6-Family Game Day
Saviera's POV
We finish up brunch and go into the livingroom to play Trivial Pursuit. My dad and I always go neck and neck when we do trivial games. The amount of useless information in our brains is astounding and it should probably be illegal. Everyone else basically joins in for the hell of it, but their answers are normally entertaining. We get the game set up and Zuri rolls the highest number, so she goes first and I read her question to her. She gets the easiest question I have ever heard during this game.
"How many continents are there in the world? Zuri, if you don't get this then you'll be grounded for a week." I say.
"I'm not an idiot, Sav. There's seven." She responded with such pride. I couldn't contain my laughter for a second because she is incredibly smart, but when she feels under pressure, she forgets anything and everything.
"Good job! I knew you'd get it." Dad encouraged.
He goes next. Mom read off his question and it's not as easy as Zuri's was. "Which forward-thinking Russian ruler taxed any citizen with a beard, because being clean-shaven was all the rage in Europe in 1698?"
"Easy! That weirdo was Peter the Great." He answered.
"Nice one, dad! I honestly thought that was going to challenge you." Selene says. Now It's my turn to go and my sister reads my question.
"Which depraved prisoner of the Bastille wrote the book The 120 Days of Sodom during just 37 days of his incarceration?"
Dad groans out loud because he knows I read about that book after doing a research paper on Napoleon Bonaparte.
"The answer is Marquis de Sade. Imprisioned for his works Justine and Juliette." I respond with a cocky tone.
"Alright know-it-all. We just wanted a name." Selene says with an eye roll.
After an intense game, Dad ultimately came out on top. I won the last time, so I guess I'll let him have it.
"Good game, old man. I figured I would go easy on you today because I didn't want to see you shed a tear like you did when I won last week."
"Sure, sweety. We can pretend that was the case today." He kisses my forehead and we all say our goodbyes.
Zuri and I go home around 3:30 and decide to have a relaxing evening before our hectic week starts tomorrow. I head to the bathroom and get the shower going.
"You wanna hop in with me?" I ask Zuri.
"Yeah, I'll be right there babe." She calls from the bedroom.
I go ahead and get in under the water while she comes into the bathroom and undresses. She gets in and it seems like something is weighing on her mind.
I ask, "What's on that pretty mind of yours?"
She responds saying, "I'm just thinking about what your dad said. He kind of put things in a different perspective for me and not only that, but it seemed personal to him. Almost as if he has remorse."
"I know. I got that vibe as well. You know I love you more than anything in this world, right? If marriage ends up being something you want, I can give that to you. We have so much together, but at the same time, we have so much more to go because we're young and still maturing." I respond.
"I think we should sleep on marriage for right now. Like you said, we have so much more to go and we have plenty of time. I think you should talk to your dad, Sav. See if maybe there is some deeper reason for his feelings that we aren't aware of. Maybe whatever it is can give us some ground breaking realization one way or another."
"I think you're right. After we take Jax and Chandler out for ice cream tomorrow, we can stop by my parent's house and I'll talk to him while you keep mom company." We wash each other's bodies and Zuri washes my hair for me. We shave our legs and underarms nice and smooth, rinse off, and dry ourselves off. Zuri massages lotion into my body and I do the same for her. In our room, we get our pajamas on. We like to keep oversized t-shirts as night gowns and put on fuzzy socks until it's time to go to sleep. We can't be sexy all the time because that would be exhausting. Tonight is a dinner and movie night. We made tamales and fried rice with double fudge caramel brownies for dessert. I like to put the hot brownie in a bowl with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and Zuri likes her brownie on the side. Our couch in the living room is a futon, so we laid it out like a bed and brought a bunch of pillows and blankets into the living room for comfort.
"What movie are we watching?" Zuri asks.
"Umm I don't know. What have we not seen yet? I want something new to watch."
Of course, we end up not watching a new movie and instead put on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. This is one movie that we can watch multiple times and not grow tired of it. We're laid back with our dinner plates on our individual wooden food trays that stands over our bodies and Zuri presses play on the movie. After we eat our dinner, we get our desserts just the way we like it and resume the movie. It finally gets to the part where Yondu sacrifices himself for Peter and Zuri and I turn into big bawl-bags like we do every time that scene comes on. The movie ends and we clean our dirty dishes. We go to the bathroom, floss, brush our teeth, and swish some mouth wash. We decided we are going to sleep in the living room tonight because we don't feel like moving the blankets and pillows to the bedroom. I grab our wireless Magic Wands and walk to the futon where Zuri is already lying down.
"We haven't used these in a while. I think we should put them to use sooner rather than later." I say while I wiggle my eye brows. Some nights we use them on eachother and other times we use them on ourselves together. Tonight, we're going to put them to use one way or another. I climb into the bed next to Zuri and hand her Magic Wand to her. She sets it to the side and gets in between my legs. She starts massaging my calves and works her way up to my thighs.
"Lay on your stomach babe." Zuri gently demands. I don't know how she can be demanding and gentle at the same time, but it always tugs at my heartstrings. I do as she says and her hands work their way up over my ass and up my back. She works over my whole body and all of a sudden, I hear vibrations. She gently moves the vibrating wand down my spine and over my butt. The vibration moves further down and I hear Zuri tell me to put my ass up in the air, so I do. She puts the wand against my clit, moves it in tiny circular motions, then increases the vibration settings. The feeling is so intense that the first orgasm washes over me in mere seconds. She doesn't stop, but instead she slides her two fingers inside me and slowly massages me from the inside. I bite down on my pillow to quiet my noises before the prude next door hears us and starts banging on the wall and yell for us to shut up. That may have happened a couple of times.
Zuri starts pumping into me faster when she feels my walls tighten around her fingers and another orgasm hits me. She removes herself and the wand and licks my swollen area clean. I'm beyond ready to return the favor.