Read with BonusRead with Bonus


Stealthily, with the move of a thief, refining through the silk white curtains, sunbeams crawled in their bedroom. Creating a oblong puddle of light right before the bed and illuminating the whole room.

Unaware of the intruding rays, couple slept peacefully cocooned in pearly white blanket. Pillows were scattered, some on the bed, some on the floor. The puddle of their clothes was untouched across the bed where it was thrown a day before. The misty scent of their heated sex was still lingering in the air. They had spent a whole day being locked up in the room and making love each other until their limbs cried.

As the sun glared at their naked form, Anahita stirred ever so lightly. She inhaled, yawning as sense started trapping her. The uncertain blinking of her eyes stopped as she concentrated on the face above her head. Feeling hot, she woke up. Her body felt sluggish and sore as she tried to roll over. But it was impossible, only because Yuvraaj's body was covering half of hers.

His legs were thrown over hers, his arm was tightly draped around her waist, anchoring her to his body. His head laid on the pillow as he had buried her face in his neck. Anahita's lips couldn't contain a smile and stretched wide as she

Pulling blanket to her chin, she glared him. "What have you done to me?"

A chuckle rumbled in the cotton as Yuvraaj pressed his face in the pillow, "As if you don't know what I did."

"Shut up." She hissed, "Fuck, I can't move. It's paining." Yuvraaj reached out to frame her face with his hands and spooned her, "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Just let your stiff muscles loosen up a bit. I'll call the breakfas Stealthily, with the move of a thief, refining through the silk white curtains, sunbeams crawled in their bedroom. Creating a oblong puddle of light right before the bed and illuminating the whole room.

"I love you too." Words moved past smoothly through his lips as he pressed a chaste salute on the crown of her head.

"I can't believe it's not a dream." She murmured tracing her lips with his jaw and fixed her eyes upon them before lifting her gaze to meet his, "Tell me it's not a dream."

Mischievously, Yuvraaj propped his weight on the pillow keeping it under his arm and rested his chin upon his knotted fingers, smirking slightly.

"Get up!"


"I said get up."

Confused, Anahita turned and tried to get up but a sudden pain erupted in her abdomen, blocking her movements and she stopped midway wincing. Her face contorted in pain and a low hiss escaped through her lips. Yuvraaj fixed pillow behind her lower back and she leaned on it, resting her head upon the bedpost. Yuvraaj's palm reached out to caress her flat belly.

"Now do you believe it's not a dream?"

Pulling blanket to her chin, she glared him. "What have you done to me?"

A chuckle rumbled in the cotton as Yuvraaj pressed his face in the pillow, "As if you don't know what I did."

"Shut up." She hissed, "Fuck, I can't move. It's paining." Yuvraaj reached out to frame her face with his hands and spooned her, "Don't worry, you'll be fine. Just let your stiff muscles loosen up a bit. I'll call the breakfast here only."

"Won't I be able to go out?" Panic seized her and Yuvraaj rolled his eyes.

"I'm calling breakfast in the room because I want to. We've not had dinner, so by the time we will get ready, the breakfast will be here."

"Oh. Okay." She relaxed and leaned against his rhythmically beating heart, listening the beautiful symphony. "Your heart beats are appearing like a flute to my ears. This is awesome."

"Indeed." Yuvraaj kissed her hair and rubbed her abdomen in circular motions with his thumb. "Are you feeling good now?"

"Better than before."

"Good. Now, get fresh quickly. I'll order the breakfast and then, we'll go to church." He made her known with the plan.

"Church! Why?"

"This is practically the new beginning of our married life and I believe, we must inaugurate with Almighty's blessings. Now since we don't have temples in Sardinia, let's go to church."

Anahita gaped at him widemouth. The most rustic and barbaric man she ever thought to know was the most civilized and chivalrous. She was proud of him.

"I'm so lucky to have you." She hugged him, shifting closer. "I'm lucky that Aai has given you such good morals. I love you, Yuvraaj."

"Whenever you say this, I feel my heart swelling every single time." He snuggled closer to her. "Now just go and take a shower because if I saw you naked for long, I might end up taking you one more time."

Anahita kissed his cheek and gestured him to pass her clothes. Learning exactly from her expression, Yuvraaj decided to stay oblivious to it. "What?"

