02. Meeting danger.

After driving on the road for 3 hours straight, Rani noticed she was low on her gas.

She pulled into the nearby gas station and fuelled up.

Rani removed her beige cap from NY and started fanning herself. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and it was quite a humid day.

Moments later, she noticed a dark blue flashy car pull in. Rani glanced noting it was a sporty-looking Cadillac. She quickly wore her cap back on. There were at least 3 other gas hubs free, yet the black window-tinted sporty car, rode right past her vehicle ever so slowly revving its car rather loudly. Rani furrowed her eyebrows and looked away from the window that reflected her image.

Whoever was behind the wheel, was no doubt creeping her out. Why the hell was it waiting right beside her? Why wasn’t it moving along? When she turned back around the car then made its exit. Rani let out a breath of relief that she hadn’t realised she’d been holding.

She was on edge ever since her Uncle’s call from last night. Thinking nothing of the boastful strange unseen driver, she snapped her thoughts back into focus.

Ready to pay her bill, Rani entered the convince store.

"I mean who does she think she is? Roger seriously has some bad taste girl. If I wanted, I could have her man wrapped around my finger like that."

The female cashier snapped her fingers, boasting away, chuckling whilst eating pink bubble gum.

"Hi, I just fuelled at pump number 4.." Rani explained but capital barbie with the two meat-styled buns with long blonde curls coming past her oval shape face quickly interrupted her.

"1-sec sweety. This is an important call, I'll serve you in sec kay." The cashier in her mid-twenties turned her back on her. It was over two minutes and the queue was quite long on the other side. The cashier was not going to be finishing her call anytime soon, and Rani gave up waiting on her.

"Ok," Rani said a little annoyed with her selfish attitude. Whatever happened to the ‘customers come first’ rule?

"I mean I know I'm hot, but sometimes a girl needs to catch a break ya know, I mean this town is like the walking dead girl, there are no hotties around this old fart town..." Capital barbie carried on.

The store was quite busy, and two more cashiers were serving the other set of customers waiting in line. The majority of them were not happy with capital barbie’s dismissive behaviour toward them either.

“Excuse me, Meg?” A new customer approached the cashier, reading her name tag.

The girl looked up and down at the middle-aged woman who weighed a weighty ton.

“You’re excused. Anyways, as I was saying..”

The customer scoffed, at her dismissive attitude.

“Hey, I need to pay over here!”

“Yeah, I'm on the phone oversized doughnut can't you see?" She rolled her blue and purple eyeshadow eyes.

"Well. You're not supposed to be your dumb pea brain.” She countered.

"I'm on a break, so get in line. God, people are so rude. Like can’t you see I been BUSY!" She groaned out annoyed, shocking the fat lady. Barbie carried on ignoring another one that walked through the door.

Two more customers were about busying themselves with what they needed, in the next aisle and Rani could hear the other customer complaining about the cashier’s rude behaviour.

“I want to speak to the manager right now! The nerve of that girl, who does she think she is talking to us like that?!”

“Yes mam, I’ll get him right away.”

Rani ventured towards the end of an aisle that was styled in an L shape. She had reached the very end and saw a wall of another shelf stacked at the back. She grabbed herself a bottle of cool water, for her journey and a few salt and vinegar packet of chips.

A lot of thoughts plagued her head, as she zoned out of the customer’s ranting complaint.

  1. Her uncle was in danger.

  2. She had to drive out all the way to Mexico and meet a more dangerous person who'd no doubt kill her and take the diamonds.

She heard the bell ding and heard another customer come in.

Meg stopped talking and put down her long-hour call, suddenly. The new customer shot her a short smile and read her name on the name tag

"How can I help you sir?" She chirped, in a friendly manner.

"Where is the drink section, Meg?"

"Over at the back, I, I.. can show you?" Meg blushed at the charming stranger.

"No need. Oh, here why don’t you serve this guy next?"

“Um, sure,” Meg said slightly disappointed at his attitude towards her.

Rani was in her deep thoughts and didn't notice the stranger as yet, but as he got closer, she suddenly felt a strong high presence.

This guy’s aura was deadly.

Rani turned her head towards the side slowly and saw a handsome devil opening the refrigerator door. He swiftly pulled out a cold coke can.

He wore a dark suit, that looked sleek and expensive. His black hair was short and formal and he had deep dark brown eyes.

His lips tugged to the side as Rani took in his slightly rugged beauty. Rani guessed his age, he looked to be around in his late twenties or possibly early thirties.

“Pretty hot day huh?”

The man opened the can of coke and took a sip, refreshing himself. Rani found him a little odd that he was drinking the can without paying for it.

