End of the Light

That day was so full of happiness, and I could not wait until the evening when I would take her out for our date to celebrate my birthday. I still remember it well. It has been many months since I took my lady to the Opera, it used to be one of our favorite pastimes with time comes change. my business was growing at an incredible rate. Garrett and I have been discussing expanding our business with more stores. He has ideas of even venturing out to new areas in the business field. I took over the business from my father 5 years ago, and in that time, it has started to boom into an Empire. Part of my marriage was also thanks to that, Eliza was from a renowned English family, her ancestors had ties to the old royal court and their influence sped up the store success. Last week, Members of Parliament came in to visit and check on success. she had no idea that her uncle funded the chance to build it into a mega corporation. So, it was difficult to find time away from the office. Therefore, work started to become a precedent. I still attempted to spend time with her however, it is difficult at times balancing time between the office and my marriage. Tonight is my birthday, hence the reason I took leave from the store.

My neighbor Mrs. Morris is another odd one. She moved into the house next to ours nearly a decade ago. Eliza was the first one to build a friendship with her. Eliza has always been a kind person unless she has a bad feeling about someone. She really disturbes me sometimes, Eliza has had her over for tea on numerous occasions. While Eliza is present she is a wonderful guest, when Eliza is distracted or out of the room, it is like she becomes sinister. against my wishes, they’ve grown fairly close as friends. Last week, Eliza invited her to join her book club. As I stand on my veranda looking out at the scenery before me, I become bothered as Bathilda watches me, the look that a cat would give a mouse, except with a salacious glint in her eye.

“Good evening Hunter” she purrs. I responded kindly “Good evening, how are you tonight?”

“Oh, I am doing wonderful” she purrs again. She keeps giving me a look like she is waiting for me, I don’t understand it.

“How is your shop coming? Are you getting any business?" A part of me is telling me to stop talking to her however, it is like my body cannot stop reacting to her, it is very unsettling.

“Oh, marvelous. Yes, I was quite busy today, luckily I still get customers interested in Alchemy. My grandmother used to get many requests, we thought over the years it had become unheard of, I am happy to be wrong” we both laughed.

“You have plans for this evening?” I nodded my head.

“I am taking Eliza to see her favorite Play, Hamlet, it is my birthday but, I love doting on my Mrs.”

As we ready to leave, it was already evening. I order my driver to pull the Mercedes around to the front of the house. it is a far walk to the Opera house, and my lady is adorned lavishly with clothes fitting to attend the Opera. As we are crossing the yard to step into the car, I notice Mrs. Morris is still watching, tonight, she has a serpentine type smile that is most unnerving and sends chills down my spine. I am grateful that Eliza is conversing with the driver and does not notice her frightening yet baffling behavior. Not wanting to be rude, I still wish her a good evening, and to my surprise, she responds.

“Good evening, Hunter” as Derek my driver pulls the car away, I catch her saying something that is almost too low for me to hear.

“I’ll see you soon, my love”. She whispers. I am deeply troubled but I let an impassive mask settle on my face, I do not want to worry Eliza.

It is a scenic ride to the Opera house, we talk about numerous details. I talk to her about the business, it’s progress, and I share with her how someone from parlament visited my store recently to purchase a book. It was the best day in the store, we had never received a visit from the Duke of Wellington's wife, and she was a lovely woman.

“Oh, I remember her, she is wonderful. It has been so long since I have associated myself with anyone from parliament, I probably wouldn’t recognize anyone.

“I have never been fortunate enough however, if you ever wish to go, just to see your old friends, I would love to meet them”.

She looks at me with happy surprise “You would!”

“Of course, you are my love, my everything. Your world is mine as well”. Eliza leans over and gives me a passionate kiss then, blushes as she looks around. “Do not fret, this is our car, and I don’t believe that Derek would care since, We are happily married”. I say as I nuzzle her breasts.

Prior to the moment we arrived at the Opera, I made sure to secure a private box. I wanted to surprise Eliza. The attendant took some time checking in our coats, our usher showed us to our seats, and we spent the evening watching Hamlet. The hours grow long, I can see that Eliza is starting to tire. We gathered ourselves, and walked to retrieve our coats from the attendant. We bid them goodnight, we exited the side of the Opera house as we decided to walk around the grounds. Before leaving I quickly make a phone call to Derek letting him know that we are finished with the play.

As we walk, and enjoy the cool night air, a very eerie feeling starts to grow in me that we are not alone. I try to walk Eliza faster, and as I do the feeling continues to grow into a sickening part of my stomach. I will do anything to protect my wife. I had always wanted to purchase a firearm however, Eliza is not comfortable with weapons. I have not used a gun since my years inbeing a civilized man. I urge her to run.

“Hunter, what is the matter?” I am so terrified “I do not know, I have the sickening feeling that we are being followed. I love you, I do not want harm to come to you”. Her eyes are wide with terror, and attempts to move faster. “Oh God in Heaven help us”.

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