Chapter 3

"You're letting me go to the college I want?" Avril repeated the key point of her parents' discussion. In fact, it was the only words her brain held onto once the words flowed from her father's mouth. She thanked the heavens that she was sitting, her mind was swirling.

"Yes." Her father responded and Avril sat up on her bed.

"I don't understand." She replied truthfully, her eyes scrutinizing them. This had to be some form of a joke.

"Well, we considered it and we have decided to let you go." Her father insisted but instead of feeling joy, Avril was skeptical.

"Why have you changed your mind?" She questioned them both.

"We realized that this is in your best interest." Her mother responded and Avril rose her eyebrows, an indication that she didn't buy it—at all.

"You mean" She began, her anger sailing to dangerous heights by the passing second. "You were convinced only due to the Chambers opinion." She laughed sardonically.

"Wow, thanks for the vote of confidence there, you choose their opinion over your daughters." She replied contemptuously.

"Why do you take everything so personally?" Her father questioned, his voice soft and understanding, a manner he only adopted when he was in the wrong and Avril despised him for it at the moment. She didn't like that he tried to make her out to be the bad one by being so understanding especially since he had basically accused her of possessing a questionable personality. One that was hinting at her leading a double life!

"Maybe because it is?" She replied hotly and her parents sighed.

"We are allowing you to go, isn't that what you wanted?" Her mother interrupted the sting of Avril's death stares.

"It is what I want but I still hoped that you had trusted me." Avril replied, her gaze flickering to both parents ensuring they saw the disappointment in her eyes. For an entire week, she had to suffer through the hours mourning the loss of a dream they are dangling in front of her once more. She couldn't help but feel a little bit of resentment.

"You're getting to go, so count your lucky stars." Her father commanded and Avril rolled her eyes but remained quiet, an indication that she didn't want to hold the conversation any longer.

"Get some sleep." Her mother doused the awkwardness. Both parents made their way to Avril's door.

"One more thing..." Her father turned to face her once more. Avril lifted her brows in acknowledgment to her father's words and this was sufficient encouragement for him to continue.

"You will not stay on the university's grounds, I have a friend who lives close by and he has agreed to allow you to stay there while you go to school." Her father announced.

"Are you insane?" She blurted. "I can't stay by your friend's house!" She was outraged, despite her father trusting this 'friend' she was annoyed! How can she stay at someone's house? Someone she never met! And she was certain this was the first time she was hearing of them.

"You will stay where I tell you." Her father corrected and she glared at him. "You are scheduled to be at his house in a couple of weeks so that you can settle in before school officially begins."

"His house?" She questioned. "Who is this friend?"

"We worked together in our younger years, last I heard he runs his own company these days. I trust him completely and if I didn't you know I wouldn't allow you to go there." He tried to persuade her but Avril remained silent.

Everything came with a price.

Here her parents were supposedly acting as if they were giving her what she wanted but as always there was a catch.

"Whatever, can I go to sleep now?" Her question was more of a dismissal and her parents took no trouble understanding what she really meant. They exited, closing the door behind them, neither of them holding any interest to continue the conversation.

Avril sighed loudly and dropped back first onto her bed. It was not even midnight and despite her saying she wanted to go to bed, Avril never slept this early. Her mind was always on overdrive, conjuring and thinking things that wasn't even important but she over analysed everything and spent hours just playing things over in her mind. Often just fantasizing as well...Her life had much lacking, especially in the romance department. She had hoped, among other things such as receiving a proper education, that university away from home would have allowed her ample opportunity to make some waves in the romance department.


"Then it's settled!" Sara shrieked, she grew excited at Avril's news. "We will both journey across at the same time. It kinda sucks that you can't stay on campus too but at least you're going!" her squeal at a pitch that would probably either attract or scare something away.

Avril laughed. "I know, I was really pissed about that too. It's bizarre."

"It really is." Sara's voice grew softer, a sign her mind was contemplating the situation.

"Anyway..." Avril broke her spell. "Let's not question this, okay? I will see you soon, I have to go downstairs for dinner."

"Okay see you later," Sara responded and the line silenced.

Avril looked at her reflection in the mirror, "Not to worry, everything is settled." She tried to calm her nerves. She was scared it was all just an illusion or some sick joke, she kept waiting for the other shoe to drop and that made her anxious.

Thomas leaned back on a leather chair that was pretty common in the office, while he browsed through his report. He tapped the desk rhythmically; he was growing more and more bored by the second. He despised paperwork; it seemed so dull especially since doing fieldwork was exciting for him. When his cell began vibrating from its place at the table he was more than happy to answer it considering the circumstances.

"Thomas Lynne speaking." His voice cool and detached.

"Tom, it's your father." The man spoke, his voice just a bit gruffer than his son's.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" Thomas questioned, he had an amazing relationship with his father but recently their calls were limited to business discussions.

"I wanted to congratulate you on your work. I keep hearing outstanding things." His voice radiated his pride. Thomas' father owned the organization and someday so would Thomas. Some people pass down trinkets or something of sentimental value, his family on the other hand handed down the reigns of their biggest accomplishment. A company with the sole mission of purging the world of degenerates.

"I appreciate it," Thomas replied. His body warming by the notion of his father's pride.


"How have you been lately?" His father questioned after the noteworthy silence.

"I have been doing well actually, I am more worried about you." Thomas tried to get a glimpse of how his father's time was going. They hadn't spoken casually in a while and now that they were allowed this window he was anxious to know.

"You have no reason to worry at all." He could hear the smile spreading across his father's features.

"Are you certain? Have you been taking your medication?" He questioned. His father was a heart patient, an illness that was quite common but Thomas worried continuously.

"If I wanted to be smothered like an adolescent I would have remarried, Thomas. I am a grown man I think I have the sense to remember to take some stupid pills." He grew defensive.

"If you say so, boss." Thomas replied sarcastically, a huge smile spreading across his features.

"Oh, Thomas I also called to confirm your vacation period." His father grew all business-like once more.

"I never applied for a vacation." Thomas rebuked, his forehead creasing in confusion. Perhaps it was a mix-up?

"I know." His father responded matter-of-factly.

"You know?" Thomas pronounced each word slowly, the question in them blatant.

"Yes. I am—how to put this?" His father fumbled, "I am commanding you to go on vacation. Head home for a couple of months."

"But I don't want a vacation. I want to work." He defended.

"You have been working constantly for almost two years. You need to some R&R." He countered.

"I didn't request it. Besides I would be bored out of my skull." Thomas whined.

"Thomas," His father sounded concerned now. "I would feel better if you take some time off. I promise if there is a huge case I will send for you off the books but for

now, you are to go home." His voice was pleading.

Thomas couldn't say no to his father, especially when he sounded like this. He sighed heavily into the phone and raked his fingers aggressively through his hair.

"Fine..." The words came out rough and he knew he might regret doing this but— "I will take some R&R but in a couple of weeks. That is my final decision, my compromise."

"Great! Then it's settled! I also plan to visit home on some occasions." His father disclosed.

Everything was just settled.

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