Chapter 7: Special Friend

It is a cozy sunny afternoon at Bellmont. The breeze is just right for outdoor activities. The leaves of the trees sway lazily with the wind.

Anna just got home from school. She is a bit disappointed because she thought she will be able to go home earlier. Luckily, she has no written assignments to do for today.

Professor Lane, her Botany teacher, made them stay to clean up the laboratory equipment they used for the day. The class took a while to finish because instead of just cleaning, everyone was fooling around in the lab. They ended up cleaning much more than they were originally supposed to.

So here she is right now preparing in a rush for a little picnic setup for her friend. She tries to focus to calm herself. Everything is almost set anyway.

Anna thinks twice if the cucumber sandwiches are enough. Good thing she made the lemonade early this morning before she went to class so it's now ready enough to pack. What else?

Anna rushes upstairs for a quick change. She wears her favourite pastel green blouse and her dark green pants.

"I think we look good alright." she nods to her reflection in the mirror. Her reflection gives a brilliant smile and a thumb's up sign as affirmation to her.

"Okay, I'm going now, bye!" she says and blows a kiss towards her reflection. The reflection just winks back seemingly excited just like her.

Carrying a basket with the sandwiches and the big flask of lemonade, Anna crosses the street in a hurry towards the willow tree.

She half smiles envisioning how funny it would be if she trips midway crossing the street. Would that make her appear too eager?

Anna breathes deeply and calms down.

Popsie and Marmee went out on a date late this afternoon. Marmee likes to check out the new bakery at the other town. They might even get some groceries as well. So they may take a while to get back.

Anna reaches the backside of the willow tree and as she expects, Caspian is already there doodling with his stick on the ground. She observes him a little bit without making any sound.

Caspian is scribbling her name...

"Sorry I'm late..." Anna says shyly after a while.

"Oh, it's okay..." Caspian replies as he hurriedly erases what he wrote done.

He glances appreciatively at Anna with a wide smile. He walks towards her and takes the basket from Anna. They find a nice spot near the tree.

Both of them sit down at the same time under the shade of the willow tree. The breeze blows softly at their flushed faces.

Anna takes out a small picnic mat then Caspian helps her spread it on the ground. They move in silence, as if what they are doing needs a lot of concentration. However, in truth, both are just trying to think of what to say to the other.

Anna starts unloading the sandwiches and the flask from the basket. Still, she avoids looking directly at Caspian.

"You look nice, umm, the color green suits you." Caspian compliments Anna but is staring elsewhere. He tries to sneak a glance when Anna is busy with the sandwiches.

Anna stops rearranging the sandwiches and takes a quick glance at Caspian. As usual, he is wearing the same brown outfit. She grins at him.

"Thanks for the compliment. I really like this color too." Anna pauses.

"I hope you will not mind if I ask you a question..." she hesitates.

Caspian looks her way without saying anything, still awkwardly.

Anna takes a deep breath then says, "Why do you always wear that?" pointing to Caspian from top to bottom.

Caspian looks at himself too, as if just seeing what he is wearing for the first time.

"Well, I don't know what else to wear? It's not nice?" he says with a puzzled look on his face.

"It's fine but it's just that... every time I see you, you are wearing the same clothes again and again. Is that some kind of uniform or something?" Anna asks.

"Maybe, I guess you can call it like that, if you mean that everyone wears it. My people wear the same as what I wear." Caspian admits.

"Okay, when you say your people, do you mean your family?" Anna questions again.

"Yes my family. I grew up getting used to these clothes and our way of life." Caspian confides.

"What does your family do? I mean, what is your way of living?" Anna continues out of curiosity.

"My family takes care of the land. We make plants grow. We make sure things are fine in the Valley. Then people come to sell them in markets." Caspian replies.

"So your family are farmers and landowners? That's cool. I have always been fascinated with plants and nature. I'm taking Botany and I love learning how things grow." Anna shares excitedly.

"We are not really landowners. The land is for everyone. We take care of the lands. We make sure that all the elements are balanced." Caspian explains.

"Your family lives in that land that had caught fire when I was still a baby, right? Do you know what really happened then?" Anna inquires.

"It's not really clear to me since, like you've said, you are still a baby. Back then, I was still very young. Only the elders know what exactly transpired at that time. Every time I ask, they will just say that whoever caused the damages was already caught and punished."

"My people's priority now is to restore the place to its original glory. We are working hard towards that, for the sake of my people and for everyone else." Caspian clarifies.

"Yes, I have learned from Jo's parents that the place was really beautiful back then. It is very productive. I wish we could have seen that." Anna says thoughtfully.

She hands a cucumber sandwich to Caspian, urging him to take a bite.

"I prepared those. Jo and I love those. I hope you like it too." She informs him.

"Thanks Anna," Caspian says.

"Maybe someday you will see the Valley the way other people witnessed its bounty, too." He turns serious for a moment.

"Speaking of your friend, when is she coming back?" Caspian asks changing the subject.

"Jo says after her graduation. I thought she will be gone for a long time but luckily, her dad will be finishing up soon. I miss her terribly..."

Anna stares blankly at an invisible spot on the ground.

Caspian looks intently at Anna and saw her sad face. He reaches out for Anna's hand without thinking and says, "You miss her a lot. I can tell."

Anna looks at Caspian beside her and gives him a half smile. She lets Caspian hold her hand.

"She's my best friend, my only friend." Anna narrates.

"I know, but she will be back soon and right now, I'm glad you are here. I am your friend too. Can I be your special friend?" Caspian asks in a whisper.

Anna smiles in response and takes a bite of her sandwich.

"Jo says she would love to meet you when she gets back. That would be your official welcome to our Willow Tree club." Anna blurts out adding a bit of humor to it.

"I would love to meet her too." Caspian answers but still staring somewhere else.

Both of them gaze in silence at the trail leading to the forest. They seem grateful that the sun has set and the shade provided by the willow tree hides the blush on their faces.

They stay like that, holding each other's hands, until it is really dark and Anna needs to go back to her house. Time flies so fast when they are together.

Caspian helps Anna pack the picnic basket once more. He carries it while he accompanies her across the street. He seems unwilling to let go of her hand.

Anna notices that there is still no light inside. She is aware her parents are not back yet. She finds it unfortunate because she is hoping her Popsie and Marmee would be back by then. She likes to introduce her special friend to them. She stops short and thought of something to stall Caspian from going home yet.

"Would you like to go inside first?" Anna invites Caspian as she opens the blue door.

Caspian hesitates, staring at the open door. He then looks at Anna.

Anna waits for a reply.

"I guess, maybe some other time. Thanks for the lovely picnic."

"Good night Anna," he says giving Anna's hand a gentle squeeze.

He crosses the street back to the willow tree.

Caspian waves goodbye, then finally disappears behind the willow tree.

Anna stares after him absentmindedly. She feels like running after him. She shakes her head and smiles to herself. She cannot wait to tell Popsie and Marmee about her special friend.

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