3-Let's Get Wasted!
Zuri's POV
We make it to Tipsy's at four forty-seven, which isn't bad timing for us. In the corner of the bar, we see Claire and Jess sitting at our normal spot, flirting with a couple of guys. Sav looks at me and starts giggling because our friends are notorious for bringing men home with them. We think it's dangerous, but they never listen. That's why we have access to the location of their cell phones at all times just in case of an emergency and we could get help to them as quickly as possible.
As we start to walk towards the table, they look at us and Jess yelled, "walk of shame again!?"
The two random men look confused and then turn their gazes at us. Their eyes look like they're going to bulge out of their heads when they scan us from head to toe. Then they realize our fingers are intertwined and I'm almost positive something else of theirs started bulging.
We get to the table with very obvious grins on our faces.
"At this point, the walk of shame is just a part of who we are as a couple," I respond.
"So you two are gay?" Says one of the strangers.
Of course, Sav has no filter at all and says, "Aren't you and your friend gay?"
To that, he responds, "Come home with me tonight and find out."
This guy is not cute enough to have the audacity that he has. It does make me wonder if maybe we could like men. We never had boyfriends or any experiences with a guy. That hasn't stopped us from sharing fantasies about us sharing a man. It's not like we don't find men attractive, so we aren't joking when we say we are only gay for each other. It has always just been Sav and Zuri.
"No thanks. Zuri and I have hot sex planned tonight."
Her blunt reply doesn't surprise me at this point. He was a little caught off guard, however. One of the many things I love about her is her feisty attitude that matches the red tone in her hair. I'm the calm to her chaos. I decide to speak up before Sav and these men start having a pissing contest.
"So, did you guys just now meet Claire and Jess, or did they bring you along for the night?" I asked.
The quiet one spoke this time saying, "We just met. We can get out of your way and let you ladies enjoy your evening."
Claire says, "You guys aren't bothering us one bit. We're here for a good time and that's exactly what we're gonna have!"
The quiet man replies, "Okay, as long as you all don't mind. By the way, I'm Tristan and this douche is Ethan."
Douche Ethan put his hand on his chest as if Tristan physically punched him.
"It's nice to meet you guys. I'm Zuri and this is Saviera, but we just call her Sav for short. It's also short for savage because she has a very dauntless personality."
Everyone laughs because dominance radiates off of her. Ever since our freshman year, I learned she doesn't take shit from anyone and she would never let anyone harm me either, despite only being 5 feet 0 inches tall. There was a girl named Jo who had it out for me and I had no idea why. Girls at that age are incredibly petty, so the possibilities are endless. At lunch one day, Jo dumped milk on me on purpose. Sav got up and punched her straight in the face, breaking her nose in one hit and blacking both of her eyes. She ended up getting suspended for two weeks and grounded for a month. It's safe to say, no one bothered me after that.
"Just out of curiosity, what was Jess talking about when she yelled 'walk of shame?" asked Ethan.
Sav and I glance at each other and crack up laughing. Claire does the honors of explaining what the walk of shame is.
"We meet up here a handful of times a month and almost every time, Sav and Zuri are late because they either start fucking and lose track of time, or they fall asleep after giving each other intense orgasms and wake up late. I swear they would be rabbits if they weren't human beings."
Ethan cleared his throat and says, "Well, that is not even close to what I thought the walk of shame was. However, I'm very glad I asked."
"Alright, well now that everyone knows everyone, let's get wasted!" Sav exclaimed.
Our waitress brought the first round of tequila shots and lime. We say "cheers" and down our shots together. After the 5th shot, I'm past tipsy, but not completely drunk. That's when I decide to be done because I know Sav will drink more. I don't know how she can drink so much without barfing. Her dad is Irish and could drink anyone under the table, so that is definitely where she gets it from. I drink some ice water the rest of the evening to sober up and relax.
"So what's everyone doing after we leave here?" I asked.
"I'm just going back home and going right to bed. I have a huge test due in the morning and I know I'll be hungover during it." Says Jess.
"Ugh, good luck with that. I got my work done early this week, so I have no more assignments right now." Sav says.
"What are your majors?" Tristian asks Jess and Sav.
"Jess is doing nursing and I am studying history."
"Oh, awesome. What about you, Zuri?"
"I already graduated with my associate's in dental hygiene," I say.
The rest of the night consisted of mostly small talk and catching up on what we've been up to since we saw each other last. Midnight approached quickly and we all headed home. Of course, Claire and Jess brought Tristian and Ethan home with them. So much for Jess going straight to sleep, but I think those guys are pretty decent people. We finally get dropped off at home via Uber and we are exhausted. We take a quick shower together, rub each other down with lotion, and crawl into bed. Sav wraps me up in her arms and holds me from behind.
"Good night, Sav. I love you."
"Good night, baby. I love you more."