Chapter Two

Later that day...

I walked to fourth period with my best friend Natasha. Knowing fourth period was English, made my stomach do summer saults. I was actually going to walk into the exact situation I did not want to be in. Just be me knowing it was him he was going to be teacher made the feeling even worse. I would rather walk into that classroom not expecting him to be my teacher, but I knew. I think I was the first of his students to probably meet him if I actually do say so myself.

Natasha and I reached the classroom door to our English classroom which was the same one which had been left wide open earlier that morning. I took a deep breath and followed Natasha in. As I entered, I saw him straight away. He leant against the desk, which was now his. His hair was the same as I saw it earlier that morning, however he looked quite flustered. As if he had been very busy. Well first day, I would imagine he must be. His black jacket was of and hung off his chair behind his desk, so he stood there with only his white shirt on with the top button undone and his tie slightly loose.

As I studied him his eyes met mine once Natasha passed him to take her seat. I suddenly realised I had been staring and blinked out of my trance. I swallowed as he tilted his head, his eyes watching me carefully. I walked past him and took my seat. To my luck I sat on the desk opposite him. Yes, what a coincidence. No, I sat at the front in almost every lesson I had. Except for Maths and Business. Every other lesson I was always placed at the front and that was because I had to be kept an eye on apparently, because of my behaviour.

I could still feel his eyes on me as I took my seat and sat down. I zipped up my hoodie until it met the skin of my neck, making sure I was fully covered. Once I did that, I pulled my hood over my head. I usually put my earphones in but since he had strictly warned me not to I decided not to push my luck. Which was quite unusual for me since I usually never really gave a shit no matter how far I pushed a teacher's boundaries.

I looked up and caught him staring over at me. He quickly turned away and cleared his throat. "Ok, class!" He announced, causing everyone's voices to disappear int thin air. I glanced around the classroom and every single girl looked at him in complete awe. I cringed and looked back towards the front. Good, this was so awkward.

"Ok, guys. As you may already know, I'm your new English teacher for now on." He grinned and turned towards the board. "My name is Mr Dubens." He added as roughly wrote it down on the white board, "You can just call me, sir though. It's easier." He turned and gave us all a half smile. His eyes never once met mine which I was grateful for, because if they did, I think I might just have a break down.

"I'm not really going to teach you anything today, I thought it was best to get to know you all first. Tomorrow I will teacher you the meanings behind poetry, since you haven't yet covered that topic. At least that's what I've heard." He glanced around at each and every one of us, including me since I was sat at the front. The boy at the back, named Samuel spoke up. "Nah, sir. We haven't."

"That's settled then." Mr Dubens nodded, "Poetry tomorrow, it is. Now, I'm going to go around the room and ask your names one by one and tell me one thing about yourself. But it has to be meaningful. It can be anything but something important, don't just tell me what you think I want to hear." I glanced out the window and noticed it was pouring down with rain. "Starting with you." I heard him add and looked back towards him. He was pointing towards me. My eyes widened in unexpectance. Shit!

"I...I..." I struggled as he looked down at me with a huge annoying smile plastered across his beautiful face. I bit my lip and thought, "I'm Alice Copper," yeah, Alice he knows...get on with it! "...and I'd rather listen to music then listen to all the bullshit that goes on around me." I shrugged helplessly and pulled my hood tighter over my head. I saw his expression change to sadness as if I had hurt him. I was expecting him to tell me off for my language since everyone suddenly gasped and looked at me wide eyed, but he didn't. He just smiled, "Ok, thank you Alice."

He continued to ask everyone else, going through everyone in class. And the rest of the lesson just went on like that, along with Mr Dubens explaining a bit about the poetry topic we were going to be starting tomorrow. The lesson soon ended, and I was so grateful once that bell rang. I stood up to go and Mr Dubens smiled to me as I passed his desk, "Good lesson?" I heard him ask and I wasn't sure if he was talking to me. I looked round and realised he was. "It was alright." I shrugged.

"Was that true, what you said earlier? About how you'd rather listen to your music?" He asked with sad eyes. "Err, yeah."

He tilted his head in curiosity, "Why is that?"

I shrugged again, "I don't want to talk about it. I-I'll see you tomorrow, sir." I gulped and turned towards the door. "Bye Alice." I heard him say as I walked out.

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