Chapter 5
Ivory waited impatiently as the elevator dinged. She had finally reached the top floor of the building, her smile widened as Zoey pulled the door to her office open for Ivory to enter. It was their luck that they both worked across the street from each other. Zoey had long settled herself in an advertising agency.
"I am so happy you had time to have lunch with me today!" Zoey squealed before she could enclose her arms around Ivory.
"Me too! I missed you." Ivory responded, her soul warmed by her friend's embrace.
"Come on, let's catch up." Zoey pulled her into her office.
"I am surprised that witch Emery didn't make you work through your lunch break today," Zoey said hatefully as she seated herself beside Ivory.
Ivory smiled. She loved Zoey's bluntness, it was something she lacked. She was always too concerned with what others would think of her if only Ivory was brave enough to speak her mind.
"Actually, I am not working under her anymore." Ivory smiled.
Zoey's eyes brightened and her lips pulled skyward mischievously. "You finally got promoted!" Her voice echoing.
"No." Ivory laughed, filling her in on the developments. Zoey, eyes saddened. She had only wanted the best for her friend, she knew she had always been taken advantage of on account of her easy-going nature.
"So, thanks again to that witch, you are demoted?" This time she was furious.
"I am thinking of it as a blessing. Perhaps now I will have an opportunity to get credit for my skills." Ivory said optimistically, although her chest tightened at the thought of Raiden. He unnerved her, more so than she thought humanly possible.
"You can twist it however you want, she had made your life hell these past years," Zoey commented bitterly. "Tell me about this new boss."
Ivory paused, trying to consider how to answer this question. She wasn't quite sure how to respond, she, herself hadn't decided what she thought of Raiden De Ville. He was rude, presumptuous, and cold yet part of her felt something was hidden.
"He is very...strict." Ivory said, after consideration. "but, Braylen assured me that he is fair."
Zoey was immediately sidetracked by the mention of Braylen. "This guy again." She rolled her eyes overtly.
"I really don't understand your dislike." Ivory smiled but her heartfelt cold. She wanted more than anything for her closest friend to approve of the man she liked.
"Tell me, are you two officially a couple?" Zoey questioned.
Ivory swallowed past the lump in her throat. She averted her gaze. "No." the words were barely audible.
"He is stringing you along. I know you don't want to see it." Zoey's expression hardened, she had lost her appetite. She found it appalling that even the man Ivory liked was taking advantage of her.
"He isn't." Ivory defended him. "He just isn't ready for a serious relationship, but we have the understanding that one day it will be official. All relationships are different."
Zoey sighed heavily, for Ivory's sake she hoped that was true. She had watched her friend devote two years of her life into a man whose presence felt fleeting. She shook these thoughts from her mind. It was rare to spend time with Ivory and she didn't want it to end with a fight.
" Okay, let's forget these things for now. You know I just want you to be happy right?" her voice lowered and Ivory witnessed one of those rare moments when Zoey exposed her vulnerability.
Ivory held Zoey's hand in hers. "I know and I am always grateful that you think of me that much."
Raiden couldn't suppress that part of him that needed to be involved. He called Felix into his office, it had to be done before Ivory returned from her lunch break.
"What can I do for you, Mr. De Ville?" Felix questioned respectfully.
"My new assistant, Ivory Remington, I can tell she is a bit uncomfortable in this new environment." He paused, shoving the second thoughts away from his mind. " Make an effort to befriend her, it might ease her mind a bit," he advised and Felix nodded.
" And remember, never mention this to her." Raiden reminded as Felix moved to exit.
"Not to worry, Sir, I will be discreet and respectful," Felix responded.
"Thank you." Raiden dismissed him. He leaned back into his chair, his gaze wandering.
Felix settled himself behind his desk. His smile was contagious. He always marvelled at Raiden's ability to switch from unbearable to soft-hearted. For the years he spent by Raiden's side, he never saw him this sympathetic this early on in an encounter with someone new. Perhaps this Ivory Remington was more pitiful than anyone else his Boss had ever encountered. Felix suddenly had an unquenchable thirst to meet this woman.
Ivory exited Braylen's car. Despite visiting his family countless times, she still felt nervous. There was always that voice at the back of her head telling her that perhaps they may dislike her. Luckily, tonight was just an intimate dinner with his mother. She had a close relationship with Braylen's mother and her mind felt at ease.
