Chapter 7 - New Interests
I woke up early the next morning and got dressed. I forgot to grab keys from Rocky last night so I had to ask Taylor for her spare car. She gave me her keys hesitantly. She was just worried about me. I walked into the kitchen to grab something quick. I needed the energy today. It was gonna be a long day and I was starting it the worse way possible. Rampaging through the pantry I found some protein bars. That will do for now I thought. I’ll get some coffee and maybe a sandwich on the way. I turned around and was hit by a wall.
“Fuck” I said rubbing my forehead. I didn’t remember there being a wall there. I looked up and it was Vince.
“Good morning. You’re up early” he said.
“Yeah. Thanks for waking me up more. When did you become so muscular?” I asked him still rubbing my head. I walked around him and grabbed a glass of water. I leaned on the kitchen counter.
He chuckled “Rosy I’ve always had muscles. You’ve just never noticed this closely before” he replied and stood next to me leaning forward. His arm was touching mine and he was very close.
“So why are you up so early?” He asked not taking his eyes off me.
I cleared my throat “I have some errands I gotta run today before the funeral. I thought while I was here I would get them done instead of having to come back later in the month”
“Wait you come to Greenwoods often?” He asked a little surprised.
“Hmph” was all I said while drinking my water. “Once a month actually”
“Then why don’t you come to visit?”
Shit! “Oh well I come in the morning and I’m gone by midday so don’t really have time for visits.” I turned away from him. Fuxk I was telling him way more than he needed to know.
“You can at least have a cup of coffee and say hi” he sounded a little sad.
“Vince it’s not that I don’t want to, but I really don’t get time. I take a half-day from work, make the drive, do what I need too and go back to work. I’m sorry if that upsets you” I replied and kept my distance.
“Not upset just sad that you don’t even say hi. Why do you come anyway?”
Yeah, now I was really in trouble. Think Rosy think!
“Bank”.. bank what? “My mum has a bank account here. Every month I deposit some money into her account for her expenses and stuff. I have to come down personally to do it.” Okay that wasn’t a total lie I thought.
“Why though? Can’t you like do an online transfer?” He looked confused.
“Vince it’s complicated. Look I gotta go. I’ll see you later okay” I put my glass in the sink and turned to walk out. He was asking way too many questions and I didn’t wanna answer anymore. He grabbed my arm as I turned and pulled me. I landed on his chest. He was holding my wrist with one hand and wrapped another around my waist so I was right up against him.
“Why do you keep running away as I’ll eat you?” He asked. His face was so close.
“I... I’m not running” was all I managed.
“It’s really nice to see you again Rosy. You look even better every time I see you” his nose was touching mine now. “Just say yes to one date. Just one and I promise I’ll leave you alone”
I chuckled “you really think you’ll let me off with just one date? You wouldn’t wanna get married after that?”
He laughed and the vibration from his laugh coursed through me.
What the hell was happening?! I’ve been this close to Vince before and he tried this many times but why now was this all affecting me all of a sudden. My hormones were just screaming to me to let someone take my pants off!
“Vince, I really don’t think we should do this. I’m not saying I don’t like you, I just really don’t want to risk anything. I love your family and your sister. If things end badly I risk losing them all” I said pressing my forehead to his. He had slouched over so his face was at my height. He looked down at my lips and then back up to my eyes.
“You know I wouldn’t let it end. I will look after you” he said quietly.
“I know Vinny” I pushed him back a little with my hands. He didn’t resist and let me push him away. I was gonna be late if I didn’t leave now.
“Hey, maybe if you're a good boy, we could work out a temporary deal that would benefit us both” I winked at him and his jaws dropped. I walked out and behind me I had him sigh loudly and curse.
I quickly made my way to the outside garage and opened the garage Taylor’s car was in. I knew how to drive just didn’t do it often. Only when I had to come to Greenwoods. Mr Callum was the one that taught me. Taylor and I learnt together. Vince helped us too. I started the car and pulled out of the driveway. It was a 20min drive to my destination on the other side of town. I pulled over at a coffee shop and got a coffee and a sandwich. I had way too many butterflies in my belly to wanna eat but I knew I needed to.
So many thoughts went through my head as I drove. Why was I doing this? Why did I keep torturing myself with this? I knew I didn’t have too but I still did!
I finally reached my destination and parked outside the building. I got out and stood near the car looking at the building. It hadn’t changed at all. The ruined walls and broken windows still had mould in some places and rust in others. It was run down and home to way too many diseases and creepy crawlers. I took a deep breath in and walked towards the building.
We all stood in the front row of the funeral home. There was a sea of black behind us. Grace was a loved member of the community and lots of people had turned up for her funeral. As we watched her casket get carried away, the Callum family all stood together. Mr and Mrs Callum hugging each other. Mr Callum supporting his wife as she cried. Taylor clung to Rocky. Not my girlfriend my ass I thought to myself.
Somehow Vince had ended up next to me and had his arms wrapped around my waist. He was putting on a brave face but I knew he was upset. Grace raised him first. He was her favourite even though he didn’t want to admit it. I didn’t mind him holding me. Right now it wasn’t sexually, I was just helping him hold himself together. If he found comfort in holding me then so be it. We did get a few looks from people but who cares. They could think what they wanted. Once her casket was gone, people made their way to the back where refreshments were served.
Vince didn’t move so I stayed still. Taylor turned and signalled for me to follow them. I shrugged my shoulders and she just nodded. We seem to have this signal conversation that for whatever reason we just understood. I looked up at Vince. He had black shades on and just looked straight. I could tell he was looking at Grace’s photo. I looked around us and the area had cleared out and we were the only ones left.
“Vince?..” I said slowly.
