Diluted Drinks and Lilith's Shame
"Well, well, well…look who finally came from the back.” Samantha teased looking from Lilith to Noah then Liam. She smirked. “From the giddy look on their faces and the satisfied look on yours, I take it you three had more fun back there then we did up here.”
"Oh hush now, be glad I'm talking to you after the stunt you pulled.” Lilith said shooing her in embarrassment.
Leaning in Samantha whispered. "Admit that I was rightttt.” Lilith glared at her before sticking out her tongue. The two chuckled to one another as she walked away to find Jasmine. Approaching her as she spoke to another one of the succubi, Lilith tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hello, my queen.” Jasmine said smiling brightly.
"Hi, Jasmine. Listen, I was made aware of that fact that you’re uncomfortable attending Rubicon without your husband.”
Jasmine looked at her shoes. "I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have said that.”
"Why? He’s your husband, and he’s the only one you want to nail right?” Jasmine laughed and shook her head yes. “He’s allowed to come, but I need you to understand this.” Lilith looked at her seriously. “I respect the sanctity of marriage, but I am loyal to this family. If your husband does anything to hurt one of ours, even if it’s divulging information about this type of night, I will kill him Jasmine and I will not think twice about it. Make no mistake, while I love my hearts, I would kill them if it meant protecting any of you. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Jasmine shook her head yes. "I understand and wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Lilith nodded. She would speak to Samantha later about placing a charm on him that would allow his words and actions to be monitored, though she would only look in on things dealing with Rubicon and the hotel.
"M-my queen?”
Jasmine smirked. "Way to go on the fourth, I thought the trifecta was deadly, but you’ve definitely proven me wrong.”
Lilith laughed loudly and patted her on the shoulder. Watching Noah and Liam debate about gaming she smirked.
I suppose Jasmine wasn’t the only one who was proven wrong
Two Days Later
"No, we won’t be moving forward with the project….mhm….my answer is still no Tom. I have no interest in being apart of a project that's demolishing a perfectly good halfway house that benefiting the community. You're just going to have to find someone else.”
Disconnecting his heated call, Noah found himself looking out the window at the city. Watching the people bustle about, he couldn’t help but think about all the ones who might be supernaturals. It was a curious thought, but since his first encounter at the hotel, he couldn’t help it. Everyone looked like normal human beings until they didn’t.
"Aw shit. He’s having the moment.” Noah turned to see Jayden smiling.
Mason laughed. "Yeah, the oh my goodness how many people out there aren’t human? one”
Noah smirked, “It’s that obvious huh?”
Liam nodded his head. "Funny story. My barber actually turned out to be a werewolf. I guess all the fur kind of makes him a hair expert.”
The four chuckled.
“What are you all doing here?” Noah asked as he folded his arms to his chest.
"We came to take you to lunch freckles.” Lilith entered his office, and his smile immediately widened. Walking over to her, he leaned down and kissed her.
"You look beautiful.”
She smiled. "Thank you.”
Liam posed. "And I guess we just look like shit huh?”
Shaking his head in amusement, Noah looked him up and down. "Of course not. In fact-“ He placed his hand under his chin in thought. "I really like the new haircut. Tell your werewolf barber he did an excellent job.”
"You beautiful son of a bitch.” Liam responded, pretending to wipe away tears. "I’ve been with these clowns all day and only you and Lilith noticed!”
Jayden patted his back. "No we noticed, we just didn’t give a shit.”
Liam glared at him before his eyes widened. "Obviously your barber was in a rush…I don’t think yours is even.”
Jayden grabbed his head. "WHAT?!” Turning to Mason in a panic he pointed to his head. "WHAT’S WRONG WITH MY HAIRLINE?! IS IT UNEVEN?”
Closing his eyes and shaking his head, Mason exhaled. "Why do you fall for his antics every time?”
Jayden glared at Liam but remained silent. Tilting her head Lilith, looked at Noah who somehow seemed to fit right in. "So what’s it to be architect? Wanna have some lunch with the 2 live crew?”
He nodded, grabbing his suit jacket. "Just have to be back by two, I have a major meeting later.”
"Look at him bragging as if we all don’t have important jobs…well except you…I don’t actually know what you do, but somehow you manage to get paid for it.” Liam said tapping Mason.
Mason stared at him. "Liam…you legit handle all of my contracts. What the hell are you talking about? You literally had a meeting this morning to deal with the negotiations for my keynote address.”
