drained to masturbate!” Noah almost choked on his spit, making her groan loudly. "By the fourth day, they stopped coming up with cute rhymes and just told me- no nookie without acceptance of union demands.” She glared at him. "In less than a month, you’ve managed to get my boyfriends to form a union.”
He stifled his laugh. "What’s it called?”
Lilith sighed, hitting her head on the desk again. “Zealous ass dick defense, yielding solutions.”
"Does that spell-“
"It spells Zaddys Noah, they named their union Zaddys…so thank you for that as well.”
He laughed, "Hey, don’t blame me. Those three are all yours.”
"That’s the part that you seem to fail to understand in all of this….I ALREADY have three.”
Clasping his hands in front of him, Noah’s eyes gleamed in slight amusement and something else. He eyed her, his words almost like a growl. “Well I suggest you figure out how to accommodate four.”
Lilith banged her head on the table again. “Goddamit that was sexy don't do this to me right now Noah....AND PUT SOME DAMN CLOTHES ON! IT’S LIKE LOOKING AT AN EXTREMELY ANATOMICALLY CORRECT KEN DOLL.” She shouted before muttering against her desk. "Like a damn google search for hot muscular nerd…YOU KNOW THEY AREN’T NERDS…but the imagery is still there.”
“Would it make you feel better to know I maintained a 4.0 from the beginning of my educational career, all the way through my Ph.D.?” Noah asked with clear amusement in his eyes.
Lilith looked at him with exasperation lining her face. “No Noah! No the fuck it does not! Why would you kick me when I’m already down huh?” He didn’t want to laugh especially knowing she wasn’t trying to be funny, but he’d never seen her so completely off her game.
“Y-you know Liam is a fucking Lawyer? Hm?! And not like a shitty, I’d sell my own mama kind, but he owns a successful firm that makes millions and he does pro bono work to help people who can’t afford representation. He deals with all the permits, all the legal ANYTHING we go through.”
Lilith grumbled.
Noah chuckled, “I didn’t, but that makes a lot of sense, he certainly can debate the hell out of anything.”
“A-and Jayden’s a fucking doctor! World-renowned, multiple published medical journals...just be discovering shit on his spare time…his gym? Built it to provide workout and fitness programs for rehabilitation AT NO COST! He does all the testing for the Succubi…boy done figured out how to do STI/STD screening on supernaturals! WHO THE FUCK FIGURES OUT HOW TO DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!” Lilith looked like she was about to hyperventilate.
"What about Mason?” He asked arching his brow.
"MASON?!” Noah watched her curls cascade around her head, as she placed her head back to the desk. “Mason’s I.Q is 221.”
Noah’s eyes widened. "JESUS!”
She nodded. "And to be honest, I think he purposely made his number lower because he doesn’t like the recognition that comes with it. He was bullied a lot because of that beautiful mind of his. He even tutors anyone in need for free.”
Noah snapped his fingers. "I remember now! He was Time Magazine’s person of the year for his mathematical explanation on how to minimize wildlife encroachment while still maintaining life as we know it.... he’s loaded.” He heard her groan again.
“THEY ALL ARE! NOW YOU SEE WHAT I’M SAYING?!.. Please…you’re not a lawyer, doctor, or child genius are you?”
Noah laughed, it growing as she glared at him. "No, I’m not any of those things. All I’ve ever done is take my passion for Legos and turn it into a career.”
She scrunched her face. "What the hell-Oh my God, you’re an architect aren’t you?” His hazel eyes gleamed and he nodded slowly. “Okay…okay I can work with this. Have you designed anything I’ve seen?”
He shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe.”
Standing, Noah walked around to her, and type something into her computer. Lilith’s eyes almost popped from her head seeing famous landmarks with Noah’s name in the citation.
"OF FUCKING COURSE! A-and let me guess! You have a heart of gold too huh?” She screamed standing and folding her arms pissed.
Noah laughed. "I mean I wouldn’t say that, but I do provide a few full-ride scholarships yearly to kids who are passionate about architecture. “
“A few? So like three or four?”
He scrunched his face. "Maybeeee a little more…a lot more.”
"Get out.”
