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Midnight Hunt

I held her throughout the night, as her body shook and she sobbed at not only the horrific sight she witnessed but, the slaughter of her apartment. I rocked her all night long until she fell asleep in my arms. I laid her on my bed, and she snuggled into my scent. I watched her sleep for a few hours swearing an oath to protect her. Suddenly, I started to feel a crawling sensation go through me, my gums started to tingle. With horror, I realized then, that the beast at bay has only been laying dormant purposefully. It was waiting to have her here, so it could strike. I wrenched myself away from her, in detest of myself with a heavy heart, how could I have made her feel so safe when I was just as dangerous?

I closed my bedroom door and forced myself to leave. The beast inside was fighting me, he was snarling, giving me vivid scenarios of how sweet and good her blood would taste. “No!” I growled, I am better than this! I convinced myself to look at her as if she were Eliza, I would never hurt my wife! The beast roared in fury yet, I fought him with everything in me. I do not give a shit, I will not succumb, I will not let this vile monstrous side of me be stronger than me! I will not harm her! I told the beast, and he retreated back into my mind snarling.

I leaped from my balcony. It was past midnight, so most of the humans would be either asleep or out partying. I needed to hunt, immediately, to satiate the beast. I think honestly, it might be a good idea, to pick up some blood bags. I do not know why I never thought of it? I could adjust to blood bags, that way, Camille does not catch on to what I am. It would be devastating if she woke up during the night and found me coming home from hunting disheveled.

That happened once with Lucinda, and she nearly went into shock for a whole day before accepting it. Learning that Lucinda’s family are Witches though, is understandable why she was able to accept it. Camille though, I do not know her family well enough. I know that she is human but, she never mentions her parents, just her sisters. I have a feeling something happened to them, that she does not discuss.

I push the thoughts out of my mind as I run, I start to concentrate on my hunting. I slow near the hills of San Fransisco. I have never been here before, I am interested in the hunting possibilities. Suddenly, as I am descending, I hear a growl behind me. I turn around to see a Mountain Lion perched nearby on a ledge, it is hunching itself to attack, as it senses the predator that I am. ‘What the Fuck, it’s still blood’ I think to myself as I let a snarl rip through me. It soars off of the ledge towards me, I give it a swift kick, knocking it into a tree. The Mountain Lion roars, and charges at me, I charge as well. With speed, I dodge its attacks, jump onto its back, wrap my arms around its torso in a vice-like grip and bite into its neck. Its warm blood fills my mouth. It is not as sweet as human blood.

It is then that I realize it will suffice! Could it be possible? Could I survive like this? If I am being honest with myself, I have always hated traditional hunting. I feel like with each life I have taken, my soul has fallen deeper and deeper into the blackness of hell. Could I redeem myself through this alternative? Could I stop? It was Garrett who drilled into me the importance of human blood yet, I remember there were times where he would tolerate animal blood. Quite hypocritical, he would force me to hunt humans until, I did not want anything else but, he occasionally would indulge in it. Looking back, that was such bullshit! He knew I hated it! He knew in the beginning, I did not want to, I hated the idea of hurting someone, I still do. With this revelation, I feel as if I have awoken from a daze like I had been asleep for centuries.

I stroll down to San Fransisco, and head into a clothing store. I am a bit disheveled, I cannot return home like this. I locate one which I can tell is under Vampiric management, a fellow Vampire will not ask questions since they will understand. “Hello, your majesty” she greets me in a low voice, I nod my head. Yes, technically I am the newly chosen Vampire King however, it has not been made public as of yet. I greet her and ask her where I can find a different outfit.

After a few minutes, I am dressed, and due to my status, she gives it to me freely. I walk out the doors and make the run back to the Penthouse within minutes.

I arrive, to find Camille still sleeping in bed, I check the time on the digital clock, and realize I have only been gone for thirty minutes. I head towards the front room, sit down, open my laptop, check my emails, and spend the next several hours focusing on some of my business. Once that is completed, I still feel restless. I know Bathilda is lurking once again, I can only hope she does not know where I am living. I need to protect Camille, she is my life. This is my mission now. I stand to my feet and walk over to my Harp. It used to belong to Eliza, and it took me many years to track it down. After Garrett sold the house, he also sold away all of my human attachments, memories that I had with her, and never told me. I learned later when I wanted to bring some of them with me to America, is when he told me. I was enraged at him and did not speak to him for a week. It was then that I did not trust him anymore. I have spent years hunting down some of the items we shared. I loved this harp.

As I start to play, I see Camille exit the hallway and walk towards me. She sits on the sofa in front of me “I did not know that you could play the harp?” I smile, “yes, do you like it?” I ask her, she smiles sweetly “I actually used to play when I was a kid” oh? “You did?” I ask her surprised “Yeah, I have always found it soothing” I smile again “I do as well” she cocks her head “who taught you?” my smile fades at her question “My wife did” she looks at me with alarm “where is she now?” she asks me, I can hear her thoughts, hoping that she is not being a homewrecker.

I let her fear wash away with my next words, “she was taken away from me, we were attacked one night and she was killed,” I tell her in a bleak voice. Her face fills with remorse. I will not be open to the fact that she is my wife reborn, that would flip her out. “Hunter, I am so sorry” she comes to me, and hugs me “it was long ago, you are my life now” she smiles at me sweetly “I do not know Hunter, I do not know if I should be here? You have an intimidating aura yet, I do not feel scared of you?” she honestly tells me “That is because my sweet,” I say to her as I surprise her by lifting her up to fit into my lap “you were made to be mine!” I tell her as I set her down and crush my lips to hers. I remind myself to sheath my fangs. She moans into my mouth, while her arms go around my neck. I lift her in my arms, carrying her to our bedroom. I spend the next several hours that are left of the night, burying myself inside of her. The house fills with her cries of ecstasy as she moans and screams my name repeatedly. I take her in every way I can possibly think of.

I know that soon, I will have to be honest with her. The beast inside is starting to grow hungry for her, and I am fighting him with everything that I have. As I swallow her salacious moans with a searing kiss. I hear a distant sinister chuckle from somewhere outside in the darkness, someone is watching and waiting.

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