The Invitation

I jump in surprise as my toast pops from the toaster, hot and steaming. A little too hastily I reach to grab it from the toaster, “Ouch!” which ends with me yanking my hand away in pain from my fingers being burnt.

“Octavia darling, use the tongs!” My mother calls out from the other room with a concerned tone. “Sorry mom. I’m in a rush!” I quickly pulled the toast from the toaster, with my burnt fingertips and place it on a napkin. “Tsss OH HOT HOT!”

I quickly grab the bottle of squeezable jelly off the door of the fridge, and squeeze a big chunk onto my hot toast, spreading it with my fingers. “Mmmm…blackberry!” I laugh, licking my favorite jelly off my index finger.

I grab my dark red backpack off the counter, and I shove my warm toast in my mouth. “Mey Mom, mm mon my may mout!” I speak full-mouthed, shoving a bottle of water in my bag, throwing away my napkin, and jogging into the living room.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full Octavia. It’s not ladylike.” She says sternly, directing me to come closer to her. “Come give me a hug before you leave.”

I chew the bite I took, and swallow. Swinging my arms through the straps of my bag swiftly. “Sorry mama.” I bend down to her rocking chair as she stamps the papers in front of her, and hug her tightly. “I love you.” I kiss her cheek, and smile. She ignores me, continuing with her loads of work for the day.

“Go kick butt for your last week of class!” Arlo giggles, wrapping her arms around my legs. “Oh thank you sweet girl!” I smile, patting her head and looking around. “Where's your mom and sister?” I asked curiously, eyeing the four year old standing at my feet.

“Mom took Carly to the doctor.” She frowns, jumping up and sadly flopping into the fluffy grey recliner across from the TV. “She wasn’t feeling good this morning, so now I get to spend the day with auntie Luna Delle!”

“I know she will get better soon.” I smile at her, giving her a quick squeeze and quickly heading for the door. “Don’t worry too much, and have fun with my mom today Arlo. See you guys later!” I wave, smiling and hopping out the front door and down the creaky wooden steps.

I trot to the garage, adjusting my blue tank top and grey hoodie as I approach the garage. “Awh, Come on!” I flap my arms, exasperated. “Damn bike is still at the shop.” I huffed loudly, adding a groan afterwards to spice it up.

’You are quite forgetful sometimes, we need to work on that.’ My wolf laughs at me in my head, ’If you shift now, and get to the old bus stop on falle street, we might make it in time.’

’We could get caught by the hunter. Besides, what about my things? Shifting will destroy my clothes and backpack.I don’t have the time to go shopping again right now!’ I think back to her, sighing and trudging towards the redwoods in front of me. ’I’ll just run, it’s good training anyway. Not everything can be done the easy way Lucia.’

I bend down, double knotting the shoelaces on my black vans, and then adjust the straps on my backpack. ’Better get going then.’ Lucia reminds me, retreating to the back of my mind again.

I jog through our pack territory, so focused on making it to the bus stop that I didn’t notice someone following me. When I reach the edge of Red Moon territory, I stop. Without turning my head I glance over my shoulder, taking a deep breath for any hint of scents.

A familiar scent melts in my senses, causing me to relax and giggle a little. Suddenly Faye jumps out, wrapping both her arms around my neck from behind. “Viaaaa! I'm so glad I found you. I've been trying to find the bus stop for HOURS!” She groans dramatically, making an exhausted face at me.

“You were probably only lost for a few minutes bird-brain. Be careful in the woods, there's been a hunter out the past few days. Not sure if he's a threat yet.” Faye has always been known to over exaggerate things, especially when it involves anything she doesn’t like.

“Are you planning to take the bus today too?” I ask gently, gesturing towards the bus stop. I laugh lightly, It's like i’m the only responsible friend she has.

“Hey! Don’t call me bird-brain! You’re the bird-brain!!” She pouts, poking my head playfully, then she begins looking at me quizzically. “Where's your bike?”

“It’s still down at the shop. Busted a wheel after it smoked up the other day. Harlen told me it should be done later today.” I answered, watching the large community bus approaching in the distance.

