Attending to business

I walk with Eliza, and ponder many things about Garrett, and the oddly disturbing Mrs. Norris or "Bathilda' as Eliza calls her. They are so different anyone yet, also I feel cold chills when associating with them like, both of them are looking at me, waiting for something to happen. What I do not know? Garrett, does care for me, I can see in his eyes. Bathilda, gives me the creeps, and I swear I catch her watching me with longing. I pray it is just my imagination.

I am so engrossed in my thoughts, I do not hear Eliza calling my name.“Hunter? Hunter? Are you listening?” I turn to look at Eliza

“Oh I beg your pardon my dear, my mind was preoccupied with other things”. She looks at me irritated. I did not mean to ignore her.

“I said, I think I want to go to the baker’s first, I would like to see if they have any sweets made”. I stand up and go to retrieve our coats.

“That sounds very good, perhaps they’ll be enough for both of us”. We walk down the road, we are fortunate to live fairly close to town. Just a short walk into London. It is amazing how much the city is growing. I pray that it doesn’t grow too large, for fear of the fact that I love its size, and do not wish it to change. As we walk, we pass by my store. “Eliza, wait here, I want to stop in here, and run a check”

“Really Hunter? It’s your day off, will you not spend it with me?” I give her a sideways glance. “Eliza, I am not starting work, I want to see if the book you were interested in has arrived”. “Oh!” she exlaims “Exactly, not to worry dear”. I give her swift kiss on the cheek, and her face blushes.

I walk into the store, and greet everyone. “Hello tommy, how are you doing?” the boy turns to the sound of my voice. “Hello Mr. Eldridge, I am doing well sir” the boy smiles at me “Splendid, How is your father? I heard that he was not feeling well?” he frowns at the mention of his father “Yes, sir, he has been diagnosed with Cancer, the doctors have said that it’s very progressive, moving forward very fast, they fear that nothing can be done to help him” I my heart was breaking with him, his father was a good man, and I know how it feels to watch a father die “They said that he came out of nowhere, he was just diagnosed last month. I pray for God's mercy” My wife and I will pray for him in mass. “I am sorry to hear this sad news, do you need to take a holiday? I will not hold it against you, and will give you a lump sum of money to benefit you if you would wish to be with your father?” The boy looks at me in shock, and with happiness in his eyes. “I would be so honored sir, I know it has been hard on my mother”. “Think nothing of it, I will mention it to Garrette”.

I walk into my office, I do not find him in sight. I assume that he is not in yet so, on departing I leave him a note mentioning my decision regarding Tommy’s family. He is sure to see it and follow my instructions.

I walk out of the store and Eliza is waiting for me across the street at the flower boutique. I watch her as she enjoys her time there. She is so beautiful, hair dark as midnight, respectfully done up in braids sitting in her hat with pins in it. Eyes as blue as the sea, full pouty lips lightly painted pink, in a beautiful red dress with a black petticoat. We have been married for 10 years, and I have loved her every moment since I first met. Married life is not easy yet, through patience, love and working together, we make it work.

I exit my store, and look around for Eliza then, I notice she is in the floral shop. I watch her from afar, she looks up, smiles, and waves at me. I crossed the street to join her. “Hunter, I grew bored, and I saw these flowers that are just so lovely”. My wife has always loved roses, red in particular, I buy them for her every anniversary. Red roses and pearls are her favorite. She has always been a classy lady. “You do not have to explain, I know your love of botany”. she smiles at me and blushes. “What took you so long?” She asks me as we make our way back towards where I parked the car.

“I do apologize, it is Tommy’s family, his father was just diagnosed with Cancer, don’ts fear that it is progressive and nothing can be done’.

“Oh my, that is terrible. I pray God be with them”. My lovely wife, she’s always been a devout believer and a kind soul.

“I pray the same, I gave him liberty to return to his fathers side, and have left instructions for Garrette to give him a lump sum to compensate his family”. I pray that it will be suffient for them. My own father had cancer, Eliza and I had watched him whither away. My mother passed away when I was fourteen years old, she was a wonderful woman, and had been a seamstress, until she was crossing the street and a truck struck her without stopping. It was the hardest day of my life. She was gentle and kind like an Angel, I do not know how she endured my fathers hard personality. I understand his plight. I live without either or my parents, all I have is Eliza.

I mull over everything in my head while Eliza looks at me disapprovingly at the mention of Garrette. “Hunter, I know it is not my place, however, I do not feel comfortable with him working for the company”. I look at her more sternly than I meant to. “Eliza, no it is not your place” she looks at me in shock, I soften a bit “He has been with the company since I was a boy. He is a top notch partner in the company, I have no cause to dismiss him”. I shake my head, I can understand her fears, he's so mysterious, and sometimes frightening, I know secretly she's terrified of him but, remains friendly and polite so she does not offend him.“Hunter, I understand what you say, there is something about him, how has he managed to remain exactly the same for twenty-five years with no age?” I look at her, I have questioned the same. “I have wondered the same, however, I do not wish to know. He is a steller partner, he is a private person as I am, I respect that. I have never asked, and he’s not volunteered. I will not pry. It has no effect on his work abilities so I will not snoop or pry, nor should you”. “Yes hunter, I regret speaking my mind on the matter”.

I want to erase this conversation, it is my birthday, I do not want to fight with her, when we rarely argue. “Let us continue our day, if I recall correctly today is my birthday, I would like to end our day by taking you out to the Opera and dinner. How does that sound?”

Eliza’s eyes lit up when she heard this. “Oh! Hunter! I adore the Opera! That is a splendid idea. Thank you my love”. We continued on with our day. We did everything that we intended to do. Before arriving at home, she watched the ships pull into port, and I knew she was praying that we could be boarding one to take us somewhere far away. I loved London but, I love her more. “Thank you for today Hunter, it was indeed a perfect day” “You’re welcome, I love you more than my own life...each day with you is perfect”.

My wife. My love. My life. My Everything...My Eliza. I never want to let you go. I whisper to her as I take her hand, opening the Mercedes for her, we step in and our driver Derek drives us back home. All I have ever wanted was to give her the world, and help her dreams come true.

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