Chapter Nine

“That was fast.” Volencia’s head spun. “I’m so off balance.” Their aloneness seemed much more intimate here, in her personal rooms.

Pulling her into his arms, he sat her on the bed. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know that it would effect you so.”

“I should call up for some food and warm water for a bath.” She held her head in her hands for a moment, waiting for the dizzy spell to relent. “I really need to get out of this dress.” She didn’t realize how dirty she felt, but now that she was in her room, she didn’t want to taint it with the ugliness that followed her around with the dress and ripped undergarments.

“Anything your heart desires will be given freely.” When he glanced at the table, out of nowhere, food was there. Many of her favorite items too. “Your bath also awaits in your dressing chamber. You have but to ask.” He pushed his hands into his pockets and looking around the room, as if pointedly avoiding looking at her. She wondered if he felt the intimacy changing too.

Her heart’s desire though, was something she’d never dreamed it would be. She wanted him. For the first time in her life, despite what happened earlier, she wanted to kiss him. To hold him. To let him know, if she would have her way, he would never be lonely again.

“You too?” His eyes searched her, desire burned there in the swirling silver vortex as she pressed her hands to his chest. He cocked his head in question, as if unsure what she meant, but didn’t trust himself to speak. “I mean, if you were my heart’s desire, would I be allowed to have you? I owe you for rescuing me anyway.” She stepped into him, resting her head against his chest.

His eyes hardened, “No.” She jumped at his harsh tone, pulling away from him. “You don’t owe me for doing what is right. There should never be expectations placed for repayment simply because someone chose to help you.” Her hands fell in front of her, and she felt heat crawling up her neck, so removed the cloak, tossing it onto a nearby chair. “You are worth so much more than that. Anyone who thinks they can own or control you is a fool. Anyone who thinks they deserve you is an idiot.” His hands cupped her face, and her body tingled with the anticipation that he might kiss her again.

“You deserve it. No one could have done what you did today. I know what you saved me from. I want to give you what they would have stolen.” She pulled the rose Damion had given her from the hidden pocket in her dress. “Besides, I want you.”

He closed his eyes, taking a long deep breath. He went to the table, pouring himself a glass of wine, drinking it down. “I will not be strong enough to deny you if you pursue this.” He said, refusing to look at her. “But you should know, there are few who deserve you less than me. And if you pursue this, you will likely hurt Damion’s sensitive nature. He’s never been with someone before. I don’t think he would take kindly to the idea of his body being used in such a way.” He took a seat at the table.

Twirling the rose between her fingers, she thought on his words. She didn’t care about him not believing he deserved it, but the last thing she wanted to do was hurt the elf who’d come to her rescue when no one else could or would. She sighed, “This isn’t fair.” She pouted.

His head bounced onto the table, his hands weaving through his hair. “You have no idea.” His words were muffled, but there was no doubt he was fighting something hard.

Unable to stop herself, she went to him, running her hands through his hair. “I’m sorry.” She leaned against the table. “If it weren’t for Damion… how long has it been since you’ve been able to talk to or touch someone?”

He shifted, putting his arms around her, pressing her closer so she stood between his legs. “So long. When I am able to join this world, it’s only for a night. Most of the time, the person doesn’t trust me, and wants nothing to do with me. You’re the first to see and hear the things that I’ve dealt with in such a way. I’m just so tired. There hasn’t been anyone who’s wanted to be with me in this way since I’ve been trapped. At least not at any point where we physically could.” The way he clung to her broke her heart. “But this is enough. I’m glad that you wanted this too. I am not entirely sure I would have been able to take another moment in that awful place without some small kindness.”

“Hero? I’ve been alone for a long time too. I don’t want to be alone anymore either.” Volencia ran her fingers through his hair.

“Hero?” He looked up at her in surprise.

“Yeah, well, you told me to choose a name. That you’d add it to the long list you had already. I chose Hero. It seems fitting." His eyes sparkled up at her as he looked at her with pride, tears shining in his eyes before he hid his face in her stomach.

When he finally let her go, they enjoyed the food spread before them. Both drank a little too much wine, and their intimate moments became more frequent. When she finally departed for the bath, she looked back at him, “I’m going to take a bath. You wouldn’t want to join me, would you? I have such a hard time taking my hair out and washing it myself.”

“As you wish.” He stood, following her into the changing room where her bath was already full.

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