"Shirt. Pass me your shirt."


"Why means what?" She quipped her eyebrows, "Pass me my clothes, Yuvraaj. I've to get dressed."

"Come on, Ana Mina Dika. There's nothing I've not seen. Well, I have done PhD on you last night." Yuvraaj bit her cheek, pulling her over and teased with the nickname, like he used to do. Anahita grinned ear to ear.

"You're a cheeky bastard." She kissed his nose and widened her eyes, witnessing his frown.

"What I said about.."

"I'm sorry." Anahita squirmed shielding her hands between their body and giggled.

"Too late, Mrs. Prakash." Yuvraaj flattened her on her belly and tore the sheets off her until his naked form was blanketing her completely, finding her root to grow again.

"Come out fast, Anahita yaar. Breakfast is getting cold." Yuvraaj shouted once again as he perched upon the couch and buttoned his handcuffs, "How much more time would you take, Mou?"

"First of all, can you please tell me where the hell my dress is?" His ears pricked when he heard her yelling from the bathroom. "I had left my clothes here before you came inside but now I can't find my dress. Where is it?"

"I didn't touch your inners." He came clean, serving his breakfast in a plate.

"I know but where's my dress?"

"Come out wearing robe, I've something for you. Now just come out, I'm hungry."

"Alright!" Moments later, he heard the chain scraping back and feet shuffled out. Yuvraaj flexed his neck to see her. His face wore the unmistakable look of lust. His gaze roved from her head to toe. A little pissed off look kissed her face and a sheen of water covered her legs. Her bathrobe reached till her mid thighs and Yuvraaj's orbs dilated as he noticed water dripping down her neck and dribbling in the valley of her neck. Wet tendrils stuck to her neck and drops glistened on her lips. Anahita quipped her eyebrow, correctly recognising the look he exhibit when he approached her.

"Don't even think about it. I'm too tired for it. Just hand me my clothes." She demanded, pressing her hands upon his chest and distanced him.

"Tired in one day only? How'll you manage me for the rest of your life?" He teased pulling her by her elbows and flushed her against his body.

"I'll gain more stamina or I'll make you emasculated. Fair enough!" Anahita showed her tongue and Yuvraaj bit on it, kissing her. "I've bought something for you. I stole your dress from bathroom because I wanted you to wear that."

"Wear what?"

"Wait a minute." He opened his bag and flung a box at her. Anahita swiftly caught it and opened it only to get dazzle.

"Get ready fast." Yuvraaj smiled at her as she raised her vision to see him. Surprise was evident in her eyes. She was mesmerized with his gift and she clutched the box close to her heart, "I'll be back in a moment."

The door opened with a creek and Anahita stepped out wearing a heavily worked silvery white saree. She complimented it with turtle neck blouse that had beads all over it, hugging her neck perfectly. Yuvraaj was gaping at her when she skidded to him.

"How am I looking?" She asked, adjusting the pleats and flicked her hair on one shoulder. Yuvraaj didn't answer but kept ogling on the deity before his eyes, who seemed to come straight from the heaven, only for him.

"How'd you managed to buy it? I clearly remember that you haven't bought anything here. Is it...wait a minute, you bought it in India?" Her voice squeezed into a whisper. His silence gave her the answer of his question and she hugged him, "Thank you."

"You're looking so beautiful, Mou." He kissed her neck and clasped her hand into his, "Let's feed you."

Anahita was beginning to step forward to get inside before Yuvraaj clutched her arm and pulled her aside. He gestured towards the candles shop. Anahita shot him a quizzical brow before she understood that he wanted her to purchase candles. She rolled her eyes at his lethargy and went to buy the candles. She noticed Yuvraaj was absent from the place he was standing to wait for her.

"Shall we go?" Yuvraaj startled her coming from behind and tapped on her shoulder.

"Where were you?" She asked, managing the candles and her saree. It was a heavy one for her and Yuvraaj could understand her difficulty as she gave him a hard time, stumbling on every second step.

"I just had a call to attend and oh, I forgot. Mou, you're not allowed to go inside." He said casually making her crumple her face. "What? What do you mean by I am not allowed inside?"

