Chapter 5
Clearly seeing Ru’s blue eyes focused on something, or someone, over her shoulder, Candice turned to look. The sound she made was one Ru wouldn’t have known how to spell should she be compelled to write it down.
“Hi, you must be the other fourth grade teacher,” Cutter said, stepping forward. “I was hoping to have a chance to meet you soon.” He extended his hand. “I’m Cutter Michaels.”
Candice had turned to stone, as if looking into Cutter’s blue eyes had the same effect on her that Medusa’s stare mandated. Trying not to laugh, Ru stepped forward and gently placed her hand on Candice’s shoulder. “Candice?” she said, quietly, into her friend’s ear.
The mention of her name jarred her back into reality. “Hi. I’m… Candice Stein,” she said, finally taking his hand. “It’s meet to nice you.” She shook her head and tried again. “It’s nice to meet you.”
If Cutter found her inability to speak amusing, he didn’t let on. “It’s wonderful to meet you, too.”
“Where did you teach before?” Ru asked, realizing she hadn’t asked earlier.
“In New York City,” he replied, nodding his head so that his blue tie bobbed up and down a bit in front of his white button down shirt. Ru noticed the tie was a similar shade to his eyes, though she didn’t think that color could be replicated by a mere clothing dye. “It was intense. I’m glad to have the opportunity to join the staff at Thomas. I think it’ll be… rewarding.”
“Were you going to say easy?” Ru laughed. “Because, compared to NYC, I’m guessing it will be, though we have our own form of challenges.” Thoughts of helicopter parents and pressure to keep up the high test scores came to mind.
“I wasn’t going to say that,” Cutter replied, smiling at her. “I’m sure every school has its good and bad. And elementary school in the city isn’t as rough as secondary. But this is a nice little town, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to be back in a small community.”
“Oh, so you’re not originally from the city?” Ru was glad Candice had found her voice again.
“No, I’m from a really small town, far away,” Cutter said, turning as if he didn’t want to say more. “I guess I should get back to my classroom.”
Candice must’ve taken the hint not to ask a follow-up question. “Well, we’re so happy to have you here at Thomas.”
“Thanks. I’m very happy to be here.” He smiled at both of them, but for some reason, Ru felt that his eyes were lingering on her. She felt a bit of a blush coming on and looked away. “I’ll see you ladies in a bit.”
As soon as he was gone, back inside his room with the door shut, Candice turned to Ru, and doubling over she said, “Oh. My. God!”
Trying to keep her laughter as quiet as possible, Ru covered her mouth with both hands, fearing he’d poke his head back out, and they’d be caught. Eventually, she gathered control of herself, and Cutter’s door stayed closed. “I know, right?” she managed.
“I mean… if God sent an angel from heaven to occupy that classroom, he couldn’t be a more perfect specimen of male flawlessness.”
Ru raised her eyebrows. “You think?” she asked. “Don’t get me wrong. He’s hot. But… you don’t think God could do any better? At all?”
“Hell, no,” Candice said, shaking her head. “That man is a demigod. An Adonis.”
“Well, he’s also your teammate, so I guess you should figure out how to talk when he’s around.”
“I did.” Candice crossed her arms. “Eventually.”
Ru laughed again. “True. Who knows? Maybe the two of you will end up as an item.” She raised and lowered her eyebrows quickly.
It was Candice’s turn to laugh. “Yeah, right. I might be pretty, but there’s no way a guy like that would be interested in me.” She glanced over her shoulder as if she could somehow conjure up his image before them. “You could maybe.”
Ru waited until her friend was looking at her again before she shook her head and said, “Whatev.” She had no idea why Candice was always telling her how gorgeous she was. Literally no one else in the world had ever even mentioned to Ru that she was pretty, yet Candice insisted she could be a model.
“I’m serious. It doesn’t hurt that you have the same eye color. Your complexions are similar, you’re both blonde….”
“Our eyes are not the same color,” Ru spoke up. “I mean, they’re both blue, but his eyes are….” She struggled for the right word, not wanting to reveal how much about the new teacher she’d noticed herself. Stunning? Brilliant? “Electric.”
“So are yours.” Candice had taken a few steps over. “Okay, maybe not as… sparkly as his, but you guys have a lot of similar qualities. Hmmm, maybe you’re related.”
“Ha,” Ru laughed, though the suggestion made her stomach roll over. Candice likely hadn’t thought about the fact that her statement was actually a possibility. “Listen, girl, I’ve got boxes to dig into, and I think you do, too. I’ll grab you on the way to the meeting, okay?”
“You better. Or else I’ll be late.”
“You’ll be late anyway,” Ru teased.
“True.” Candice paused by her door and smiled over her shoulder. “Byeya.”
“Bye.” Ru watched her go and then attempted to shift her attention back to her work, which was harder than she’d expected. It wasn’t Candice or even Cutter that had her distracted, though. It was that comment. Could she actually be related to Cutter? There was no way to know.