"Nervous?" Braylen bent to her height, his breath caressing her ear lobes. She shivered from his proximity. " Not even a little." She responded confidently.
Braylen's mother welcomed them warmly. She had always been easy-going. "You are just in time." She embraced them both, taking Ivory by the hand and leading her into the house. Dinner flew by faster than anyone had predicted.
"It's getting late, how about I help you pack up?" Braylen offered, following his mother into the kitchen.
"I'll clear the table." Ivory stood instantly and made herself useful. She began carrying dishes into the kitchen when she heard Braylen mention her name. She stopped in her tracks, remaining out of sight.
"Ivory?" he echoed.
"Yes, my sister is the only one who hasn't met your girlfriend and she has been bugging me. So she has invited us to visit her for her birthday and asked for you to convince Ivory to come." Braylen's mother elaborated.
"Ivory and I are just friends." Braylen's voice hardened. Ivory felt her heart cease in its function for half a second.
"Nonsense!" his mother half-shouted. "You are telling me that the girl that you have been showing off to everyone is just your friend?" His mother sounded appalled.
"Ivory and I are not in a relationship," he confirmed.
Before his mother could respond, Ivory entered the kitchen pasting a huge smile on her face. Only his mother seemed startled. Ivory pretended to be ignorant.
"How about I help you wash up before we leave?" She offered, her entire body feeling unfamiliar. She knew Braylen had been dragging his feet with their title yet she hadn't expected him to be this particular with his family. In hindsight, what he said was true, they were not a couple, not officially anyway.
"You have been quiet on the way back." Braylen gazed at Ivory while they paused for her to open her door.
"I am just tired." She said flashing him a smile.
"Get some rest. I will pick you up in the morning." He bent closer pressing a kiss on her forehead.
"You don't need to do that. I can find my own way." Ivory was quick to answer, her heart not wanting to owe him anymore.
"Are you sure?" He questioned without any real care and she nodded.
"Okay, see you at work." He called out as she stepped out of his car. Her heart sinking at how easily he agreed.
The numbness of the office faded for the tenth time that morning as Ivory's eyes fell victim to gravity's pull once again. Her head swayed out from her hand propping her up, the sudden jolt brought her back to reality. She hadn't slept a wink the night before, her mind fluttering with images of Braylen.
She couldn't bring herself to believe that he was just stringing her along as Zoey mentioned. His actions and his words tugging her to opposite sides every time she thought of them. She hadn't been capable of reconciling her emotions the night before and she knew she wouldn't be able to in her sleepless state, yet this wasn't enough to draw her out of herself and concentrate. Her very livelihood was on the line and she despised herself for being too preoccupied with such romantic nonsense. Ivory placed her hands at her temple, her eyes closing as she breathed heavily.
Focus Ivory. Focus.
She patted her cheeks lightly, hoping the slight shock would liven her up. She had no time to think of her relationship with Braylen, or the lack thereof. For now, she would invest her energy, the little she had to spare, in completing the tasks set out by Raiden. She needed him to know she was competent. She geared herself up, forcing her mind to focus until time itself was of no true concern.
"It's past lunchtime, let's have lunch together!" Ivory blinked twice in an attempt to settle herself. Felix had appeared almost out of nowhere, standing in front of her desk, his eyes expectant.
"I just need to finish this first." she turned her attention back to the screen. Felix had taken a sudden interest in her, a noticeable one at that, and it rendered her cautious.
"Don't overwork yourself. Raiden won't approve of his assistant falling sick from stress." Felix attempted to persuade her. Her lips pulled up at the corners in an unsanctioned smile.
"Raiden?" Ivory teased, finding Felix's relaxed tone somewhat hilarious, she wondered how Raiden would react knowing his employees called him by his first name out loud.
Felix rolled his eyes mockingly. "I am sorry. Mr. De Ville will not approve." He corrected himself as per her desire.
" Mr. Devil is more appropriate," Ivory muttered under her breath, her eyes glued to the computer screen.
"Excuse me?" Low and heady without a hint of emotion. Ivory's fingers immediately paused typing mid-sentence. There was no way she could mistake that voice. She inhaled and slowly elevated her gaze from the screen. Her eyes first met Felix, he smiled at her shyly, she closed her eyes for a second in disbelief, her eyes locking with
a pair of dark tumultuous orbs.