Hesitating, Yuvraaj looked around and pulled her close. "You can't go inside because we you can't go." His features told her that he was talking about their consummation.

"What rubbish? There's no such rule." She glared him. How possibly something this ridiculous can be a prohibition for couples?

"If you don't believe me, you can ask the florist." He shrugged, nodding his chin at the florist around the corner.

"How would he know about it?" Anahita was hell confused.

"Because there's this custom of bringing white orchids for the newly weds. We can't enter the premises if you don't bring the bouquet." Though the reason sounded hollow and pinnacle of hogwash, she couldn't rule it out because he was very serious.

"Yuvraaj, I don't think it is true." She hesitated. He must be kidding her. This is almost impossible what he was saying yet he refused to accept any logic.

"Okay, if you think so. Let's come any other day because I don't want to test this. I've had had enough of troubles in my married life. Let's just not go inside." He began to repel when Anahita clutched his forearm, narrowing her eyes.

"No, it will be disrespectful if we won't go inside." Unwillingly, but she agreed to be a part of this stupid norm. "I'll bring the flowers if it takes. You just wait for me here."

"Sure. I'll be waiting for you inside."

"Wait, how can you go inside? Come on, I didn't have sex alone. How can you go inside if I can't?"

"Because I'm a man." He shrugged and Anahita clenched her jaw, "Yuvraaj, you're kidding right? This is very bad joke. I am fool to fall for it."

"I'm. Not. Kidding. Anahita." Yuvraaj said loud and clear. He manifested the truth on his face and Anahita couldn't dodge the trap he threw on her. Uninterested but she fell ass over tit in his trap.

"This is insane." She groaned, nodding anyways.

"Okay listen, Anahita. I'll wait inside for you and you've to buy those white orchid bouquet first before coming inside." Yuvraaj pointed at the faraway florist shop and she followed the chain of his gaze.

"I'm not even understanding why the hell am I doing it?" She muttered under her breath, highly pissed off. "Yuvraaj, there's still time. Let's go somewhere else. I'm not coming inside. It's like beating a trumpet of having the deed done."

"But you just agreed?"

"I'm frustrated because of this saree and heels. Arghh! I can't even move freely. What do I do with this stupid ritual?"

"Just go and buy one." He pushed her slightly towards the direction and jogged away, leaving words in air. "I'll be waiting for you."

"Hell!" She stomped her feet, nevertheless, staggered to the florist, skimming her glance lazily over the bouquets. Heels and Saree already had made her immobile. It was difficult to raise a step with five meter clothe draped around her yet she managed. Picking up a white orchard bouquet, she handed the money and was about to move away when her newly bought cellphone buzzed.


"Anahita. Just cover your head while coming inside. It's also a part of ritual." Yuvraaj propounded, making her agitated.

"What the..." Before she could complete or retort, he cut the call. Huffing in annoyance, she managed to cover her face. She could feel yes wandering over her as if she was a specimen.

"I feel like a criminal now! Let's just get this over and I'll see you, Yuvraaj!"

Bumper clues given here. You guys are intelligent enough to know how a bouquet, veil and church goes hands in hands. Lobe lobe :)

t here only."

"Won't I be able to go out?" Panic seized her and Yuvraaj rolled his eyes.

"I'm calling breakfast in the room because I want to. We've not had dinner, so by the time we will get ready, the breakfast will be here."

"Oh. Okay." She relaxed and leaned against his rhythmically beating heart, listening the beautiful symphony. "Your heart beats are appearing like a flute to my ears. This is awesome."

"Indeed." Yuvraaj kissed her hair and rubbed her abdomen in circular motions with his thumb. "Are you feeling good now?"

"Better than before."

"Good. Now, get fresh quickly. I'll order the breakfast and then, we'll go to church." He made her known with the plan.

"Church! Why?"

"This is practically the new beginning of our married life and I believe, we must inaugurate with Almighty's blessings. Now since we don't have temples in Sardinia, let's go to church."

Anahita gaped at him widemouth. The most rustic and barbaric man she ever thought to know was the most civilized and chivalrous. She was proud of him.

"I'm so lucky to have you." She hugged him, shifting closer. "I'm lucky that Aai has given you such good morals. I love you, Yuvraaj."

