Chapter 5
“What’s this?” Mia shifted the bag that was dropped on the couch right next to her, interrupting her nap.
“A new dress. We have another social event to attend tonight.” Gabriel towered over her. She groaned, pushing the bag aside and cuddling deeper into the folds of the couch.
“Can’t you get one of your mistress’ to do it? I just got Amiyah to bed, I am exhausted.” She didn’t resist the imaginary string pulling her eyelids together.
“Don’t be absurd, Mia.” He grumbled, kicking the couch with the tip of his shoe to shake her out of her nap. Her eyes flew open at the impact and she shot daggers at him with her eyes.
“We had specific arrangements when we decided to stay together.” He reminded her, crossing his arms and looking down at her.
“When you decided.” She corrected him, sitting up on the couch. “What time?” She sighed.
“We’re dropping Amiyah to my mother’s at seven.” He notified her, glancing at his watch. “It’s four right now.” He told her and made his way out of her sight.
Mia dragged herself up to make the necessary preparations.
“You didn’t trip tonight; I regard that as a win.” Gabriel whispered in her ear. They were standing amongst Gabriel’s peers. She smiled and nodded in an attempt to disguise her ignorance and boredom with attentiveness.
“I’m going to the ladies room.” She whispered back, enjoying the freedom she experienced at Gabriel’s hand falling away from the small of her back. Mia took her time circling the room. She hadn’t the slightest idea were the ladies room was exactly but this didn’t make her anxious. The longer she spent away from her husband the better for her.
She’d never noticed how many people attended these business parties. While she was told of its exclusivity, there were tons of suited men and women lounging about. There was a sea of unfamiliar faces and among them she noticed one person she’d seen more than once.
“Didn’t you and Harvey Regal have a bit of an interaction?” She overhead the beginning of a conversation as she stood staring at the man in question. He appeared so different from the man she encountered in her classroom. Gone was the laid back man who smiled at her politely. He stood within a circle of men, their discussions seeming animated while he stared on in silence. She noted him tugging at the tie on his neck, his fingers once again grasping her attention.
He wears that suit really well.
She couldn’t keep the thought from leaking into her subconscious. It had been three long years since Mia had so much as seen a man naked. She wasn’t sure if it was Harvey’s paternal interaction with his sister that made her wonder what he would feel like or if it was simply her lack of a sexual life.
“We did. It was just one night but it was the best sex I ever had.” Mia couldn’t tear herself away from the spot she’d happened to pause at. She was intrigued by his reputation.
“Oh, do tell.” The lady’s companion gushed. Mia didn’t dare stare in their direction, for fear of her eavesdropping being discovered.
“We met last month at a social gathering. One thing led to another and next thing I knew I was in his car.” Her voice lowered. Mia turned her head and focused her hearing.
“Then we were at a bar, had a few drinks. We went up to a room.” The woman telling the story sighed deeply at the remembrance. “That man knows how and where to
touch a woman. And his tongue, Jenna.” She emphasised the other woman’s name. “Oh, I still get goose bumps whenever I think about it. He knew exactly what to do.”
“Didn’t you see him again?” The woman Mia came to know as Jenna questioned.
“No, he made it clear that he wasn’t interested in long term. He didn’t even spend the night with me.” She responded dismally.
Mia didn’t know what to make of the conversation, her eyes trained on the man of the hour. She couldn’t be surprised that he was unable to commit to one woman. She was yet to see a man with that capability herself. That being said, she did respect his openness.
With realising it, he’d moved from the group he surrounded himself with and was making his way in her direction. Mia knew she could very well just say ‘hi’ to him.
However, her eavesdropping made her feel nervous to face it. She’d just heard personal things about him and was in no way ready to face him. She immediately turned to the women who were conversing.
She was initially stunned by how beautiful they were. No wonder he took her to bed. It didn’t matter that Mia couldn’t tell which one. It was understandable that either of them was capable of turning the eye of Harvey Regal.
