Chapter Two

Leaving the castle, Volencia went to the gardens. It was the height of summer, and the flowers were in bloom. The air was fragrant and sweet. Her hand touched a lovely red rose. Her mother had been the whole bush. Beautiful and dangerous. Volencia plucked a petal, squishing it until it was just a clump in her fingers then held the ball in her hand. “A bush traded for a petal. You would have known what to do. You should have just let them have me so that you could do this. I’ll never be close to what you were. At least you would have known how to protect our folk. You were the hero they needed. Not me. You were wrong.” Dropping the mashed petal, she looked toward the cemetery.

It was the last day she would have here, free of their rules and laws. She decided she would make the best of it. She chose to visit her mother’s oblisk, it was a beautiful white marble with light blue veins running through. But she had never felt her mother’s presence in this place. So, she spoke a few words, letting her fingers trace the carved words there. Beloved Queen. Beloved Wife & Mother. Loved by All.

Leaving the cemetery, she thought of happier times. Roses bloomed over the headstones. Always her mother’s favorite flower. She imagined her mother walking by, touching each stone. “Our ancestors. It’s interesting to see how far they reach back.” She walked, letting her fingers glide over the mossy headstones. “If you ask them, I do believe they will try to come to your aid.” But she knew the dead would not rise to save them. She’d been reduced to such whimsical hopes already. The dead never answered.

Surprising herself, her feet were carrying her off the castle grounds, heading toward the city. She hadn’t done that since her mother died. It would be a good way to spend her last hours as Princess of Thambair. Seeing her folk firsthand. The gates that lead from the castle to the city were large and open all day and night. It had been so long since anyone who opposed them could try to enter. The guards’ eyes followed her as she went through the wide arch, following the cobblestone path. Gregron, Captain of the guard and General of the Army, would know within minutes about her departure. The arch itself was thirty feet, and the doors were enormous, made of thick slabs of wood and ornately adorned with brass regularly polished to keep it from greening.

The city wasn’t far, the square butt up against the wall the castle, near enough to the castle that she could make out that someone was standing on the balcony of her father’s study, looking down at the square. She guessed by wind-blown black hair, it was her father, King Venron. Merchant stalls, and tall buildings arched in a horseshoe shape. A large fountain where Ephira stood tall, hair frozen in the wind and surrounded by a number of the animals she was credited with creating surrounding her. One hand reached into the air, where her fingers grazed the extended wing of an owl, around her feet, fish of stone looked like they were diving in and out of the water. Deer, chiropi, and unicorns crowded around her. Most of it was open. Folk gathered around the fountain or met here to sit on the benches or in front of the few restaurants in the half circle. There was also an Inn, and a popular apothecary, and tavern. A little group of beautiful women were huddled around the tailor and seamstress’s shop, holding swatches of fabric up to each other. Volencia wondered if whatever event they were planning would actually be able to take place?

Entering the square, she felt vulnerable. Like people would know she didn’t belong. No one seemed to notice her at all. They too were all well adorned, so she didn’t stick out as she had assumed she would. These establishments catered to folk with means, so most everyone visiting the area had money. The majority of the folk that passed her by were either elves or humans, but the occasional band of dwarves passed, speaking in a language she didn’t understand.

It was painful how normal the world seemed. The precipice she teetered on was going to swallow her whole, and yet, everyone around her was just going about their normal day-to-day life.

She sat on the lip of the fountain for a while, just watching folk pass by. A young elf took a seat not too far from her. Watching him from the corner of her eye, he seemed excited, as if seeing it all for the first time. He was much larger than other elves, standing nearly a head taller than anyone else in the square. His hair was long enough to reach the top of his shoulders, the color of chestnuts, and his ears nearly twice as long as a normal elfs. Their eyes met. His were shining emeralds, a wide lazy smile made him look approachable and friendly. Volencia looked away blushing as she realized she was staring at him. He was very handsome. She knew she’d never met him before, yet he seemed familiar somehow.

“Excuse me? I’m new to the area. You wouldn’t be able to point me toward a place where I could peruse some books, like a library or bookstore, could you?” Volencia heart danced a jig in her chest. His voice was deep and rich, its ring as attractive as he looked. She also noticed, strangely, that he looked like a younger version of Gregron, who had always stuck out like a broken tooth. Hailing from a faraway land he hated to talk about. Maybe that was why he seemed so familiar?

“I’m sorry,” she had to hold her hands to keep them from shaking as he advanced closer. “I don’t know the city well enough to guide you.”

“I take it you’re not from around here either then, huh?” A dimple showed on his right cheek. As his smile widened, it became crooked. Making him look even more charming.

She didn’t know what to say. “Well…” she blushed, shrugging. What would he think if she told him she was the Princess of the realm, living here since the day she was born and didn’t know her own city?

“Hey, no worries. I get it. Just know, you’re not alone.” He winked.

Volencia closed her eyes, pressing at her powder blue skirts, “You really don’t want to be caught talking to me.” Her throat threatened to close on her, and the words came out as a whisper.

The elf watched her for a long moment, his smile fading just enough that the dimple disappeared. “If you’d prefer to be alone, you can say so. On the off chance that’s not your preference, may I ask why?”

When she looked back up at him, his green eyes held no malice. Just simple curiosity. She bit her lip, something about his presence made her feel better. She offered him a sad smile. “You just shouldn’t. And I don’t mean to be rude, but I came out here to think and would prefer not to talk about it.” Shuffling her skirts around, she looked away, feeling badly. It had been a long time since she had a simple friendly conversation.

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