"Whenever you say this, I feel my heart swelling every single time." He snuggled closer to her. "Now just go and take a shower because if I saw you naked for long, I might end up taking you one more time."

Anahita kissed his cheek and gestured him to pass her clothes. Learning exactly from her expression, Yuvraaj decided to stay oblivious to it. "What?"

"Shirt. Pass me your shirt."


"Why means what?" She quipped her eyebrows, "Pass me my clothes, Yuvraaj. I've to get dressed."

"Come on, Ana Mina Dika. There's nothing I've not seen. Well, I have done PhD on you last night." Yuvraaj bit her cheek, pulling her over and teased with the nickname, like he used to do. Anahita grinned ear to ear.

"You're a cheeky bastard." She kissed his nose and widened her eyes, witnessing his frown.

"What I said about.."

"I'm sorry." Anahita squirmed shielding her hands between their body and giggled.

"Too late, Mrs. Prakash." Yuvraaj flattened her on her belly and tore the sheets off her until his naked form was blanketing her completely, finding her root to grow again.

"Come out fast, Anahita yaar. Breakfast is getting cold." Yuvraaj shouted once again as he perched upon the couch and buttoned his handcuffs, "How much more time would you take, Mou?"

"First of all, can you please tell me where the hell my dress is?" His ears pricked when he heard her yelling from the bathroom. "I had left my clothes here before you came inside but now I can't find my dress. Where is it?"

"I didn't touch your inners." He came clean, serving his breakfast in a plate.

"I know but where's my dress?"

"Come out wearing robe, I've something for you. Now just come out, I'm hungry."

"Alright!" Moments later, he heard the chain scraping back and feet shuffled out. Yuvraaj flexed his neck to see her. His face wore the unmistakable look of lust. His gaze roved from her head to toe. A little pissed off look kissed her face and a sheen of water covered her legs. Her bathrobe reached till her mid thighs and Yuvraaj's orbs dilated as he noticed water dripping down her neck and dribbling in the valley of her neck. Wet tendrils stuck to her neck and drops glistened on her lips. Anahita quipped her eyebrow, correctly recognising the look he exhibit when he approached her.

"Don't even think about it. I'm too tired for it. Just hand me my clothes." She demanded, pressing her hands upon his chest and distanced him.

"Tired in one day only? How'll you manage me for the rest of your life?" He teased pulling her by her elbows and flushed her against his body.

"I'll gain more stamina or I'll make you emasculated. Fair enough!" Anahita showed her tongue and Yuvraaj bit on it, kissing her. "I've bought something for you. I stole your dress from bathroom because I wanted you to wear that."

"Wear what?"

"Wait a minute." He opened his bag and flung a box at her. Anahita swiftly caught it and opened it only to get dazzle.

"Get ready fast." Yuvraaj smiled at her as she raised her vision to see him. Surprise was evident in her eyes. She was mesmerized with his gift and she clutched the box close to her heart, "I'll be back in a moment."

The door opened with a creek and Anahita stepped out wearing a heavily worked silvery white saree. She complimented it with turtle neck blouse that had beads all over it, hugging her neck perfectly. Yuvraaj was gaping at her when she skidded to him.

"How am I looking?" She asked, adjusting the pleats and flicked her hair on one shoulder. Yuvraaj didn't answer but kept ogling on the deity before his eyes, who seemed to come straight from the heaven, only for him.

"How'd you managed to buy it? I clearly remember that you haven't bought anything here. Is it...wait a minute, you bought it in India?" Her voice squeezed into a whisper. His silence gave her the answer of his question and she hugged him, "Thank you."

"You're looking so beautiful, Mou." He kissed her neck and clasped her hand into his, "Let's feed you."

Anahita was beginning to step forward to get inside before Yuvraaj clutched her arm and pulled her aside. He gestured towards the candles shop. Anahita shot him a quizzical brow before she understood that he wanted her to purchase candles. She rolled her eyes at his lethargy and went to buy the candles. She noticed Yuvraaj was absent from the place he was standing to wait for her.

"Shall we go?" Yuvraaj startled her coming from behind and tapped on her shoulder.

"Where were you?" She asked, managing the candles and her saree. It was a heavy one for her and Yuvraaj could understand her difficulty as she gave him a hard time, stumbling on every second step.

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