Read with BonusRead with Bonus

First Date

Chapter 40

I stand here in the center of the main office frozen, so many questions are racing through my mind. He is looking at me completely frozen as well. I do not know how long we stood there until the shock wore off and one of us thawed the ice. In a matter of seconds, he rushed me and give me a huge embrace. I have not seen my brother in decades, ever since he relocated to America after our father passed away.

After several minutes of embracing each other, as long-lost brothers do, we both asked the same question. “My God, how is the possible? we said at the same time, which made us laugh. We used to be so close like this, it feels like nothing has changed, yet I know everything has. Everyone has passed away except us. “How?” I asked him, “the last time I had knowledge of you, I had received word that you had been killed in action during the Viet Nam war?” I inquire, he looks at me, “Let us go in my office for some privacy” I nod and follow him.

We walk into the back and I take a seat on his sofa “I could ask you the same, I remember a time when I attended your wedding, then, you were caring for our decrepit old man of a father with Eliza” I stayed silent at the mention of her, the pain was now a dull ache. “Yeah, a lot has changed, for starters, Eliza died a long time ago. The night I was changed” He stared at me with a remorseful expression. He had known Eliza, and genuinely liked her, he was the best man at our wedding. He quickly embraced me again saying how sorry he was. “Thank you, it was Bathilda, our neighbor, I expected something about her but, a Vampire was never something that crossed my mind. I discovered the same night that Garret was a Vampire, he got me away from her” He nodded “you know, I always felt weird around him, like he was looking at you and me expectantly, you more though.” I understood what he meant, I started to feel that way later in life. Why did I not see it then? “That is another reason, why I moved. You were too goodhearted to see it but, I did not trust him. I always believed he might harm us.” Truthfully, I knew he was right, I never noticed it during my youth.

I need to know his story, “So, what about you?” I ask him “A vampire female named Adelaide, I had previously met her while I was in service. She was a nurse, how I do not know. I had the same feeling about her as Garrett but, different. She was nice, and never showed me harm, we became friends” I nod for him to continue “I was captured by the Viet Cong, and tortured. They were going to hang me up by my feet and let the pigs have me. She came in like an avenging angel.” I stared at him impressed “I hope that I can meet her to say thank you.” He smiled “I will talk to her about it” which tells me they are still together. “Before she could get me out unscathed, a VC soldier threw a knife right into my neck, she ripped him apart then, felt compelled to turn me into a Vampire to save me.” I clasp him on the shoulder “she is your mate, she did what she needed to do, to save you and for that, I owe her everything.” We promise to talk further after the day is done and catch up some more. Right now I have a class to attend.

I walk down the hallway, with no one looking, and no human in sight. I use my Vampiric speed to reach the second floor. I walk down the corridor and enter the great lecture hall.

Damn, see this takes me back. After I moved to America, I wanted to expand my business into Publishing. Firstly I wanted to make sure that I did so authentically. I attended the University of Pennsylvania to obtain not only a Bachelors’s degree but also a Master’s degree in Literature, and Creative writing. Business and Marketing. I wanted to do everything I could, to make sure my efforts were successful. I wanted to be sure that my business thrived and provided jobs to everyone that it could. That is part of why I am here today, to help guide these children into the field, to teach them, and help prepare them.

I step up the podium and scan the crowd, I look over every student in the audience, making sure they are at attention. I am also, observing the crowd, ‘where are you, little minx?’ I think as I all sixty students. At that moment, I feel a connection, as if a pair of eyes are on me, sure enough, I spot her in the upper left-hand corner of the room seated at a table. ‘There you are sweetheart’ I think to myself as I lift my eyes to briefly look at her. That short moment is enough, I feel her heart quicken, her pulse race, and her cheeks flush. Her thoughts are confused as to why she is having such an intense reaction to me. ‘Oh sweetheart, I can feel it, and so can you, you were made to be mine!” I am fully certain she is my mate, she is not fully Eliza, that does not matter. I can feel it in my essence. Camille Williams is my true mate! Now that I know this, I am never leaving her, I will find a way to be with her.

“Good Morning everyone, thank you for coming today. I am thrilled to be here,

In case some of you are not aware, my name is ‘Hunter Eldridge’, I own a publishing business plus a surplus of bookstores which started in London, England and have spread across America.” I start the lecture, the first thing I discuss was the “ethics of creative writing”.

I spent the next working with them on comprehending writing fiction, the legal necessities of being an author, etc. I do not want to overload the kids, I still have the rest of the semester to work with them.

I end the class and collect my stuff. I surprisingly see Camille as one of the last students. “Fucking Shit!” I hear someone cuss, I look up and some asshole knocked into her, which knocked her laptop down to the floor. “Fuck you Todd!” she yells. “Eat my dick whore, oh wait you did that and bailed!” She stands there with her mouth gaping. I look at her, I see tears starting to come from her eyes. I hold myself back from strangling him. “Wish I was a vampire, I would throw his ass through a wall, douchebag, he said he was fine with one night” I hear her say quietly while choking back tears.

I walk over to her and make sure she is alright. Humans are so blind, she does not know what it is to be a Vampire, they watch movies and think they know. I invite her to go for a cup of coffee with me “Mr. Eldridge”, “Hunter” I cut her off and correct her, I want her to know me, and not be so formal. “Okay, I don’t know about that?” She shyly says. “Oh come on, it’ is just coffee, after hearing that douchebag, I thought you could something comforting” I persuade her. She nods her head and walks out of the school with me heading towards my car. ‘I guess this is the first date!’ This was easier than I expected. I can hear her thoughts, she feels ashamed of what happened and nervous about how I would perceive her. Deep down, she wants to find love, she is just scared of history repeating itself with someone new. She is still trying not to cry so in a comforting motion, I wrap my arm around her shoulder, she surprises me by laying her head down. “Sorry, I hope you don’t mind?” she says. I smile “not at all, I am fine with it” she smiles “for some reason, I feel very comfortable with you, it is like I have known you for ions” I close my eyes, I know this part is Eliza attempting to reach out. I decide to make a joke “I have been told that I am quite comfortable” I snicker, she rolls her eyes and playfully smacks me. We spend the rest of the day talking and getting to know each other better. This feels so right. I drop her off at the school so she can drive her car, and I cannot shake the feeling of being watched.

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