“I am sorry to interrupt you, but can you direct me to the ladies’ room?” She questioned. The women directed her. Apparently she had to leave this room and walk down the corridors. She was warned to be alert. The ladies’ room within this space was undergoing repairs. She thanked them and scurried off, her heart racing.
Mia paused as she was about to make her way to the corridor. She turned around, her eyes searching for Harvey. He was making his way past where she was standing. His one night encounter and her friend stared at him boldly. Harvey didn’t so much as acknowledge either of their presence. There was no nod or casual smile. His face remained cold as he glided through the crowd of people towards the exit.
Mia decided not to think of it further. She walked down the corridors and made her way to the washroom. After she was finished, she journeyed to Gabriel. She knew he was probably wondering where she was.
She turned her attention the one person she hoped to never lay her eyes on again.
“Taylor.” She breathed the words as if they fire were attached to them.
“I didn’t expect to see you here.” Taylor smirked, her eyes roaming Mia’s hair, her floor length dress and her shoes.
“To be honest, I am a bit perturbed that I am here.” Mia responded, attempting to walk away.
“I take it Gabriel is still here somewhere?” Taylor fell in step beside Mia. Her eyes searching frantically. Mia paused instantly and turned to face Taylor.
“Why are you asking me?” Mia snapped.
“Is there a reason you are so defensive? I was just asking whether your husband accompanied you.” Taylor glared, a tiny smirk hugging the corner of her lips.
“The husband you are sleeping with?” Mia furrowed her brows, “Is that the husband you are referring to?” Mia walked past her again and this time, Taylor made no
attempt to stop her.
Mia couldn’t believe that she’d once considered that woman her best friend. Taylor was even made Mia’s maid of honor when she got married to Gabriel at the age of twenty. That friendship ended one year later when Mia found them in bed together. Her marriage would have ended to and sensing the situation she was in now, she
wished it did. However, Gabriel begged and promised to change and he did. Until Mia saw those photos three years ago, not long after her daughter was born.
She hated them both for wasting her time and forcing her daughter to grow up in such a toxic environment. She breathed, searching for Gabriel. She desperately wanted to go home.
She searched for a full five minutes until she saw him in another group of men. She breathed and took her time closing the distance between them. Before she could reach up to him, another person snaked closer to him. Taylor had found him. She giggled prettily, her perfectly manicured hands running along his shoulder and down his arm. The men around him all gazed at each other knowingly. Silly smiles occupying their faces.
Mia gazed down at her own fingers. She’d kept them neat and short. It was the most practical style for dealing with her baby and her job. For a brief second she wondered if there was anything she could have done differently to make him want to be faithful to her.
Was it the baby weight? Did she not give him enough sex? Was she not attractive enough? Was she boring to be around?
All of these questions swirled around in her brain. They became louder and louder with each second that flew past her. She swallowed the saliva building up in her mouth.
“I am not feeling well.” She tugged at Gabriel’s sleeve. Taylor immediately dropping her hand from the crock of his elbow.
“Are you okay?” Another member of the circle walked closer to her. “You look so pale.” He noted, making an attempt to hold her arm.
Gabriel caught the man’s hand and shot him a deadly glare. “What’s wrong?” He took hold of Mia’s arm, his eyes searching her’s.
“I am going to grab a taxi and head home.” She said.
“I’ll take you home.” He said instantly, his eyes filled with something. If Mia didn’t know better she would have been tempted to think that he was actually worried about her. But Mia did know better. Everything Gabriel did, he did to maintain an appearance.
“Don’t let me ruin your evening.” She responded, pulling out of his grasp. She avoided all contact with Taylor. She turned to walk away but he grabbed hold of her arm.
“I am not letting you go alone in this state.” He all but growled.
Mia wasn’t in the state of mind to argue so she allowed him to do as he pleased. He said his good byes to the men and all but dragged her out with him.
When they were in his car he could no longer remain silent. “Your behaviour is getting more and more impulsive.”
“Excuse me?” She was caught off guard.
“You didn’t have to react like that just because of Taylor.” He clarified his thoughts. Mia scoffed, she turned her head to stare out the window as the tears began streaming down her face.