"Why are you mad at me now?” Lilith grumbled but remained silent. "So let me get this straight. You have a lawyer, a doctor, a genius, and an architect- all that give back, all billionaires- well except Mason, he probably has more than all of us combined-all interested in you…and you’re upset?”
Lilith rolled her eyes. "Well…when you say it like that, I sound like a-“
"A dick?”
Noah gave her a small chuckle. "Official member of Zaddys as of yesterday.” Lilith stomped her feet, and Noah pulled her in his arms. “You don’t do well with not being in control huh?”
She pouted. “No…and for some reason, you seem to keep throwing me off. “
She felt his chest vibrate from his laughter.
“Because you like me.”
Noah leaned back. “Ah…so now it’s gone from how dare you not forget?! to I like you, so what?!”
She pouted again. “Don’t tease me. I’m hungry, cranky and just found out you’re a rich nerd with freckles and a huge Lego.”
Noah shook his head, laughing.
He wrapped his hand in her hair and jerked her to him. Taking her lips, Noah lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Not breaking their kiss, Noah walked from around the desk, towards the door. Releasing her lips, he opened the door, and Lilith turned to see Liam’s handsome face.
“Hello my love, have you two made up?” He asked smiling at her.
Noah nuzzled into her neck. “Have we made up?”
She bit her bottom lip. “Mhm.” Smiling, Noah kissed her again, as Liam shut the door. Feeling his heat behind her, Lilith raised her arms, as Liam removed her shirt and bra. He bit into her shoulder.
“I’ve missed you.” Liam whispered.
"I’ve missed you too.” She murmured, before repositioning herself so Noah could remove her panties.
Grinded her hips against him, she felt Liam’s hands on her ass as Noah’s muscular arms supported her waist. Reaching down she released Noah from his briefs and rolled her wetness over him until he was inside. She heard him groan into her neck. Kissing the opposite side, Liam took his time entering her from behind, his groan feeding her already growing frenzy. Lilith's Leg to his shoulder, Noah slowly thrust inside her, her eyes widening as she felt Liam’s stroke in tempo.
They tugged at her, each going in deep, all three moans filling the large office. Orgasm after orgasm coursed through her body, slowly satiating her hunger. She ran her hands through both Liam’s and Noah’s hair, feeling their bodies stiffen as they released one after the other. Lilith’s eyes shone purple as she absorbed their climaxes, her tail extended, she wrapped it around them both.
Breathless she looked at Noah. "And you’re alright with this?”
"What? With you being a succubus?” He made a shocked face. "Lilith! How could you think I would ever discriminate?" He and Liam laughed and she rolled her eyes.
"Don’t get cute, you know what I meant.”
Liam raised his brow. Looking past her, he spoke to Noah. "You know they finally released the new Honnu 7?”
Noah’s eyes widened. "Oh shit. Really did you get it?”
"I was going to tomorrow, you should come over and hang out with everyone.”
Rocking back and forth, Lilith squirmed in their arms. "STOP TALKING ABOUT VIDEO GAMES WHILE YOU’RE BOTH STILL IN ME!”
They laughed.
"Sorry…but I guess that answers your previous question.” Noah said smirking at her.
"Smartass.” She replied giving him a smirk back.
Liam grinned at her. "You know my love, the basic principles of both aren’t too far off.”
Lilith arched her brow. "What are you-ah…” She gasped as Liam stroked hard inside her.
"It's all about figuring the best moves to win.”
Noah chuckled. "Agreed. For example, this-“ He slid out of her slowly. "May seem like a retreat, but really-“ Digging his nails into her thigh, he stroked hard in her causing her to moan loudly. "It gives me more leverage, while putting me one step closer to getting what I want.” He turned his attention to Liam. "My left or your left?”
Liam scrunched his face. "Yours.”
Thrusting hard into her at the same time, they felt Lilith’s legs shake.
"STOP THAT!” She shouted glaring at them.
Liam chuckled. "Why? When you like it. Nasty.” Her face flushed, the excitement growing inside her as she felt both of their manhoods become erect again. Liam whispered in her ear.
"Let us take care of you okay?”
She nodded, closed her eyes, and bit her bottom lip. Feeling Noah’s lips, against hers, she heard him murmur.
"After all Lilith, you did say you were hungry.”