“Um-Hmm.” She lightly responded.

He looked right at her, taking in her casual attire of faded blue ripped jeans, white Puma running shoes, a black vest and a brown hoody topped with her beige NY cap.

"Have we met?" He suddenly asked out of the blue.

Rani shook her head. If she had, she'd definitely forget such a handsome devilish face. She gave him a polite smile back and went back to choosing her drink for her long journey.


She selected a cold orange fizzy drink and noticed that brown eyes were staring at her now leaning against the refrigerator door.

Slightly troubled by his look on her, Rani decided to walk away from him but suddenly he blocked her path, trapping her back with his short playful smile.

Her heart spiked with fear, but she didn’t dare let it show. She kept calm and looked back at him raising her brow, for blocking her path.

He smirked down at her, whilst taking another sip in a cocky manner.

"Really? Because I think I've seen you before sweetheart?" He cooed.

Then it suddenly struck her. Was he the one revving up his vehicle beside her earlier?

"Well, you haven't so." Rani kept her tone polite.

“Ok, you win, perhaps I haven’t?” He casually joked raising his hands in surrender.

Something was off about this man. She didn’t know what it was, but Rani could sense danger lingering in his aura.

“Um, could you let me pass?”

“Why, am I scaring you?”

“No,” Rani stated making him slightly smirk at her.

Brown eyes stepped away from her path like a gentleman giving her way. Rani wanted nothing more than to pay for her fuel and drink and get away from this curious stranger. She made it towards the other end of the aisle where she could see people about, and she was just about to turn the corner when suddenly the exit door ‘dinged’ wildly. Gun two gunshots were fired in the air, making the people around shriek in fear. Two masked men (wearing black ski masks)

“Everybody get down!"

The people in the store including Rani herself ducked down immediately.

"Except for you blondie, you put the money in the bag!" The second masked man ushered Meg, who was shaking like a leaf,

“C’mon bubblegum pop! I haven’t got all day here! Move it, move it meatball head!” The tall masked man hustled her grabbing her by the elbow. Meg was in tears nodding her head as she quickly got her till opening. However, a certain someone was not on the floor.

"Stay down, and don't move." Mr curiosity said in a low voice kneeling beside her. They were at the back store and the second henchman hadn’t come to around to check the area as yet.

Rani observed the way he was watching the thieves and tutted out in annoyance. His plans had unfortunately changed. He started to make a move.

Rani suddenly grabbed his hand, not caring about his wild level of energy. Brown eyes were surprised by her sudden action, for all he could sense was fear radiating off her.

"What are you doing?! Are you crazy?" She whisper yelled motioning the fact that the masked men had the upper hand with their guns.

Brown eyes, motioned her to keep silent with his index finger on his lips, and then winked at handing her his can of coke.

“Here hold this.”

Rani watched as the mad guy started walking casually towards the masked men.

One of them turned around.

He cocked his gun, right at brown eyes head.

"Don't be a smart a$$. Get the f^ck down right now!" He boomed, getting the attention of his partner who turned around.

"Why don't you make me?" Mr curiosity flashed his eyes red and growled lowly sending chills down everyone's spine, including Rani's.

A Were?!

"Shit he's a rogue!"

The masked men started shooting at brown eyes. But he dodged, and moved rather fast, knocking the fools on their asses.

He got to their weapons and pointed at them.

Before he could say another word, something big crashed into the window and snarled heavily at the masked men.

Mr curiosity was shocked and stunned for a moment.

"Achilles?" He whispered out the wolf's name who caught his attention briefly before turning his gaze down at the robbers.

Another cashier screamed as one masked man scrambled in a panic to get away, but Achilles snarled out and then dipped his head and sank his sharp canines deeply by his neck and chest. The wolf was crazy hungry after his long slumber in its human body.

Panic rose quickly as people started screaming as the wolf attacked its partner in crime. Another female cashier with short black hair was frightened to her toes as she started running for her life, but Achilles lunged at her bringing her down and ate her out alive, thinking she was just another juicy snack.

After the cashier, the wolf attacked more 2 more innocent customers and one being the fat lady. It moved so fast that you couldn't keep up with it. Chilling screams hit the air as the wolf clawed off the guy's head with its razor-sharp claws.

"Achilles you're awake!" Mr curiosity's eyes on the other hand were thrilled about this. But the wolf paid no attention to its half-brother.

Some people managed to escape the monster yet Rani was on the floor frozen as she caught the sight of a huge wolf, with deep blue fur and ferocious silver eyes.

The wolf caught sight of her next and brown eyes suddenly stepped in his way.

