"M-my real mother?"
"Don't you remember me Ruby?" Of course I did. How could I forget the woman who didn't for once treat me like a daughter during the few times she managed to be around my dad and I. That was a memory among others I hate recalling. I could blame my brain for being so vivid when it comes to memories, but it is still a part of me. A vital one.
But I still had to deal with the woman in front of me, staring at me hard as if trying to drill thoughts and ideas into me. Walking out of her hold, I said, "You are not my mother. My mother is most probably at her office working."
"Yes," she snorted. "That babysitter." The look of disgust on her face made me want to kick some sense into her. "I am sure she has bad mouthed me. You know nothing about how vile she is."
My mind could only imagine what bad thing she was about to say about my mother. And my curiosity got the best of me.
"What do you mean?"
The tall woman wore a small smile and moved closer as though she had secrets she aimed to tend to me. "Do you know why I am not with your father? That woman stole him from me. She seduced him when I wasn't around and I really don't know how ."
Still wearing a fake surprise look which encouraged her to talk more, I said, "Really?"
"Look at me..." She beat her chest lightly. "I was a good mother to you and I would still be with you if not for that woman who has brainwashed your father."
"A good mother?" It would have been fun to watch her go on about how she was so good, but I had a class to attend and so did Abby who was watching the exchange in front of her as silently as she could. "Miss Diane..." Her eyes darkened. "At first I didn't recognize you. But if you really are the woman who gave birth to me, I just want to tell you that I don't need you in my life."
"What? But I am your mother. Do you know how long I have searched for you? If not for that article that was written about you, I would still be searching relentlessly."
Of course, the article. I wet my lower lip with the tip of my tongue, my being already sick of her presence. "Do you really think I don't remember how terribly you treated me? How do you expect me to welcome you after you treated Dad and I like trash? Because I clearly remember you took pleasure in coming and leaving as you wished "
"No, you've got it wrong. I-"
"Then, you find it so convenient to stand in front of me now and badmouth the woman who has taken care of me all these years? You should be ashamed ma'am."
"But I am your mother. I-"
"You gave birth to me?" I guessed her last statement and a small look of disgust could not help but stay on my face. "From what I recall, you have never once acted like you did. So you have no right to stand here and expect me to act like everything is fine." The strength with which I used to speak to her was getting dimmer as seconds passed. It finally hit me- I have two mothers.
"So, you are telling me off?" she scorned. "I guess you have your father's attitude after all."
There suddenly seemed to be a kind of uncomfortable heat wrapping me up. But I still managed a sarcastic smile and said, "Maybe I am like my father. And maybe I should ring him right now and tell him who came looking for me in school. I am sure he will be elated."
She did not miss the bitterness in my voice, so she just nodded and began to take small steps back. "Very well then. But know this Ruby... me being your mother is just the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot of things you still don't know."
"Please..." I was beginning to feel stuffed. "Leave." I dropped the box in my hand and had to bend for a while to try and set my system as my ears picked the clicking of her heels departing.
"Ruby?" Abby placed her hand on my back, her voice laced with worry. As I eventually stood straight and told her I was fine, she shook her head. "You look pale. Do you want to go sit at our spot?" I was kind of relived she didn't question me yet about what just happened. Perhaps she understood I needed to take it one at a time.
"That sounds good. But you are late for class," I said as my eyes swept through the surroundings and noticed the pizza bus had left and it took its loud music with it. " I'll go alone."
"Are you sure?" I nodded and handed her her box. "I will see you later."
We soon parted ways and I made for a quiet spot just beside the main school building where Jake, Abby and I usually study. But someone was already there. Two people actually. And they both seemed to be engaged in a heated conversation.
One of them, a young man who looked like he was bathed with money, sensed my arrival and quickly said something to the taller guy with dark hair who just relaxed his grip against the wall and stole a look in my direction. Unlike the other guy, he looked more rough, but in a good way. And his eyes... there was something about them I found intriguing.
The rough looking guy didn't stare for long. Instead, with a quick swing of his broad shoulders, he walked away and the other person did the same leaving me to wonder if they were lovers. Quickly deciding that was none of my business, I soon realized I should be in class before Mrs. Cook decides to mark me absent for the rest of the term.
As I stepped into the house, it was obvious mom was already in, so I went looking for her. And there she was, in the living room, sitting freely. She was either very tired because of work or the pregnancy was getting to her already.
As I walked closer to her quietly, I could not help but appreciate how beautiful she is. With her full black hair which looked so shiny from afar to her cute eyes which smiled even when her lips weren't tugging, I could tell why my father fell in love with her. She also had such an amazing personality and I could not have wished for any other mother for Zion and I and of course... the little one in her belly.
"Hey mom," I quietly said as I found my seat beside her on the white couch which complemented the colourfulness of the living room.
"You are back. How are you?" Her eyes opened and she flashed me a smile as her hand reached to cover mine.
"I am good." I took off my bagpack. "How was work today?"
"Oh you know the usual... a lot of paperwork here and there. I am glad I will be having a break soon." I nodded in agreement. She sure did need a break. Although her publishing company was doing well, heading it was stressful for her.
"I met someone today." A pause followed. "She said she is my real mother."
She instantly adjusted. "What? Who?"
"Oh my God. Why would she-?" Her worried eyes darted to me. "What did she say to you?"
Shrugging, I replied, "She just said she had been looking for me for some time."
"Anything else?" I shook my head and I had to wonder if there really was something else I shouldn't know. "How are you feeling baby?" Mom seemed more relaxed and I had to suspect something really was being hidden. But since it is being kept from me, I guess it's for the best.
"I was taken aback. But I am fine now."
"Aww, my little girl," she cooed and pulled me into a huge hug, her hand running through my back. "I am so glad you are fine." I relaxed into her hold and failed to hold back my smile. Her hug was the best.
"Can I get a hug too?" the tiny voice of my ever cute brother asked and I looked his way. His full black hair danced in the air as he approached us with those eyes of his that always wore curiosity.
"Hey Zee," I greeted him and he gave me a small smile. Man, I can't wait for him to grow up. Certainly his smile will affect a lot of hearts. "How is my favourite boy?" He climbed into mom's laps and gave an inaudible response.
Typical of him.
"Look at you two... you are both so cute," Mom said, her eyes darting between my brother and I lovingly. "Alright bring it in."
"Family hug?" asked the little one and as the wonderful woman carrying him nodded, he squealed happily and dragged her into a hug. Then she did the same to me.
And as I enjoyed the company of both of them, I knew without doubt they were people I loved with all my heart. And I certainly wasn't going to let people like Diane ruin such good thing.