Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Six months, it has been pure torture. Camille slipped into a coma.

I had to inform Allison, who informed all of her family. Due to the destruction of the building, I  switch all of my New York staff to virtual claiming that I was remodeling to building, effectively immediately. These past months have been pure agony. Doctors are skeptical that she will never wake up. I know my Camille though, she is a fighter! She will be alright! She has to be! I have been hell on wheels with the doctors trying to pull her plug. When they are not aware, I feed her some of my blood, anything to help give her further healing.

I stayed by her side every single day, rarely leaving, except to find blood and change my clothes. It was during some of these times, her family would come to visit. Some days I would be there, some days I would be absent to give them privacy. The minute they were gone, I would come back immediately.

I grew tired of the doctors and nurses trying to force me out so, I compelled them to let me stay by her side. When they tried to pull her plug for the final time, I compelled them to never try it again! She was not leaving me! I will find a way to walk through hellfire to keep her by my side, and make sure she is alive! This was too close of a call! If she decides to leave me after this, I will find a way to live without her, I will find a way to move. I only want her to be happy.

It was late one night, and I was relaxing by her side, praying to God for her to open her eyes.

It has been six months since I finally killed that bitch who ruined my former life.

I have had six months to reflect on it, and I realize now that, all of these years, have been a waste. I understand Eliza, wanted me to avenge her however, that vengeance has also led my soul to dark places, and my dead heart becoming tainted by hatred and bitterness. I became everything that Bathilda’s coven wanted me to be until I met Molly. She pulled me away from the darkness and helped me find my way back to the light. Now, my shining light is Camille, she is my guiding star. Please God, let her live!

Suddenly, I hear the monitor going berserk, and I feel a hand caressing my hair. I raise my eyes and look into the most beautiful ocean-colored eyes, I could drown in for eternity. “Hunter?” she says in a groggy voice. I take her head in my hands, and with everything, in me, I kiss her like I am joining my soul to hers. “My love!” I say as I stroke the sides of her face.

Suddenly she looks like she is panicking I hold on to her hands attempting to calm her down.

“Sweetheart your safe, your alive, your safe,” I say as I start to hold her “what happened? Where am I? What day is it?” her eyes are roaming wildly all over the room. I tell her to focus on me, to take deep breaths. “I am so sorry for everything that happened, I never meant for you to be hurt,” I tell her in a broken tone “sweetheart, you have been in a coma for six months” she stares at me in shock and her face pales “They had to do a few surgeries on you, you had a cracked skull, a broken leg, two broken ribs, a broken hand, and you were covered in bruises.”

She strokes my head, and I walk away from her. She looks at me confused “Hunter, what is wrong” I pace around the room “this was too close, I cannot lose you, Camille! I cannot live without you but, I feel like I cannot continue to live with you, you can’t survive my world, Camille”

She looks at me in confusion, “I will understand if you want to walk away, I will even give you release papers at work if you want to go back to Portland” I tell her while trying not to cry.

Her face goes white, and she starts to thrash to get out of the bed, I go and grab her hands to restrain her. “Don’t!” she yells at me. I stand back “Don’t you Dare leave me, Hunter Eldridge! After everything I have been through, yes that night was frightening as shit! I knew it might happen considering I knew the truth a long time ago. None of it is your fault! Blame that bitch!” Suddenly, I can feel fury radiate off of her in waves. I close my eyes, and I am shocked when I see Eliza’s spirit slapping me and accusing me of trying to abandon her.

I cannot take her tears or her screaming at me anymore, I reach over and crawl onto her bed. I take her into my arms like I am never going to let go. “Camille, my love, you don’t have to worry about her anymore, she is finally dead. I do not want to be without your love, I just do not want to be the reason you get hurt” she scoffs “you are not Hunter, you have never done anything to hurt me! You saved me, Hunter! I do not know how  but, I felt your power flowing through me numerous times, you pulled me out of the darkness my king.” Hearing her say those words to me sends an abundance of happiness through me. She is not a Vampire, and I doubt she would want that. “Hunter, I never want to be away from you again. I want to love you forever, and never leave you” she says as she kisses me. I wish it was actually forever, I never want her to leave my side but, I doubt she would officially want that? She kisses me as if she is searing her soul with mine, and I kiss her back with the same ferocity.

I have to let medical personnel know “Let’s get you out of here, let’s get you home” she giggles and shakes her head. I let go of her and run into the hallway, calling for the doctors to come immediately and attend to her. The nurses pour into the room to check on her and are shocked to find her awake.

I am so overjoyed I fall to my knees thanking God that he has not abandoned me.

I order food for her and insist that I take care of her! I have waited too long for her to wake while I sat helpless from the side. I am never letting her be hurt again! I cannot live with myself if something were to ever happen to her. Several months of never knowing if she will wake up have been hell on earth.

A week goes by, and I make sure that I am fully attentive to all of her needs. I hire all of the best doctors and the best physical therapy treatments. Anything my angel needs, she is smiling at me through her pain of physical therapy and recovery. I am amazed that she is not hating me for everything that she has gone through! She should be cursing at me, walking away from me!

She has so much strength, and I am amazed at how she rationalize everything, placing full blame on the psychotic Vampires as the ones responsible.

Within a few months of physical therapy, she is back to being her old self, and I love her resilience. I am amazed that she still does not blame me or hate me. I am also thrilled that, with a little help from Allison, she finally agreed to move back to Chicago with me. After everything that has happened, she wants to live closer to her family. No more living isolated away from loved ones. It is officially the holiday season now. This is our second year as a couple, I have grown to love celebrating human holidays with her. I have missed these moments for a long time. Halloween was fun dressing up, Thanksgiving was fun, I hosted a dinner at my Mansion.

Christmas time is here, and I cannot wait to give her her present. I planned a Christmas party for our family and our coworkers. Those who are Vampires, know they must be on their best behaviors.

I call attention to the crowd “everyone can you gather around please?” so people are crowding me. “I want to thank all of you for coming this evening, Camille and I are thrilled to have you here. We have had an incredible year, business sales are up, drama is way down” everyone laughs “No, seriously, last year, I was terrified after her attack in Central Park, I stayed by her side through the entire six months because I cannot live without her” she is slightly teary-eyed. “I don’t want to live without her ever, so, if Camille will be the first to open her gift?” she smiles and opens it to find a tiffany’s box.

I kneel next to her and let my emotions speak for me, she is crying cause she already knows. “Yes, thousand times yes!” I pull her into my arms and kiss her with every emotion I feel.

All our guests erupt in cheers for us. She whispers into my ear “open your gift” I see there is a card and a small box. The gift is an antique pocket watch. “I love it darling!” she whispers for me to look at the card. I open it up, and it simply says:

~ Hunter,

My love, my life, everything I want for eternity.

Be my King, claim me as your Queen, for eternity!

I vow to never leave your side! Forever,

My Love, Change me

~Love your Gem.

My love, my everything, my rare gem, she has returned to me, and I am never letting her go!

I cannot believe she is asking me, what I know she is asking of me. I do not know how to fulfill this request? I take her into my arms once everyone has left and never let her go. I know, I will not deny her but, I will only do it if the situation is in dire need. I want her for eternity, no matter what. I relish in this bliss, my heart has finally found peace.

Why do I still feel though, this is not over. During her coma, I started to get threatening letters again. Something tells me Bathilda’s death was just the beginning? Why do I feel as if we are still being watched? Whatever, happens, we will face this world together. I am hers and she is mine, we will never be apart again, forever.

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