Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Heartfelt Goodbye's

The next morning, I lay in bed in her arms again. I feel so blissfully happy however, the horrors of yesterday's events are fresh in my mind. I am ecstatic that she agreed to move in with me so suddenly but, this still spells danger! She is being hunted by that psychotic bitch, because of me! I do not know how she found out about her but, I know secrets never stay hidden in the Vampire world.

I need to be honest with her and tell her the truth before Bathilda comes for her.

I turn to my side in the bed and watch her dream. I could stare at her sleep forever, she is so beautiful, and I love that she is mine. I start to fear, ‘for how long?’ ‘What happens when she learns the truth?’ A side of me already knows the worst, she will run away screaming, as she should. I love her so much but, perhaps it is best, I could watch her from afar? No! No, I squash that, I am not a Vampire stalker! I need to be honest with her. If she hates me, I will learn to accept it, it will protect her and keep her safe.

I lay here next to her waiting for her to wake up. We have been together for almost a month now, and we have been deeply connected. It feels as if she has always been with me. That’s because a small part of her has never left me, Camille she does not realize it yet. I am stroking her hair as I see her start to stir. She opens her eyes with a smile at first then, sensing my emotions, she sits up with a frown. “Hunter? What is the matter?” I smile and brush my thumb across her lip, ‘will this be our last day together?’ The thought stabs my chest with grief but, I have to do this. “Get dressed, and meet me in the living room, I need to speak with you, it is serious, and it is something I need to tell you before we live together further.”

She stares at me while getting dressed, a deep frown on her face. I can feel her anxiety, her fear. She thinks I am going to leave her. I would never do that however, I know after this she will leave me. I meet her in the living room, and she sits down on the sofa, her anxiety is at a high power level. “Camille, I need to be honest with you, and what I am about to tell you, may have you running and screaming away from me” her eyes widen and she cracks a joke “let me guess, you’re not human” she is trying to be sarcastic while downplaying her fear. I look at her straight in the face “No, I am not.” she laughs slightly until she sees that I am serious.

She starts to cower into the couch. “I am not human Camille, and I need you to understand this, I need you to think through us being together! You must also, understand, I will never hurt you, if I go away for a trip, part of it is business, and part of it is to control myself.” she is wide-eyed like she is caught in a trance, frozen. She asks in a timid voice, “what are you?” I was hoping she would never ask this but, she is always surprising me.

I square my shoulders “I am a Vampire.” I tell her this and watch her go pale in fear. “Just, know I would never harm you!” she speaks in a fragile voice “how would I know that?” then, she surprises me with the fury in her eyes “I always knew your kind existed! I knew it! Did you murder them! Have you been stalking me my whole life?! I have always felt watched! Cause I figured it OUT!!!” She screams at me.

I have no idea, what this is about. “What are you talking about?” She glares at me, "do not play dumb! My Parents!" Her statement is like an electric shock to me. "They were found near Navy Pier! I was eleven! Chest clawed up, throats ripped open!” she says as she cries “Everyone said it was an animal attack! Animals don’t rip people’s throats out or drain their Blood!!!” She screams as she cries. I never knew this about her. It makes sense why she never talks about it. I do not know if I should comfort her.

“Camille, do you really believe I would be that cruel? That I would do that? Have I not protected you?” I ask her she glares at me “It’s what you do isn’t it, destroy and murder innocent people, are trying to lure me into this apartment so you can claim my life?!” she screeches. I am hurt she would believe that but, I cannot blame her after hearing the truth of her parent's death. She believes in Vampires, and she believes we are vicious killers. She is not entirely wrong but, that is not me anymore.

She needs to understand this, she needs to know that I have never been such a monster

“No, I do not do that, not anymore. I did in my early years because, my mentor was forcing me but, not anymore.” she stops crying and her mouth falls open.  “I can read people, I know if someone is like let me say, for example, a serial killer that has not found justice, I become justice,” I tell her with a snarl. Her eyes shoot up to mine in surprise “Camille, I hate the thought of hurting people, I have never been that person. In my human life, I loved taking care of people just like I love caring for my wife.” she is shaking her head.

I can hear her thoughts, that is too impossible to believe. She needs to understand me “do you remember what I told you about, that night when I said my wife died?” She nods her head “she died while I was protecting her, we were attacked by Vampires, I was changed that night while trying to protect her.” Camille is looking at me as if she is seeing me in a new light.

She is finally starting to see me so, I continue the confession “You are not the first human, I have been with, I dated one for several years. I would have loved to marry her." She asks me in a broken voice "what happened to her?"  "She unexpectedly died while we were on a camping trip. I thought it was werewolves but, it was described exactly as you said." I stand up and pace the room. "She left behind her daughter who I raised. If you don’t believe me, I will arrange for you to meet her.” I see her eyes widen in surprise, at the truth of my words. “I will leave you right now, so you can consider what I am saying. You need to decide the best choice for you.” I say to her “I understand your pain but, I will never hurt you.” she turns her head away. I tell her as I walk away.

Before I fully step out the door, I leave her with something else to think about “I am truly sorry for what happened to them, I had parents too, I loved my parents, my brother is actually your dean” her eyes fly open in shock “He can tell you of my character, know this as well, I will help you seek vengeance, and know this, I am not a just Vampire but, I am the supreme ruler!” I tell her with my powerful aura “I promise, I will see that justice is done! I do not condone such animalistic violence! If you choose to stay with me, I will let you deal out the justice.” I turn away and walk away from the Penthouse with my heart in a vice.

I hear her gasp then, I hear her start to sob again. I hear her screaming my name, that she is sorry for everything. She must think I am angry at her. I am not angry at her, I am hurt by how much pain she has gone through. I also know that being with me will be hazardous for her,  I want her to have time to herself to make the right decision. I walk away feeling like I am leaving a piece of my soul with her. No matter what she chooses, I will try to honor it. I just hope that I am not forced to see her walk away.

As I start to drive, I suddenly receive a call, I look to see who it is, and sure enough, it is Marcus returning my call. "Marcus" I reply. He greets me and asks what is the urgency.

I tell him about recent events, I tell him that I met Eliza's doppelganger, I know it is her cause I have felt Eliza call to me, and I feel our souls starting to join. I tell him about what happened at the apartment, and Bathilda's return. I also tell him that I confessed everything about us to Camille, and the truth she told me about her parents. "There is apparently a lot been happening with you," he says sarcastically "there seems to have been a number of slip-ups that were happening when those elder wretches were in charge! How could they turn a blind eye to the cruelty that she described!" We talk more about it, honestly, and I leave him in charge of what is to be done. As far as Bathilda, he suggests that we get back to Chicago asap! I doubt she is going to agree to that. I do not want this to be goodbye! I feel my heart dying inside at the thought.

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