Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Chapter 45

I continue to drive around Portland, feeling like I am going nowhere, or have nowhere to go. I am terrified to come home and find her gone. I know that she would need her space, she should be a thousand miles away from me. It would be for her safety however, I also wonder what she meant by ‘being watched all her life” did someone already know about her before I did? Was it because she discovered the truth? Either way, that means she has been in danger for years. That is a scary thought, I am thankful that no one has attempted to harm her.

I drive back to the penthouse, heart feeling like ice, as I walk inside and find her gone.

I crumple to the ground fear the worst has happened, I lay there for a while until I look up and, I find a note on the dining table:

Dear Hunter,

I do not even know how to write this!

It took everything in me to leave, something in me was strongly urging me to stay.

I just need space, I understand everything that you said.

I know in my heart that you would never hurt me.

I am sorry for the harsh words I said. It was foolish of me to blame you for my parents.

Just because, some people Might be evil, does not mean everyone is.

I need time to think and make the right choice for me.

Love, Camille.

I crumble the note and let the sobs rip through me, I fucking loath what I am more than anything this moment, I feel like I have lost my wife again, and I could not stop it.

I want the rip something to shreds however, there is nothing I can think of that could help with this pain in my heart. I am just about the jump from the balcony to go rage hunting, I hear a knock on the door. I wrench the door open, and it is Camille! Only something is different, her eyes are the brightest blue with a deeper black than I have ever seen. “Camille?” she smiles “Hello my love,” she says the words in the sweetest voice, that rips me back into the past! That voice of an angel makes me want to sit on our old veranda, drink coffee and never leave her side. “Eliza!” she smiles, and I cannot comprehend how this is possible.

She runs into my arms and she is everything that I have missed. “Love, what are you doing here? You’re possessing Camille?” she walks away from me “this place is different, I miss our house.” This feels like a dream “Yes, my dear Hunter, I could not let her walk away from you.” I shake my head at her “Eliza, this is not right! I love you, I want you back in my arms more than anything” she replies “you have reconnected with me through her, I do not want to lose you, Hunter!” I pull her into my arms “I want her to accept me but, I am fearful about her safety with me.” she scowls at me “I do not care if you are a demonic creature! That bitch stole you away from me! I want revenge! You have yet to avenge me!” She snarls. “I know, every time I have her in my grasps something happens.” she shakes her head “next time, do not let the chance slip away!” she says with fury.

I try my best but, something always happens. She looks at me “she is not working alone, it was all a plan, I heard everything from the heavens.” I ask her what she is talking about “That is why I came back, we played right into her hands and never saw it coming!” “what is it?” she tells me that she cannot say, since it pertains to the future, she cannot reveal but, she wants to” I hang my head low and growl.

She suddenly straddles my lap “Right now, Hunter, I want you, I do not have a lot of time, Camille does not know anything or what is happening. She fell asleep. Please, Hunter, have me like you used to.” She says to me and I cannot deny her. I scoop her in my arms, bring her to the bed and ravage her like I did so many times in our marriage. I cannot believe that I have my wife in my arms. She tells me that she needs to leave but, she will make sure that Camille returns to me where she belongs. I watch her walk away, with sorrow in my heart. My wife came back to me for at least one night of passion and is determined to return to me as Camille as well. I do not know if this is a good or bad thing but, it chases away the pain in my soul.


A month goes by and I hear nothing from her. I do my best to contain the pain in my heart.

To make matters worse she is not even in my class anymore. I drive by the cafe where she works and they inform me that she has resigned. Her friend tells me she found a different apartment, a position for her degree, and relocated to New York. I walk away from the diner feeling like my heart is being ripped out. My brother meets with me, and the pain worsens. “Camille, she uh, graduated early” I am flabbergasted “How?” Richard informs me that she has had more than enough credits, she said she needed a change so, her teachers let her work virtual for the past couple of weeks and she finished last weekend. He says how sorry he is, and I feel my heart trying to stop. She completely left me.

Wait, they said New York! It is crazy but, I have a condo in New York! I could wait a while, give her more space, and relocate there to be near her? I am frantic right now, Bathilda is roaming around, and Camille just relocated across the country! I understand Camille does not know however, it is too risky! Fuck! Camille! Why did you do this?!

I walk out of the school, feeling an ever pit of despair arise. I run straight towards the Oregon mountains, I need to be alone. I am surrounded by forest when, I accidentally knock into someone, who I was anticipating seeing! “Oh hello lovely” she purrs “Fuck you bitch!” I snarl. “Oh, my Hunter! Are you sore because your little human bed toy dumped you?” Bathilda snickers. How the fuck does she know? “What did you do? I should just kill you now!” I speak coldly. “No, my love, you won’t and I know you won’t because I have something of yours” her words strike terror for Camille’s safety.

I feel a chill go down my spine “Where the fuck is she?!” she laughs, “who are we talking about? Oh, the human!” she paces around me “I simply told her the truth, that you only want her because she looks exactly like your dear wife!” My face pales, and nearly falls over in shock “how the fuck do you know?”  she does not answer me. “I do not mean your little human, although, unless you want her to end up like the last little bitch, I would stay away!” I am seething. “It was you! You killed Lucinda!” she holds up her hands like she is being arrested “yeah, we did, that was fun!” she giggles as I hit her in the gut, she takes the hit then, bounces back “Remember who you are my love! Remember who they are to us!” I am snarling.

Then, it dawns on me “so, that means it was you who have been creating savage, animalistic attacks?!” she goes white with fear as I say it! I grab her by her throat “Fuck Hunter, get your hands off me” I snarl “that’s your majesty to you peasant!” I snarl in fury. Her eyes grow wide, and her mouth hangs open. I am just about the rip her when someone knocks into me at vampiric speed. The hit is hard enough that I am thrown off the cliff. I reach out and dig my hands into the granite as I roll down the hill. By the time I reach the top She’s gone! Fuck!

I have no idea who fucking threw me down the cliff but, I do not trust Bathilda to stay away from Camille, it is evident that she killed Lucinda! She also is not working alone!  I have to get to New York! Fucking soon!

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