Read with BonusRead with Bonus

7. Being the Fake Girlfriend

I couldn’t believe that Liam James had just lied to the press that I was his girlfriend. I couldn’t hold the fury in me. But, for the sake of image, I withheld everything in me.

When we were out of the paparazzi's sight, I was about to utter a million folds of insult. I wasn’t prepared for what came next. The exact moment we entered the office, the workers immediately began to clap with smiles on their faces.

They seemed so happy.

Liam’s hands were still entangled in mine as before.

I watched as a staff came forward with a bouquet of flowers.

“Congratulations on your new status, Miss Eleanor.” One said, bowing down. I couldn’t help but be humble. I mean this was all too much for a new model like me, wasn't it?

“Oh, no. You don’t have to address me that way. You are my seniors and I learn from you all.” I said. But, it seemed like nobody paid heed to what I had just uttered.

Another staff came forward to where me and Liam stood.

“Also, congratulations on your relationship, boss.” The staff said.

“Thanks, Sam.” Liam replied. Oh, how rumors flew. The lie that he told half a second ago, had somehow been spread just now.

“What the hell do you think you were doing back there, Liam?” I asked him immediately. We were both on our way to the board of bosses room. After what had happened, they had summoned me. He was practically one of the bosses so he wouldn’t be blamed for anything even though he did most of the talking.

God, I was so screwed.

“That was just saving your ass. So, I’d be grateful if I were you.” He answered me arrogantly.

“How did you save my ass? Now the press thinks we are in a relationship.” I told him, with a snare.

“No one would take it lightly if an ordinary girl is seen in public with me. I had to claim that you were mine so they won’t call you all sort rude names.” Liam seethed out.

We had halted just at the front of the door.

“Yours? Now you sound funny, Liam.” I told him.

I twisted the door knob about to open it but he placed his hands on mine to stop me. Just as his hands touched mine, I felt a strange feeling ensue my hands. I think he felt it too. Because his eyes directed to mine, staring at it out if curiosity.

I immediately withdrew my hands.

“Don’t touch me.” I gritted out. I was about to open the door again when he grasped my arms. I wasn’t prepared for what he whispered next.

“Let’s pretend we are dating, red. By this, no one would insult you here.”

My ears felt tingles spread out from his luscious whispers. He then wrapped a hand around my waist. With his legs, he kicked the door open. To my startled expression, I was met with the faces of the company's bosses, all watching us as we strode inside.

I straightened up and walked with him. Liam made sure we both sat beside each other. I was so going to murder him after this.

“What is this we hear of you and her, Liam? Is she really your girlfriend?” A female asked. She was in a blonde bub which suited her facial features. What stood out in her face was her cherry lipstick which was perfectly defined.

“I really hate to repeat myself twice and you all know that. Yes, we are in a relationship.” Liam gushed out. I could see the puzzled expression on everyone’s faces. It was as if they didn’t expect this at all.

I couldn’t blame them.

I mean, I was a nobody.

“Y-You are…?” That same female said again. From how she reacted, I could tell she had a thing for Liam. I wished I could scream to them all that it was a lie. But, I wasn’t going to ruin any of this. It was already too late.

“Yes, I express my apologies for the late info, bosses.” I immediately sprawled out.

“From this moment on, I take it as my responsibility to tell you anything you need to know earlier.” I added, placing my hands on the table. Liam wrapped his hands around mine so others could see. Though I had a feeling he was doing this to taunt me.

I gave him a glare, hoping he would take hints but he just rubbed my hands like couples did.

“It’s ok, Miss Eleanor. This is Margaret, she would be your manager from this moment. She would tell you your schedules and everything you have to do.” A man, who was also one of the bosses, uttered.

“That’s great. Thank you!” I said, breathing a sigh of relief.

“We’ve come to an end of this meeting.” Someone announced.

My eyes directed to Liam who gave me a flirtatious wink I chose to ignore.

I couldn’t have been more happy that everything had been resolved.


“Change my name, why?” I asked Margaret. We were both in her office, taking note of my schedules. She had just gave a requirement which was so surprising.

“As a celebrity, you'll be needing something more easier for people to recollect. A name with a sense of bad ass and style. Thus, we have to decide that.” She explained.

I sat down stiffly in the chair.

All my life, I had been trying to be a model. I wanted people to know me for my real name not something fake.

“Is this really necessary?” I asked her.

“Yes, this name change even brings more security. No meddling paparazzi would interfere in your life. Doesn’t that sound good?” she asked again.

Honestly, I didn’t know what I should do. Whether I should say a yes or no. I had no idea of what benefit that would earn me.

But, she had just mentioned something about security and privacy. This might be a great idea after all.

“Ok,” I replied.

“Like you agree to the standards to your celebrity name?” Margaret asked to clarify.

“Yeah…” I trailed out, replying.

“Nikki Fox.” She immediately uttered.

“Sorry?” I answered.

“That’s your celebrity name, Miss. That would be your new name from now on.” She mentioned.


Margaret had told me about many things. She had mentioned various topics on how to be a star. One of those requirements were living in a neighborhood nobody knew you resided in.

And, for the street I lived in, that was impossible.

She had made arrangements with the company. I was to move in within a week's time to a house for the rich. According to her, “the company would pay the cost for that, since they had agreed to invest a fortune in me.” I couldn’t have felt more grateful, merely knowing that.

I was going to share this wonderful news to mum when I got home.

I got home in the evening.

Earlier today, I had been so busy from the numerous photo shoots. As a new celebrity model, I had to make sure every single bit of what I wore was perfect.

There wasn’t any room for flaw.

A thing I had noticed when I got it was the quietness. Mum wasn’t by the window side, knitting. I decided to check on her.

I opened her door, calling out her name.


There was no reply.

I switched on the room light but it didn’t power on. We couldn’t afford to pay for light that was why. Thus, I switched on my phone. I screamed at what I saw.

Mum was on the floor, with a pool of blood surrounding her once elegant body.

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