"I didn't have any meetings today…I know I have one Wednesday about something with a podium and a large commission but-“ His face paled as he looked at the calendar behind Noah. Covering his mouth he looked to an enraged Mason. "Oh, sweet baby Jesus today is Wednesday.” Darting from the room as Mason chased him, they could hear him scream. "I’M SORRY! I’LL FIX IT! I’LL FIX IT!"
"You didn’t have to fucking bite me,” Liam said glaring at Mason.
"You should have stopped running and I wouldn’t have had to.”
"You two knock it off. I want to have a nice lunch and you’re completely blowing my buzz.” Lilith stared at her drink. "It’s weird. Two of these and I’m usually a very happy camper.” Shifting nervously in their seats, the infamous three avoided her eyes. She stood. "Can you tell the waitress to take this back? It tastes funny anyway.”
"Of course.” Jayden said nodding as the three watched her walk away.
Noah eyed them curiously as they grabbed the drink adding more soda inside. He arched his brow. "Why the hell do you all keep doing that? You know she’s gonna figure out you’re diluting her drinks.”
Liam glared at him. "Shutthefuckupyoudon’tknowdrunklilith”
Jayden nodded. "I hate to agree with him on this one, but he’s right. Ever since the incident, we’ve been secretly diluting her drinks. She gets a buzz, but not as drunk as she did last time.”
Noah found his curiosity piqued. "What happened?”
"The four of us went out for a few beers and to play a litle pool. When we got back to Lilith’s we were pretty hammered and we kinda-thought it would be fun to-“Jayden collided his hands together and Noah nodded in understanding. "Admittedly, we had a bit of liquid courage and perhaps missed how much our shit-talking was pissing her off because the thing was, Lilith wasn’t drunk. Up until then, we had never even seen her drunk, so when she said let me take a few shots we thought this would be a new adventure for us all! “
Liam took over the conversation. "Then about ten shots-“
“TEN SHOTS?!” Noah shouted and Liam shook his head.
"Yep...ten shots later, Lilith is in her prime and excited. So she puts on some music to set the mood as she called it.”
"What’s the problem with that?”
"It wouldn't have been a problem, if the song was something like Beyonce- Drunk in love- fitting right? It wasn’t that though, and upon reflection, that’s where we should have first known the night wasn’t going to go in our favor. No Beyonce was playing Noah, Lilith put on J-Kwon-Tipsy.”
Noah tried his best to stifle his laugh seeing Jayden shake his head before taking back over telling the story. "I’ve never seen anybody do acrobatics on top of three men, drunk and during a song change from Boosie to Willie Nelson. We were all confused. By the time we got to Pusha T…and Tim McGraw…we were all exhausted and realized we bought three knives to a gunfight. She tore us apart.”
The three glared at Noah as he covered his mouth and laughed.
"So glad you find that funny. You know she even threw in the Stone Cold Steve Austin glass shatter theme music at the end out of spite?! Cracked two beers, slammed them together, and stormed out shaking her head shouting “Next time don’t come in here talking shit!”
Noah's face was beet red from laughing. "Sounds like you all kinda deserved it.” Seeing Lilith make her way back to the table, Mason scowled at Noah who drew a pretend zipper on his lips.
After a few moments of pleasant conversation, Lilith could sense there was something on Noah’s mind. She tilted her head. "What’s running through that mind of yours freckles?”
"Always perceptive…I was just wondering, how come you never participate in Rubicon? You dance and introduce the guys to the hotel, but you don’t stay?” He saw her look down to the table, and the faces of the guy's line with horror.
Rubbing her back, Liam whispered to her. "It’s okay my love.” She nodded.
“I apologize. I truly didn’t know it was a touchy subject, you owe me no explanation.” Noah said seeing how uncomfortable she was.
Lilith's eyes met his. The hazel in them so lined with concern, it pulled at her. "No, I do owe you one. It’s just hard to talk about.”
Liam clasped his hands together. "You have to understand, because Lilith’s the queen, her powers are a little-different…the other Succubi feed on the sexual energy of their partners and the others around them, that’s why Rubicon is structured the way it is. But Lilith can do all of that, and feed all types.”
She patted Liam’s hand. "What he’s trying to say is, I can absorb any sexual energy…doesn’t matter what kind, including my own, or how it’s brought about.” She saw his eyes widened. “If I’m not careful, I can go too far and that’s what happened on the night I met Liam.”
“What happened Lilith?” Noah asked clasping his hands in front of him.
Lilith inhaled sharply and fliddled with her fingers. She found herself nervous at how he would take the news of what she had done. Her eyes teared.
"I-I fed on someone until there was no more energy in him…and when the smoke cleared, I realized he was dead, and I was the one who killed him.”