Chapter 6
Her stern expression immediately morphed into the widest shy smile she had ever performed. "I didn't hear you come in. How was the meeting?" the sentences came out in rapid succession that Ivory wasn't sure if she even understood what she said.
"Satisfactory," Raiden said coldly, holding her gaze. "Although, I am more interested in the conversation before I entered." There was a dangerous glint in his eyes. One that could render Ivory dead if she endured it for much longer.
She laughed, the sound a ridiculous tone to her ears. "Lunch." she blurted. Raiden's brow raised in confusion.
"Felix was reminding me that it's past lunchtime, so we should go have lunch." She stood, tidying her desk as she spoke. "I will be back shortly." she was out faster than Felix. Once outside the office she realized her heart was sounding fervently. She placed a hand over her heart and hoped to be erased from existence.
How many times must you embarrass yourself in the presence of that man? She wanted to scream at herself for being that reckless.
"UGH! I am so going to be fired!" she squealed in dismay, stamping her feet on the ground.
Felix laughed brazenly. "Mr. De Ville isn't that petty. He credits your work not your minor indiscretions." He advised.
"He already thinks me incompetent, I am afraid there isn't much he can give credit to." Ivory voiced without thinking. She immediately realized her second lapse in judgment and gazed at Felix apologetically.
Felix shook his head in the negative. "Mr. De Ville may not praise you until you grow an ego but he is fair. Don't worry too much." If she only knew that the man she feared took an interest in her. Felix gazed at her freely as she ate without passion, wondering what exactly was the nature of the interest that Raiden felt. Was it work-related or was it personal? He had worked for Raiden for years, the man had not lacked suitors or conquests, although he had done a good job keeping his matters private, yet he knew Raiden didn't mix business with pleasure. It was one of the things Felix admired about him, his professionalism. Now, though, he couldn't wrap his mind around this situation.
"I think you got a text." Felix brought Ivory's attention back to reality.
"Oh," she replied unthinkingly as she read the message. Her nerves immediately fired up. This had to be the most exhausting day in history.
It was a text from Emery. "Come see me on your lunch break."
She had hoped her connections with Emery would fade away as if it had been a distant nightmare but it seemed this demon wasn't easily vanquished.
"I have something to take care of. I'll meet you back at the office." Ivory took her leave from a surprised Felix.
Ivory knocked demurely on the proverbial entrance to hell before she pushed the door open. "You wanted to see me?" her voice trembled, betraying her once again.
"Yes. Come." Emery heralded her in with a wave of her hand.
"These files," Emery gestured to a stack of at least six files. "I need them returned within two days." She was busy making notes in her journal to pay attention to
Ivory’s change in expression. Ivory was flabbergasted. She couldn't believe she had heard Emery properly. "I am sorry?" Ivory echoed, waiting for clarification.
Emery sighed in exasperation, dropping her pen and lending her gaze to Ivory. " I know you are working under Raiden De Ville now, but don't get cocky. I have allowed you to work for me for years and you should repay your debt." Emery shrugged as if it was the most natural thing conversation in the world.
"My debt?" Ivory questioned in disbelief.
"Yes. Take the files and complete the necessary work. Don't forget you need to stay on my good side or else when Raiden sacks you I am afraid without my recommendation you won't be qualified for another job in this industry." Acid dripped from her tongue as a precursor to her serpent-like smile.
"Please understand, you cannot go in there."
"Such nonsense! I am telling you he will want to see me."
The ruckus was potent enough to be heard within the confines of Raiden's office. Ivory had been utterly distracted by the noise for a full five minutes. Although distracted suggested that she found the disturbance an irritation, in truth, her interest was piqued. Who on earth had the gall to disturb Raiden De Ville's office? She eyed Raiden covertly wondering how he remained so composed almost as if he wasn't aware of what was going on outside.
Seconds later, the door swung open violently, Ivory immediately jerked her head towards the source of protest. Felix had followed in tow, an anxious expression replacing his naturally carefree demeanour. Four-inch heels and legs for days were the first things Ivory saw. She slowly gazed at the woman, every inch of her perfectly sculpted and her face...Ivory's mouth went dry. How can people like this exist? God truly did have favourites.
Ivory turned her gazed upon Raiden, who hadn't reacted to the sudden outburst, it was only natural that beautiful people attracted each other.
"Is this the bitch that has stolen your affection?" Acid dripped from every crevice of its source. Ivory was immediately taken aback, there was no other female in the room except her. Her eyes immediately meshed with the raging Goddess.