"Achilles calms down, she's not on the menu."

Achilles snarled viciously annoyed at him.

Rani's heart panicked the moment she heard that, she shakily got up to her feet to try and escape towards the nearby exit but the wolf growled and moved in great speed to block her.

She yelped out and slowly started to back away. Fear seeped through her. She grabbed everything she could get her hands on from the shelf and started throwing it at its head. From cereal boxes to cookies.

Achilles snarled at her strongly making her cease her throwing. She was frozen still knowing she was dead meat if she moved another muscle.

The injured masked man came to and brown eyes picked him up by his neck easily.

"You're not dead?"

The man whimpered and brown eyes sighed in disappointment.

"Please lll...let mmme ggg...go?" He stuttered out of fear.

"Sure." He dropped him on his a$$ and the man crawled away but then he was grabbed back and he sinks his teeth into his flesh making him scream out as brown eyes killed him easily.

Rani's heart pounded as the wolf pounced on her. She froze under it holding back her whimper as it took a slow sniff at her head.

Hector and Achilles for that matter, couldn't believe it.

A: Oh my moon! It's the girl Hector!

Achilles wagged his tail in excitement.

They could never forget her scent. As much as they loved it they both noticed something unusual about her.

H: She's not human?

Hot tears escaped her eyes, Achilles dipped his head and Rani yelped out a ‘NO!’ She closed her eyes and turned her face away from him. Achilles stopped his snarling and tasted her tears, with a short lick. He never wished to scare her. But as he licked away her hot tears they were both astonished.

H: That's impossible, her tears are not salty?

A: Why do they taste like honey?

Rani could no longer hide her fear and screamed as it continued to lick at her cheek in a slow manner, tasting every sweet drop she shed.


Her terrified yelp caught the sound of Achilles's stepbrother, who dropped the masked fool to the side.

As much as he was pleased to see his brother’s true wolf form, he knew he had to change his plans on taking the girl. Now that his wolf was out of the bag, he would be starving.

"Please!! Please...Dd...Don't kill me!" Rani begged in a scared whisper, to which the wolf and sniffed everywhere upon the front of her body, finding her scent quite calming to his senses.

Achilles was too intrigued and too curious not to kill her. In fact, the moment he caught her scent his incredible hunger had died down and an exciting emotion was growing inside of him.

His face came back up towards her neck and gave it a warm wet lick.

"No!! Please!!!" Rani whimpered and cried under the wolf, who growled down at her in a possessive kind of way.

It looked at Rani dead in its eyes and a strange vibe he got off her, triggered his heart.

The sound of a gun cocking, made the wolf snap out of his sudden trance with her.

H: Damon, I'm busy!

D: I can see that, and you've made quite a mess in the store too. I get that you’re hungry since you ate the majority of the humans like some kind of buffet, but seriously you need to calm down.

H: I am!

Rani nervously gulped and started moving ever so slowly as she saw brown eyes pointing a gun at the killer wolf.

"Mr Help me!"

Rani rolled on her stomach and tried to get up to run towards brown eyes, but a paw of that wolf came down on her shoulder keeping her pinned down. Rani whimpered in defeat. This was not how she wished death to take her, not by a hungry vicious wolf.

Achilles growled deeply by her ear, making her completely frozen.

"Achilles, I don't know how you've come out after 2 centuries, but if you don't step away from her, I will pop one right at your tail."

Damon pointed straight at his beastly brother warningly.

Step away?

How could he step away from the one who woke him up? She was like a cool autumn breeze, with a sweet scent he loved.

Suddenly police sirens rang outside and Damon growled out in annoyance.

"Achilles we need to go!" Damon reminded Hector's wolf.


One of the cops said using the speakerphone.

Reluctantly the wolf stepped away from Rani leaving her frozen with fear on the floor.

A: I don't know who you are, but I'll find you again.

With one last longing look at her, Achilles growled out in annoyance.

He crashed out of the window and attacked the police whilst dodging bullets in the air.

The cop yelped in fear as he ran out of bullets and ran for his life.

A: Snack time.

Achilles growled pouncing on him and eating him out with a bloody scream.

Damon looked back at Rani and could have easily held her hostage.

However, seeing as Achilles raced into the woods, he knew he'd have to go after him, to calm his very hungry wolf down. He’d come out of Hector in over a century.

"See you around princess." Damon went down on all fours just as Rani slowly sat up in shock and fear.

She watched his brown eyes transform into a dark red wolf with striking red glowing eyes.

His body turned from a human to a werewolf.

Rani was shocked again and crying in her mind





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