Chapter One
Ozzy POV
My driver pulls off the interstate taking the exit to Conrad's new club, The Pleasure Palace. I need this time. After breaking up with Gia, I have not been the same. I do not think I was really in love with her, but not having someone around to talk to or sleep with has been hard on me the last few weeks. I think I just miss having her around. I miss having someone in my life.
My driver pulls into the downtown club. He pulls upfront. Conrad is out the door and meeting me as the driver opens my door.
"Too good to drive yourself around, Alpha Ozzy," Conrad says.
I laugh. I turn to my driver. "Take my things to the hotel, get me checked in and bring me back my hotel key," I say to him. Mark closes the door and leaves promptly to do as he is ordered.
"So, show me around this den of sin you got here," I say to Conrad.
"Come on; you got here just in time; we open in about an hour. The girls are here getting ready. It is a nice view," Conrad says, walking me toward the purple front door.
"Nice, I am definitely in the mood for some fun tonight," I say to him. I really am not in the mood for any kind of fun, but maybe I will be after a few drinks.
We go into the bar. There is no one inside yet. The bar back is bringing things up and stocking for the night.
"Hey, can you get me a whiskey over ice," I ask the man stocking the bar.
He looks confused. "I am sorry. I have no idea about anything up here. I just stock what Viv tells me to stock and move when she says move," he says.
"Well, where is the bartender?" I ask him.
"I am right here, but we are not open yet, sir," she says. I turn around to see a vision of beauty behind me. Her long dark hair and ruby red lips make me gasp. I look up and down her long legs. He short red skirt and a tight white top that is unbuttoned with her gorgeous cleavage showing. I feel like I am drooling as I look down her long legs to see the red heels and pretty red toenails.
"Woah," I say out loud, no meaning to express the sensation I am feeling from seeing her.
She walks closer to me, and I catch her scent. She smells like peaches. This woman is arousing me. "Like I was saying, we are not open yet, sir," she says again in a firmer tone. I bet the men give her hell in here. She has to be tough.
"I am a friend of Conrad. I am Ozzy," I say to her.
She looks me up and down. "Alpha, right? I remember him saying his friend the Alpha is coming. I did not realize that was tonight. So Alpha, what can I get you to drink?" she asks me with a sweet smile.
"What's your name?" I ask her.
"My name is Viv, and I am not on the menu," she says sternly.
I am taken back by her outright boldness. I would love it if she were on the menu. I bet she tastes like peaches. Those long beautiful legs, damn.
"Alpha, earth to Alpha, what would you like to drink?" she asks me.
"Sorry, seeing how you are not on the menu, I had to think a minute. So I guess it will be a whiskey," I say to her.
She is not amused by me one bit. She grabs a glass and puts ice in it. She pours me a glass of whiskey. I look her over and try not to leap over the bar. She is bringing out an animal instinct in me that has been long buried since being with Gia's prude ass.
"So that you know, Alpha. I don't date or fuck wolves," she says as she walks away from the bar to finish getting everything ready to open.
Conrad comes up to the bar and takes a seat beside me. "You just missed the firey bartender," I say to him as I sip my whiskey.
"Oh yeah, Viv, she is something else. Do not try anything with her, and she does not date wolves," Conrad says.
"Yeah, she made that clear to me right after explaining to me that she is not on the menu," I say.
"Well, she is a good worker, she is always on time, she works her ass off for me. She does not take any shit from the customers either. She makes sure this bar and my wait staff run smoothly. I could not run this place without her," Conrad says to me.
"I am happy to see this place is working out for you so well. Tell me about the downstairs activities," I say to Conrad.
"Well, there are fantasy rooms. Pretty much anything you can imagine for the right price, that is," Conrad says.
"You get a lot of wolf traffic in here?" I ask.
"Yeah, we get a lot of wolves, vampires, and humans. All kinds come in here. We have not had many problems. Trust me, my girl Viv can handle it, and what she cannot handle, those big ass wolves that work for me can handle it," Conrad says.
"Interesting," I say.
"You want to see a fantasy room, Alpha," Conrad asks me.
"No, I kind of like the view at the bar, for now, anyway," I say.
"Suit yourself. If you decide you want to go down, you will need this," Conrad says, handing me a VIP pass.
Conrad leaves me at the bar to open the club. I sit waiting for the vision of hot sex to come back and scold me again. She is so fierce. I would love to take her downstairs, bend her over my knee, and spank her cute little ass.
"You need another whiskey, Alpha?" Viv asks me.
"Sure," I say. Viv pours me another drink. She reaches for the whiskey on the top shelf. Her tight skirt slides up just enough for me to see her ass cheeks. I think she did that on purpose.
She pours my drink and hands it to me. "You could have a drink with me," I say to her.
"Look, it is not going to happen, Alpha," she says to me.
Yes, I think it will. I accept this challenge. No woman had ever denied me, and you will not be the first, Viv.
I keep drinking whiskey, sitting at the bar watching Viv all night. She handles the customers well. I can see why she is so tough—her working with all of these assholes all night. Here I come in, trying to jump on her the minute I see her. I can see why I am a turn-off for her, or maybe she just does not like me because I am a wolf.
"Viv," I call her down to the end of the bar.
She comes down to see if I need another drink. "I am going to go; tell Conrad I will see him tomorrow," I say to her.
"Tell him yourself; I am not your secretary," Viv says.
Viv walks off, leaving me frustrated at the end of the bar. Damn, I did not really need her to tell him. I only wanted her to come down here and talk to me.
I pull out my cell phone to text my driver to come to pick me up. Conrad walks up to the bar. "You are leaving, man; you have not even been downstairs. Let me find you a woman for the night to have some fun with before you go," Conrad offers me.
I look over at Viv, who is watching this conversation intensely. She pours a whiskey and brings it over to me. "Alpha, your drink," she says, setting the whiskey down for me. Maybe she is interested.
"Thanks," I say.
I pick up the drink and start to walk out away from the bar. There is something written on the napkin under my glass. Viv gave me her phone number. Hmmm. I wonder why.
I look back to the bar. She smiles at me when she realizes I am looking at her. Well, then, Miss Viv might be into wolves after all. I go outside to wait on my driver. I only wait a few moments until Mark pulls up.
"Take me to the hotel, Please," I say to him.
"Yes, Alpha," Mark says, closing the door.
Mark takes me to the hotel. I need a cold shower and another drink. Wait, maybe I should text her. As Mark drives, I decide to text Viv.
- Come see me after work at my hotel *
She does not text back until we are almost at the hotel.
- What room *