Chapter Three

I went to a club later on that night. Hype!

That night just consisted of me, Natasha and my close mate, Dylan who lived just down the road from me. "We're going to have some fun tonight, tash'," I yelled over to Natasha. "Yeah, defo." She grinned as we entered the club building. Dylan trailed along behind us with his mate who we didn't really know. His mate went to another school, but we told Dylan he was more than welcome to tag along.

"I really want a drink..." I moaned and Natasha laughed. "You know their only gonna serve you a soft drink."

I grinned and tapped my nose, "Good thing I have this then." I pulled out two can of beer out of my bag and quickly slid them back in so no one saw except for Dylan and Natasha. Dylan grinned, "I'm having some of that!"

"Oh my god, how did you get hold of that?" Natasha exclaimed in pure shock. I flattered my eyelashes humorously, "Oh, let's just say someone keeps them in our home fridge."

"Honestly?" Dylan spoke loud of the blaring music. I nodded, "Yup" as I popped the 'p'. "I'm jus gonna get a soft drink." Natasha said hesitanly. She was such a wimp at times, she never wanted to have fun. She was so low and boring. I rolled my eyes, "oh come on, tash' it's just booze. Get over yourself." I yelled over the music and walked past her. Dylan followed me over to the bar as his mate stayed and got chatting to Natasha.

Natasha and Dylan's mate went over onto the dance floor while Dylan and I sat on the stools at the bar. "I heard you were getting excluded." Dylan suddenly said as he waved his hand over to the barman who spotted us waiting to order a drink. "What? Who said that?" I asked. He pursed his lips, "Olivia." Olivia was the slag if the school so she couldn't say anything about me without looking like a total fucking hypocrit. "She doesn't know jackshit."

Dylan turned towards the barman who waited to take his order. Dylan told him and the barman jotted it down on his note pad. "Coming right up." He grinned and walked off. Dylan smiled and turned back around to face me. "Yeah well, she can't say anything." He agreed. I scowled, "I hate her."

"Mr Dubens seems nice."

"What?" I asked, even though I heard him quite clearly. "Mr Dubens. Our new English teacher, he seems nice." He repeated himself. I breathed in deep, "Yeah, he's alright."

"Just alright?"

I nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"I was expecting you to go on about how handsome and sexy he is." Dylan winked. I rolled my eyes, "Yeah right, he might be fit but he ain't that fit."

"Almost every girl student that he teaches is all over him."

"Well, that's ok, I suppose. It could be worse." I scoffed. Dylan's eyebrows creased, "How?"

"At least, he hasn't got a gay boy in any of his classes. At least, I hope not." I snorted and Dylan guested out in laughter, "You make me laugh."

"Don't I just." I sang as the barman returned to us with Dylan's coke. "I reckon he's the gay one though." He added as he took a sip of his coke. I looked at him wide eyed, "What makes you think that?"

"All good-looking men are usually gay."

"Aww! you have a crush on Mr Dubens?" I teased, pinching his cheek. Dylan pulled away and almost fell off his stool in the process. I bursted out in laughter as he lost his balance and gripped onto tepee edge of the bar. "Oh my god!" I snorted, gripping my sides in gusts of laughter. "What the fuck, Alice?" Dylan scowled, pulling himself back up, "I am not gay!"

"Well, you did just call Mr Dubens good-looking." I pointed out. "That wasn't what I meant, and you know it." He looked me in the eyes with a angry look on his face. I held my hands up in defeat, "Ok, ok. I was just playing with ya."

Dylan smirked, "What I meant was that all the girls are head over heels for him. If then think he is so good-looking then he must be gay, because every time a girl reckons a man is good-looking, sexy all the rest of it, he is usually gay."

"Ok, but how do you know that? I mean, there probably are nice looking guys in the world that aren't." I shrugged, pursing my lips. "Because every guy that every girl at the school goes out with is ugly as sin!" Dylan exclaimed, taking another sip of his coke.

"Does that mean you're gay, then?" I asked, trying to trick him. Dylan opened his mouth to answer, about to say no but then he realised what I had basically said. "Did you just say I'm fit?" He translated. I slowly nodded, "I guess so." I grinned, biting my lip. He grinned back and scratched the back of his head, "Wow, cheers. I'm charmed."

