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"Who are you?"

When Veera opened her eyes, a white blurry ceiling was the first thing she saw. Just for one minute, she felt relaxed, thinking that it was all a strange dream and she was still at her hotel room. She grabbed her glasses from the side and put them on, getting her clear vision back.

She sat up slowly on the bed with a praline duvet, and realised that this was not the same duvet she went to sleep with last night. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, finding that she was in a really big room, more like a suite. Her memories finally rushed back and she remembered her last words she said before fainting.

'You're not going to get away with me'

She was kidnapped.

Getting out of bed, Veera rushed towards the door and tried to open it. But then she noticed it was locked.

“LET ME OUT!” She rattled on the knob and banged her hand on the door.

No response.

"ANYBODY THERE? LET ME OUT!! PLEASE!" She cried and kicked the door in frustration. She repeated this a couple of times, but there was still no reply.

Her head suddenly felt a little dizzy. Whatever the magic dust he blew on her, it hadn't worn off. She went to the bathroom and splashed her face with cold.

Keep focused, Veera.

She looked around the interior decorations. Even the bathroom was luxurious. Golden framed mirror and huge bath tub shinning in pure white color. With no doubts, she knew exactly who the kidnapper is.

Ares Cascata. The rich bastard.

She looked her reflection in the mirror. She looked pale and awkward.

"It's ok, don't panic." Veera wiped off her face and said to herself. She couldn't break down just yet.

She returned back to the big room and went to open the curtains. She was amazed to find there were two doors with big window panels on it.

A balcony.

But the glass doors were locked as well. The scenery outside was gorgeous. Stars were shining in the dark sky and the moon looked so bright and gentle. But there’s no time to enjoy the sight.

Let’s see if I can break it. Veera cussed and looked around the room, trying to find something to smash the glass window.

Suddenly she heard a sound from her back.


Something was unlocked.

She turned her head towards the door. Her heart beats raised. Moments past but no one entered the room. She only saw a shadow of someone’s feet, walking away from the door.

Confused, she stepped towards the door and turned the handle. The door was opened and what greeted her was the silence of the corridor.

Standing in the hallway, she found herself in a huge mansion, much bigger than the hotel she stayed in Hawaii.

Where was she now?

Walking down the hallway with her bare feet, she felt the coldness from the ground. The floor was made from marble. Veera found the staircase and came down the stairs discreetly.

She came into a lounge area and she froze instantly when she saw a huge portrait of herself hanging on the wall.

"Oh my god!" She gasped, staring at the picture of herself five years ago. It was of her smiling and wearing her grey school uniform.

Who took this? Chills ran down her spine.

"Hello beauty." A hot breath sounded near her ear. She was almost startled at the sudden voice.

Turning around, she finally got a chance to glare at her captor.

Ares Cascata.

He wore a white shirt with collar and dark silk pants, like an elegant gentleman. Veera realized why she thought he was so nice look in suit the first time she met him. Because he had absolutely broad shoulder and with his tall height, he looked like a noble princess.

But he’s no more than a beast.

Veera clenched her fists at her side and looked at him angrily and at the same time. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked up at him. Of course she’s afraid of him. But there’s no way to show her weakness before him.

The man standing before her was the werewolf she saved five years ago. He was the one who killed people ruthlessly. He kidnapped her. He hanged up her portrait on the wall like a sick psychopath.

She had no time to figure out why he returned her kindness with vengeance. Maybe that’s what a killer would do. Memories flooded back as she recalled what happened five years ago. She knew how powerful an Alpha could be but she had no choice. She had to fight.

"I see you're awake." His eyes looked at her warmly. Veera's heart raced and she tried to control her dizziness due to her rising fear, but her head then swayed lightly. Shit! The fucking fairy dust.

"Piss off!*" She glared at him. She was determined not to pass out again.

She went to run away from him but he growled and caught her by the waist. She yelped, kicking her feet and squirming in his grasp. He flung her on the coach and Veera pushed his chest away with a short yell. He moved away from her and stood in front of her looking down at her dominantly.

"Do not be alarmed." He simply said.

"You kidnapped me!" She fired.

"Calm down and drink this." He went towards a table and poured her a drink. He put the glass towards her trembling lips. Her eyes watered but she didn't dare a tear to slip down just yet.

Veera took a sip of the cool drink, and looked at Ares and spat it back at his face, defiantly.

"Drink it yourself!" She snapped at him.

She got up trying to escape him once more but Ares caught her and growled at her dangerously.