“Awesome!! Hey Lillith and I are going to old Moe’s Tavern on friday, wanna join?” She smiled, tilting her head at me. My long brown waves blew around in the wind, making me shiver at the satisfying cool breeze.

I thought softly for a second, taking a deep breath. “…I don’t know. School is finally over. I really just wanna relax a bit. I probably won’t go.” I finally answered her.

“Awwh come on Via, you never come anymore. Just one drink, Please? It would be a great way to relax! I heard they are having live music!” She wrapped her arms around my arm, jumping up and down as she pleaded with me.

Please… it wouldn’t be as fun without my best friend.” She looked up at me, using our slight height difference to her advantage. Her eyes shimmered, as if she wanted to cry.

’Faye has always been such a good actress… though she’s right you know.’ Lucia spoke to me, coming forward from her hiding spot in the back of my mind. ’You need a break. You should go have some fun before your parents force more of their agenda on you.’

I sighed loudly, looking down at Faye with a complicated face. “Okay. Fine. I’ll go with you.” I chuckled, rolling my eyes at how she had me wrapped around her finger.

She squeals loudly, clapping and jumping around excitedly. “Yay!!”

I laugh as the bus approaches the bus stop, squealing as the driver presses down on the breaks. I readjust my backpack as the doors swing aside with a loud creak! The driver smiles, and tips his hat at me courteously, to which I respond with a gentle grin.

I hop up the steps onto the bus, and look around for a spot to sit… but there are none. Faye follows me as I settle for a standing spot near the middle of the crowded bus, grabbing the swinging handle above me as the bus takes off once more.

’Oooh look at that cutie at three o’clock!’ Faye links me, telepathically. Standing right beside me, and poking my ribs. I look at her confused as she wriggles her eyebrows furiously.

Suddenly the bus jerks widely, causing me to stumble over before I can look around.

I lose my grip and slip on something underneath my shoes, just as I am expecting to hit the ground, a pair of warm arms grab me.

“Are you alright, miss?” A tall, muscular man with large brown eyes looks down at me concerned. His t-shirt is tight around his arms, and he seems to be wearing a golden chain around his neck that glints in the light.

“Heh… I’m fine. Thank you.” I blush bright red, wide eyed, and scramble back to my place wiping away the dust from my backside. “Of course.” He smiles gently, going back to his phone.

Faye links me again, ’I didn’t want you to TRAMPLE him!! Haha, I just thought maybe you would say hi!’ She giggles quietly, irritating me further.

’Faye, you know i'm not interested in having a relationship right now.’ I scowl at her, rolling my eyes and letting out a sigh. ’I need to focus on school.’

She sighs sadly, ’I know Via. I’m sorry. I just figured… since you haven’t found your mate you might be interested in having some fun!’

’It's not that i'm NOT interested, it's that I know better. I would rather spare myself the cheap satisfaction of being with someone not destined for me.’ I glance out the window as the trees pass by, silently wishing I could run through the forest openly in wolf form. These days I find myself wanting more and more solitude. Wanting to be alone.

’Besides… I'm 23. I’m starting to lose hope that I even have a mate.’ I link back to her again, then I look down sullenly plucking a leaf away from the hole in the left knee of my pants.

’You know I haven’t found mine either. I’m sure we will both find our mates and be happy.. someday.’ She links me, looking at her feet and smiling sadly. ’Really I wasn’t saying to lose hope. I was just suggesting enjoying your time while you're single, until you find him!’

’Yeah.. well. Even if I did find my mate, my parents would probably find a way to force me to reject him. It’s better if I never find him.’ I dejectedly look at her, and then look away quickly trying to keep my emotions boxed away.

’Everything will work out Via, keep your head up and keep going. You deserve to be happy, I don’t think the moon goddess intended for you to be alone.’ She wraps her arm around my waist, pulling me in for a friendly hug.

’You are an amazing friend, and a beautiful person. You deserve the world.’ She stays like that, and ends the link.

’Do I deserve it?’ I ask myself with an empty, heavy feeling in my chest, as the bus comes to a halt at the bus stop in front of our college.

I follow Faye down the steps of the bus, soaking in the morning sun and fresh air around me as I begin walking to my class.

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