"So, really and truly. What you're saying can't be true. Because then you'd be calling yourself gay, and I'm sure you don't want that." I giggled and he reached towards me and pinched my arm. "Ouch!" I yelped but then giggled again. "Ok, ok. Sorry."

"Do you want to dance?" He asked suggestively. "Ok, let's go."

"Let's kick some but, bitch." He sang and I nudged him in the rib with my elbow as he trailed from behind me. He laughed and squeezed my sides, making me gasp and disappear into a fit of laughter.

Once we reached the dance floor, we began dancing. Natasha and Dylan's mate were just a few feet away from us, grinding against each other to the sweet rhythm of the music. Dylan and I done the same. I held my hand above my head, letting my hips sway freely to the thumping and beating of the blaring music. Dylan hid his face in the crook of my neck as he gripped my hips. After a while I decided not to sway from left to right, instead I pushed my hips back, pushing into Dylan. For a second I heard him yelp in surprise. I smirked and he twirled me around, causing me to wrap my arms around his neck.

We danced like that, just naturally as he sang very badly down my ear. I laughed and slapped his back. "Shut up," he giggled, and he tickled my sides.

After a while Natasha walked over to the bar with Dylan's mate.

"I really need a fag." I murmured down Dylan's ear. He pulled away from me and our eyes met.

"Ok. C'mon" Dylan took my hand in his and led me to the exit doors that led out to the back gardens of the club. I breathed desperately and reached my hand into my handbag, pulling out my pack of cigarettes. I lit it and held it to my lips. Dylan stood next to me with his hands in his Jean pockets.

"Full moon." He pointed up to the sky.

"Is that meant to sound romantic?" I snapped, blowing out the smoke of my cigarette into his face. Dylan scoffed, "No." I closed my eyes and leant against the wall, "God, I need a drink." With that, I pulled one of the cans of beer out of my handbag and gulped it down me. I handed Dylan my other one and he gladly took it.

The night consisted of us drinking ourselves to oblivion to be quite honest. That was the only reason I went Hype. To get wasted. I gulped another beer down before we left, and I was so pissed I couldn't even stand up straight. Me and Dylan collapsed on the dance floor, me over his chest. "A-Alice?" He asked in laughter, trying to push me off him. "Heeeey Dy...laaan." I slurred, slithering my hand up his chest. He bit his lip and pressed his forehead against mine, "We are very pissed." He smirked, causing me to laugh uncontrollably. "" I hiccuped.

"Get out! Get out guys!" Natasha gripped me by the shoulder, dragging me to my feet. "We gotta get out of here!"

"W-why?" I hiccupped. Natasha pushed me out of the exit doors as I lost myself in fits of laughter. "It's 3:00am you twat!" She yelled in panic.

After that I ended up home at 4:00am not that my parents really gave a shit. Because I didn't live with them, they were dead. The only people who knew I lived alone was the lady next door to me. She gave me money to pay for my rent and bills so I could keep the roof over my head. So, when I got in of course it was her who sat on the living room sofa with a very unamused expression plastered onto her face. I let the front door slam from behind me and I rolled my eyes and I collapsed back against it.

"Don't start." I warned.

"Where have you been?"

"Hype." I slurred, leaning off of the front door and stumbling towards her. "That under eighteen club!?!" She asked interrogatingly. I nodded, "Ya."

"Alice, you've got to stop this. I don't mind you having fun with you mates but your addictions with drinking and smoking are terrible. You need to stop!"

"You're not my fucking mother so stop trying to be her." I shot back, collapsing down onto the sofa and closing my eyes shut.

"I don't think you understand what you're doing to yourself, sweetheart." She said, stroking my shoulder. "It hasn't got anything to do with you. You’re my neighbour looking after me, that's it."

"And have I ever got a thank you for it? No!" She pointed out and I have to admit she was right, I was one right rude bitch at times, I didn't respect the good people around me.

"Fuck off. I'm tired."

"I hope you know you're killing yourself, Alice." I heard her murmur and stand up from the sofa. I hummed, ignoring her as I slowly began to drift off into a deep sleep. The last thing I heard was the door slam, and that was that.

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