"Don't misbehave with me, there is a limit of how much I will tolerate your stubbornness from you."

Veera slapped him.

Then she watched how his eyes suddenly glow in another color. He grabbed Veera's neck and growled angrily at her.

"Calm the fuck down Veera!" He angrily said making Veera grow silent, by the sheer tone of his voice.

Her braveness with him was reaching at a limit and a hard lump in her throat was forming by the second, as his hand held her throat.

She was scared of him and he knew it. Ares slowly let go of her and moved away to give her space.

Veera panted and glared at him, “LET. ME. GO.”

He signed and put her over his shoulder, ignoring her kick on his back and the loud scream. Then he put her down on a chair and tied her up with duct tape on her hands, feet and her mouth.

No chance for screaming.

“Baby girl, calm down. I will not hurt you.” He wiped her tears away very gently.

“If you promised you wouldn’t do it again...” He pointed at her month.

He removed the tape from her mouth slowly. Veera took the chance. She bit his thumb angrily when he touched her trembling lips.

Ares chuckled and pulled his thumb away.

Then he licked his thumb with her saliva. He seemed not to be annoyed by her naughty behavior. Instead, he looked lustful. Veera gulped and she saw his eyes glow pink momentarily.

Aunt Rita told her that werewolf would only glowed their eyes pink when they were feeling turned on. So anytime you saw a pink eyed werewolf, just run if you don’t want to lose your innocence. “Werewolves are monsters. They would never be gentle or moral.”

But what happened now? She just bit him. How possibly could he be turned on by her?!

She panicked and screamed at the top of her lungs. But luckily, maybe it was just a mistake. His eyes soon went back blue and then calmly returned back to his usual dark ones. He put the tape back on her and sat on the sofa, pulling her chair closely with one big hand. He now cracked his sly smile at her, making Veera nervous.

"If you behave, I'll let you go." He said.

Veera looked at her kidnapper and raised a brow. She wouldn’t believe a single word coming out from his mouth. Who’d believe a kidnapper? It was not a fucking movie!

Veera looked away from his face showing her stance. There’s no room for negotiation between a victim and a villain.

"I need you to understand this, Veera. I have searched for you for a long time," Ares recalled the memories back when he was chased by the hooded man. At night, Veera didn’t only saved him but gave him an incredible strength and power. He needed to find the truth.

"I should have say hello to you much earlier but I had to get out of your town." Ares continued, “Someone wanted my life and it was not my territory.”

Veera's eyes landed on her portrait on the wall behind him.

"That picture was taken by me before I left town. That was the only picture I have of you, my saviour.” Ares noticed this and spoke further, “I put it there just to remind myself that I must see you again.

“And so, here you are.”

Veera's heart skipped a beat when he said that. So he knew all this time where she was? She had been watched for a long time?

"My wolf and I have missed you very much, Veera. All we want to do is spend some time with you, to show you our gratitude of thanks and love."

Veera blinked as she heard what he said.

Love? What kind of fucking love would let you kidnap me and tied me here on a chair?!

"I am going to remove this tape off you, please don't scream. You are miles away from home, and no one will listen to your cries, except for me."

Miles away from home? Oh fucking great! No way to escape now. Veera took a huge gulp and nodded.

The he removed the tape.

"I want to go home, please. You can’t take me like this,” Veera licked her dry lips momentarily, “You said I saved you right? So please just let me go—”

"Would you have come willingly f I asked you?" Ares cut her off and asked

Veera looked at Ares. HELL NO!

"Yes." she replied with heavy heart beat.

"I know the sound of truth Veera, so don't lie to me." Ares smirked at her.

“Hey, you owe me remember? Is that the way you treated your savior?” Veera defied him, “After all, you don’t have the right to keep me here and took away my freedom. You don’t own me!”

“Wrong, Veera.” Ares grabbed her jaw, coming closer to her face. Her breath hitched in her throat as she looked up at him in fear.

Ares hated always behaving rough with her, but she needed to know the manner. “I own you, Veera. An Alpha owns everything he wanted.”

There’s no real fairness in this screwed world, especially under the dominance of werewolves. Aunt Rita was right. Werewolves are nothing but assholes

“Don’t touch me.” She snapped at him, trying to show her toughness. But hot tears escaped her eyes, “you are nothing but a psycho.”

Ares could understand why she was upset but he had no other way to find out her truth.

“Veera, this is how the world runs.” Ares pulled his face away from her, sat down having a drink of his own. His voice turned cold, “Now, tell my about your truth, little bird.”

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