"Are you sleeping with him?" She demanded. Ivory said nothing, the notion of her having any sort of comfortable relationship with Raiden De Ville was idiotic at best.
"Well?" her pitch accelerated when Ivory didn't respond.
Ivory looked at Felix who shrugged his shoulder uncomfortably, looking back and forth between the Goddess and Raiden.
"That's enough." Raiden's voice echoed deadly throughout the room and even the Raging Goddess momentarily faltered. He rose from his seat lazily, buttoned his jacket, and closed the distance.
"Why are you here?" He questioned calmly ignoring Ivory's and Felix's presence.
"Isn't it obvious? Her bravado began to shake.
"Our bit of amusement has ceased. I see no apparent reason for your appearance here." He responded coldly. Ivory couldn't believe her ears. Nor did she want to pry to this information but she was enjoying every bit of it. Even the mighty Raiden De Ville had lowly male tendencies. If she had been blessed with ice coffee she would have been sipping it with curious eyes.
"How can you be this cold?" the raging Goddess spat vindictively, her eyes glossing over.
"Let's speak outside," he demanded, walking out the door and leaving her to follow close behind.
Ivory and Felix exhaled as the room emptied. "She is scary." he let loose, slumping against Ivory’s desk.
Ivory rolled her eyes playfully. "Scary gorgeous." she imputed.
"Beauty isn't everything, as you just saw." he pointed out. Ivory shrugged in denial. In her eyes beauty meant a lot to people. You didn't get a second glance if you weren't socially accepted as a beauty.
"Why are there so many files on your desk?" Felix questioned picking one up before she could stop him.
He paused, then glanced at a few more. " I distinctly recall dropping these off to Emery's office." he gazed at Ivory questionably. She didn't dare mesh eyes with him.
"Are you doing Emery's work?" he caught her attention and drew her gaze to him.
"No." she shook her head in the negative so violently that she had hoped an excuse would bounce in. But, there was no need to revisit the state of her luck, right?
"Then?" he became serious.
Ivory couldn't answer.
"The nerve of that woman! When Mr. De Ville finds out--" Felix had begun pacing, his body heating at the audacity of that woman.
"No!" Ivory exploded. "Don't say anything. I'll handle it myself." she urged, but Felix looked unmoved by her assurance.
"There is no way you can complete your tasks and hers, have you forgotten your job is on the line?" He was growing annoyed.
"That's not something I can forget. That's why I will be careful to meet my deadlines. Just keep this to yourself." she urged, and when he didn't respond she grew more insistent. "Please?"
"Fine." He said under his breath and without sparing her another glance he exited the office.
To ensure no one else realizes that her workload had doubled she placed Emery's files at her foot. Raiden never came over to her desk so she was certain he wouldn't see them.
At that moment Raiden re-entered and resumed his work at his desk. The office was once again blissfully silent. Amidst the droning sound of the air-conditioning unit and the hull of fingers cruising across keyboards, Raiden paused.
"I apologize if the earlier events startled you. " His voice carried through the room and tickled her eardrums. This was the first casual thing he had said to her since they met and Ivory wasn't certain how or if to respond.
"It's fine. I found it more startling that she could associate our relationship with something more than work, especially at a first glance." The words rolled forth and Ivory wondered if she should have bitten them back.
"Is it that startling to believe I am capable of intimate human interaction?" He queried, this time placing most of his attention on her and Ivory mentally slapped herself. That wasn't what she meant, quite the opposite in fact.
"No, I didn't mean--"
"Then what did you mean?" he cut her off instantly.
"uh..." she had really gotten herself into hot water and an inappropriate conversation with her employer.
"Speak freely, Ms. Remington. I won't hold it against it you," he said as if sensing her thoughts.
"I don't see someone like me being in any form of relationship with someone like you," she said carefully, avoiding his eyes.
"Is there something particularly amiss with being someone like me?" he questioned, still not understanding her true meaning.
"No, not with--someone like you.” She faltered wondering how he had even come to that conclusion, “I just mean that people like you have certain preferences and I am afraid I am not in that category. It was quite strange that upon seeing me, your-friend would have ever thought I had the capability of stealing anyone away from her." The words tumbled out at a frequency that might have alerted any listener that she was nervous in speaking them.
Raiden was silent for a few seconds.
"I am afraid you have gotten my preference wrong. Someone like you....." he let the words trail off. "I seem to be gaining an affinity.... an interest if you will."