Chapter 8 - Attraction
I spend Sunday morning sleeping in a little. I didn’t want to leave until midday. The thought of getting out of bed and facing Vince gave me anxiety. After our little cuddling session in the kitchen, there were lots of eyes on us. Mrs Callum’s sister Mandy even cornered me and asked if something was going on.
I gave her the same reasoning I gave to Taylor and myself. I finally couldn’t take all the questioning anymore and ran upstairs when no one was watching. I hid in Taylor’s bedroom and didn’t realise when I passed out. Was Vince really talking about me last night? Was I that special someone? I shook my head and cleared my thoughts. It doesn’t matter! Let’s forget about all that.
Taylor was still sleeping so I quietly got into the shower. After washing up I felt a little better. I got dressed in an oversized sweater and some jeans and grabbed my things. It was 10 am and I had some time before I left. It was a gloomy day outside. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I could smell bacon cooking. My tummy did a happy flip. I left my bag at the door and walked into the kitchen. Mrs Callum was cooking the bacon and there were some pancakes as well.
“Good morning sunshine. Would you like some breakfast?” she asked when she saw me.
“Morning Mrs Callum. Yes, please! That smells amazing” I said and grabbed a glass for some orange juice. She pulled it 2 plates and plates bacon and pancakes on the 2 plates and then made some eggs.
“So where did you disappear to last night? Vince and you became the hot topic just by the way” she said and laughed a little.
“Yeah and that’s why I disappeared. Too many questions and not enough people believing me”
She finished dishing the food and passed me a plate and grabbed the other one.
“You wanna come to join me at the table?” She asked and walked towards the dining area. I grabbed my food and drink and followed her.
She sat on one side and I sat opposite her. There wasn’t anyone else around.
“So then, is there something happening between you two?” She asked and I choked on my drink.
“No, Mrs Callum. It’s nothing like that. Vince was quite upset yesterday so when he needed comfort I was there for him. If I’m correct he was out with some girl on Friday night” I said and hoped that made my brain believe I hadn’t overheard Vince’s conversation.
“Ah right, that’s where he disappeared too then. For a second last night, I was so happy. I thought you two had finally gotten together. That would have been amazing sweetie. Vince does really admire you”
Admires me? Is that what they are calling it these days. I just smiled at Mrs Callum and started another topic.
We chatted away over our meal and Mrs Callum made me wish even more that I was her daughter. I couldn’t remember the last time my mother and I had shared a meal. Mrs Callum’s phone started ringing. She excused herself to take her call. Edward appeared and cleared our plates. I walked back into the kitchen and Edward was shaking a protein shake.
“Who’s that for Eddy?” I asked. Some he refused to call us by our nicknames we started to call him by a nickname.
“It’s for Master Vince. He's in the gym working out and has a shake before breakfast” he said and started to walk out with the shake.
“Hey, Eddy. Can I take them to him? I’m about to leave so I can say bye as well” I walked up to him.
“Sure Miss Rosalie. You know your way?” I nodded and he handed me the cup.
I walked down the hall to the back of the house. Attached to the back where the pool was, Mr Callum had made a little gym. As I got closer I could hear music playing. I opened the door and there was Vince. He was doing pull-ups and had his back to me. The boy was fine! He didn’t have a shirt on and all his muscles were on show. I walked in and stood there watching him. He finished his last set and dropped to the ground. Damn even his ass was fine. He turned around and jumped a little when he saw me.
He picked up a remote and turned off the music. “Jesus Rosy! You gave me a heart attack” he said trying to even his breathing.
“Me? I did no such thing. Mind you I’m about to have the same kind of thing just watching you working out” I said fake fanning myself and laughed. “I brought you your shake and came to say bye”
“What you're leaving?” He asked taking the cup from me.
“Yeah, the boss wants me back to work tomorrow so I’m gonna take off now and go get myself sorted for tomorrow. Taylor and Rocky will come back tomorrow”
“Do you really have to go? We didn’t even get to hang out this time” he whined.
“Your right we didn’t. But we managed to convince people something was going on with us. I just had a fun conversation with your mum” I laughed and he groaned.
“Damn I’m sorry! I don’t understand why two people can’t be friends and have a little cuddle”
“Little cuddle? Vinny the way you were holding me was like I was gonna disappear” I laughed and climbed to sit on the table against the wall. Vince put his cup down and walked up to me. Shit, bad idea!
“I didn’t see you complain once,” he said as he stood between my legs and places his hands on the table. His face was very close even though I was flush up against the wall.
“I didn’t say I was complaining. Just that people were really questioning” I swallowed the lump in my throat.
“I don’t care what people think. I care what you think and from what I saw you were quite happy. You fit so perfectly in my arms” his nose bumping mine. He was getting closer and closer and if I moved I would touch his lips. I had stopped breathing. He brought up his hands and caressed my cheek.
“Rosy breathe babe. I don’t want you dying” he said and made some circles with his thumb on my cheek. I let out a big sigh and inhaled again.
Was I really going to do this? Was he really going to be my first kiss? Fate was on my side today. Right on cue, Edward walked in.
“Oh, I’m sorry master Vince. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Sir is calling you” Edward said and bowed his head and walked away.
“Fuxking dad! Gotta ruin it for me” Vince said and laughed. I took that chance and got down with the table.
“Well, maybe it’s not meant to be.” I walked towards the door.
“I believe in taking what I want and not waiting on fate to decide for me,” he said.
“Fair enough. But I believe in fate so maybe next time” I laughed and walked out the door. I popped my head back in “Bye Vinny. I’ll come to have that coffee with you next time I’m in town” I winked at him and his face just lit up with a big smile.
I walked to the main door and grabbed my stuff. Rocky had given me his keys last night so I was ready to go. I packed my things in the car and got in. I took one last look at the house and drove out the driveway. Maybe next time I come into town Vince and I could have lunch before I go back. I don’t know if that was going to give him the wrong impression.
I spend the next 4 hours lost in my thoughts. I had a long week coming up and had better things to worry about than a boy. My career was always more important. I worked way too hard to let it waste away...