Chapter Two

Jett had awoken to the quiet whimpers and stressed out breathing from the bed next to him. He lay in the dim room, staring up at the ceiling for several minutes, the only light in the room from the light that had been left on in the bathroom. Not that the low light mattered very much when you had as good of vision as he did in the dark. Pulling back the covers, he slowly slid his feet out to the floor and sat upright.

Jett didn't envy Cassidy and her dreams. He would have been driven insane by now with the sleep deprivation or the nightmares that terrorized her. He guessed thats why she was an alpha whether or not she wanted to be one. She could handle that kind of personal hell where any other average wolf, even a seasoned beta like himself, would lose their minds.

They had been at this for a good four years now. At first, after the last encounter with Rogues she would have nightmares every other night. Over time, the dreams became more terrifying and much more real than any dream should be and she stopped sleeping to try and avoid them for days at a time.

A loud broken sob of breath broke Jett out of his own thoughts, he looking up just as Cassidy woke up. He watched as she screamed in terror as she came out of the sleep violently and quickly looked around her as if she was seeing ghosts. Jett had stood up, ready to go to her when she threw herself across the bed and onto the floor, backing herself up into the corner like a trapped animal, panting and shaking with fear. He came around the foot of her bed slowly, hands up as he approached his Alpha.

“Cassi. Calm down. It was just another dream. You are safe now Cass, I swear it.” He told her in just above a whispered voice hoping he could calm her down. That hope was dashed when her frightened honey colored eyes locked onto his hazel ones and he seen her rage take over as her pupils dilated and her entire body stiffened. Cassidy let out an emotionally charged roar of grief and pain at the same time she launched herself at him.

Jett was typically able to get to her and calm her down before she got this upset and out of control so he was prepared knowing just what she was like and he twisted at the last minute in the small space between the bed and the wall, leaning towards the bed and wrapping his arms around Cassidy’s waist at the same time. He flipped her around as he fell onto the bed with her, holding her in a vise like grip with her back against his front, one of his heavy legs thrown over top of hers to pin her down.

“CASSIDY!” Jett yelled loudly from behind her, his head jerking back to avoid her throwing her head back at him. “Cassidy, that is enough!” he barked and tightened his arms around her more securely to hold her until she calmed down. It wasn't the first time the young alpha had attacked him like this and he was certain it wasn't going to be the last. She was young and she had not been taught much more than the basics in combat and for once, Jett was thankful for that. If she had her wolf, or more knowledge, he would be in serious danger.

Cassidy struggled in Jett’s arms for almost a full minute, trying to twist around, growling, snapping her teeth together and her nails clawing at his arms to let her go before she eventually stiffened when she became aware of what was happening. She had been lost in her nightmares, trapped as a young child in the dark bunker. Frightened out of her mind. Cassidy had seen all the shadows move around her before a red-eyed rogue came out of no where, stalking towards her. She refused to be taken without a fight and she took her chance, attacking the rogue first.

Cassidy was not prepared for the Rogue to twist to avoid her and catch her in mid-leap or to pin her down. When she was pinned down, her heart thundered in panic and she fought like a feral to be free. It wasn't the words, but it was his scent that pulled the young she-wolf from the night terror and she froze in his arms. Breathing hard, Cass slowly turned her head towards Jett to make sure it was him. “I'm sorry…” she croaked out immediately as she looked down at his bloodied and clawed up arms that were already healing.

“I'm so sorry… I didn't mean to attack you Jett. I'm really sorry.” She whispered guiltily.

“Hey. No. None of that now Princess. Alphas Don’t apologize for attacking when they are threatened. You did nothing more than give me a few scratches. Like an angry kitten. See? Already healed.” Jett teased Cassidy, trying to ease the younger wolf’s guilt as he slowly released her body from his grip and showed her his arms so she could see for herself that the wounds were nearly healed back up already. “Are you Alright?”

“Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken.” Cassidy replied with a shaken voice as she slowly sat up and removed herself from Jett’s arms. She took in a little breath when she realized he called her a kitten, the tease doing its job and breaking the hold the nightmare had on her mind.

“Hey! I'm not a weak little Kitten Asshole!” she cursed at him, turning towards the older wolf and giving his shoulder a punch with a smile spreading over her face. Now that she has had a nap, she was doing her best to just forget. To put the nightmare behind her and move on because that was the only thing she could do. When the nightmares first started, she had learned that dwelling on them and stressing out over just dreams did more harm than good. It did nothing more than drag her down into depressive episodes that Jett had a hard time pulling her out of.

Cassidy glanced to the clock on the little stand between the beds and frowned. Fuck. “Its only three in the morning. Why Don't you go back to sleep and I can sit on the laptop and figure out where we will go next?” She offered to Jett as he was getting up from the bed.

“Yeah, I could do with some more sleep. Wake me up when you are ready to leave. Alright?” Jett asked as he ran his fingers through his sandy blonde hair. “Ill get a shower first.” He said as he left the cubby between the bed and wall and went into the bathroom.

When the bathroom door closed, Cassidy sighed and went to the sink at the back of the room and washed Jett’s blood from her fingers and dried them before she went in search of her book bag and pulled out her laptop case. For the last year and a half, they had been making rounds down in the deep south going from state to states seeing the sights.

Before that, Jett had taken her far across the country to the west coast to escape the rogues that were hell bent on destroying every pack on the eastern seaboard. With her laptop in hand, she went back to her side of the bed and plugged in the charger and then hopped up in the bed, fluffing the pillows behind her back. She glanced over to the bathroom door when she heard the shower come on, her teeth tugging at her lower lip as she opened the computer up and signed into her account.

A smile lit up her face as she checked all of her messages from the friends she had made over the years. Most of them had all found their mates. All of them had their wolves. Some were expecting children. She looked at a few messages from her closest friends. Her heart ached and the smile was slowly fading as they all mentioned their day to day lives. All of them belonged to what she missed the most, a pack. She had lost faith in the moon mother when her parents and brother was killed seven years ago.

As a twelve year old, her entire world was gone that night and she couldn't understand why their goddess would take all three at once. She stopped believing in her that night. Despite her lack of faith, she still prayed for revenge and to one day find another pack.

Quickly typing out replies, Cassidy had logged out of her account and pulled up maps just as the shower shut off in the bathroom. Over the next few minutes, she had a city and a route selected and put her ear buds in to make it seem like she had been busy listening to music by the time Jett was coming out of the bathroom, dressed in clean sweats.

“Figure out where we are going next?” Jett asked as he towel dried his shoulder length hair and walked his back to his bed where he got back in and pulled the covers over himself, rolling to his side to stare at Cassidy until she took out an ear piece and tilted the laptop towards him to show him where the next stop was.

“I would like to go to back to Atlanta and go to the aquarium again. Oh! And that one amazing little ramen noodle house we ate at the last time we were there. But this time only stay for a few days.” She said and frowned. “I want to get out of the south. We have never been to the northwest… How about we head to Seattle? Is that alright?” she asked hopefully and when he nodded and rolled over to sleep, she smiled and gave a little wiggle within her spot on her bed in excitement. “Good night!”

Cassidy wanted to just get out from the eastern seaboard. A change of scenery would do her good, especially after the last nightmare and the fact she drew blood from Jett over it. He had taken such great care of her over the years. Teaching her and being so patient when she had not always been very grateful for it. The last year she had really come into her own. She had taken charge of where they would go and where they would stay. She even had made a point to visit the area their pack used to be to try and find clues to the rogues that had gone to war with all the packs in the area.

Once Jett was sleeping soundly, Cass relaxed a little more and lay back down in her bed, closing the laptop for the night. She opened her phone and looked at the message from her friend this morning.

“Rogues are attacking the packs on the west coast.”

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