He looked down at me. He was very tall and I looked like a midget in front of him. I turned around to face him and he took his glasses off. His eyes were red. I knew he’d been crying but he looked so sad. He bends his head and hid it in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.
“I miss her Rosy. The old bag was my best friend.” He muttered.
His words were breaking my heart. Never had I thought I’d see this big bad lawyer sobbing on my shoulders.
I rubbed his back. “I know Vinny. But she’s in a better place now. No more pain or suffering. She’s found peace. Just think how happy she would be”
We stayed like that for a bit. Vince’s phone started to ring and he pulled away. He looked at his phone, cursed, declined the call and shoved it back in his pocket.
“Shall we go join the others?” I asked and he nodded. He extended his arm and I linked mine to his. This felt nice. As much as I didn’t want to think about it right now, I was liking being this close to Vince. He was always there for me growing up. When Taylor and I had holidays, he would come to pick us up to bring us home. Once he went off to college he sends Taylor and me presents for our birthdays and achievements. He was like a big brother but I know he didn’t want to be my brother. He wanted more out of our relationship. But did I?
As we walked to the back my mind wondered to Blake. The boy was sweet but he didn’t even show interest in anything but being an acquaintance. He was my boss and I don’t even know if thinking about him like this was a good idea. We got to the back and everyone was mingling. Vince’s phone rang again but this time he excused himself and walked out the doors. I walked over to Taylor and she grabbed my arms and linked hers with mine.
“So what’s happening huh?” She said wagging her eyebrows.
“Seriously at a time like this, that’s what you're thinking about? It’s nothing like that. He needed comfort and I gave it to him. That’s all. Don’t overthink it please” I said and she nodded. Mrs Callum came and we all just stood there talking. Once everyone started leaving we made our way to the cars. Mr Callum was standing outside waiting for us. We drove home and Vince was nowhere to be seen.
I wasn’t meant to go back to work until Tuesday but I received an email from Patrick asking if I could come back on Monday because they had an urgent project that needed my attention. We spend Saturday shopping around Greenwoods. My memories of this place weren’t the greatest but I was making new ones now. Vince hadn’t come back home since Friday after the funeral. Just when I had started to think about maybe giving him a chance, he disappeared. Taylor tried calling him and his phone was turned off. I told myself not to overthink things. He wasn’t my boyfriend or lover.
Saturday night Mr Callum had organised a little dinner for everyone. He had invited a few other family members and some other friends. Taylor got dressed and said she needed to go help her mum pack up some of Grace’s stuff. She left and I started getting dressed. I pulled on a plain cream turtle neck and jeans. It was freezing and I wasn’t gonna catch a cold. I packed up my bags and had it all ready. I was gonna take Rocky’s car back with me tomorrow and he was gonna come back with Taylor on Monday. As I zipped up my bag I heard the door open. Vince stood at the doorway watching me.
“Look who’s back from the dead. You finally remembered you have a bed in this place?” I joked.
He walked in and sat on the edge of the bed. “Sorry Rosy, I just had some stuff come up for work and so I spend the night in my office” he was looking at his fingers. Something was off. I turned to study him and there was a dark red mark on his neck. He must have seen me notice and quickly adjusted his collar.
“Right so the office always gives you a hickey when you spend the night there?” I asked and laughed.
“Rosy look...” He started.
“Vince stop okay. You’re not my boyfriend. You’re my best friends brother. Yesterday you needed comfort and my help and I stood by you. Whenever you need that kinda support I will always stand by you. But please don’t lie about spending a night with another girl. If that’s what you’ve done then that’s your business. You don’t owe me an explanation.” I sat next to him and held his hand. “Hope you had a goodnight though. Did it help soothe your pain?” I chuckled.
He laughed and just kept looking down. “You’re one of a kind you know that?” He finally said.
“Oh, I know. Now let’s go downstairs” he nodded and left the room.
My heart felt a little heavy. I don’t know why I had thought of so many things about Vince and now I felt a little hurt. He wasn’t waiting for me and his night out proved that. I didn’t expect him to be waiting but after yesterday I thought things were gonna change between us. I guess I was wrong.
I pushed all those thoughts and feelings to the back of my mind and went downstairs. This wasn’t about me, it was about Taylor and her family.
Downstairs everyone was scattered. Mingling and talking among themselves. I went to the bar area and picked up a glass of wine. The back balcony door was open. It was cold but I knew the view there was amazing. I walked out and you could see a lot of Greenwoods. The lights shining in the distance. I stood there admiring the view when I heard some loud voices. I looked down and Vince was standing there with a girl.
“Vince, why are you doing this? I thought we had something special between us?!” The girl yelled at him.
“Kyra it was one night! We spend one night together and it meant nothing. Why the hell did you give me a hickey last night?! You said you needed my help and I came over. You tricked me and while giving me a hug you gave me a hickey! What the hell?! That’s not special that’s harassment and I can press charges!” He yelled back at her. “I have someone very special inside this house right now and she’s just seen that fucking hickey. She thinks I spend the night with you. Do you know how that makes me look?!” Wow, he sounded angry.
“But Vinny...” she whined.
“No, get out right now before I call the cops. Leave!”
The girl stomped her legs and turned around and walked away. I moved back a little so Vince didn’t see me there. I heard his footsteps and then a door close. No, this doesn’t change anything. I shouldn’t have even thought of things with Vince and it will stay like that.
I heard Mr Callum call for everyone so I went back in. I settled on a barstool in the kitchen. Suddenly from behind me a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up and Vince was there. I stayed in his arms. I gave myself the same excuse. He needed support and I was here for him. I didn’t hear that conversation outside and I was just gonna go with the flow. Vince tightened his arms around me rested his chin on my head. It felt really nice. I sat there blocking out all the emotions running through me. I couldn’t let things change...