My heart was pounding as I ran down the clinical corridors. Sweat dripped down my face and trickled down my neck. I glanced over my shoulder as I ran, ensuring no one was following me. The heavy footsteps screeching on the ceramic floor signaled I still wasn’t safe.
I tried to open every door I could find, looking for a way out. But they were all locked. Never had I cursed my luck as much as I did today.
The footsteps got louder, angrier. Loud male voices echoed through the hallways; they were looking for me. I knew it wasn’t long before they caught up to me. I was running out of the corridor to hide and doors to open. I said one last prayer and turned to the last door at the end of the corridor.
Imagine my excitement when the door handle turned and popped the door open.
I quickly went inside and softly shut the door behind me, locking it. The less noise I made, the safer I was.
My burning lungs finally relaxed.
Panting, I pressed my back against the door. I knew I didn’t have much time. They would eventually find me in here. I had to move fast. I looked around to see where the door led me and which way I needed to go next.
A shiny silver Mercedes caught my eye. The door had to lead me into the clinic garage. Alex had mentioned in his email that he was going to park his car here before he left.
My heart filled with hope. Hope that I will get out of this mess. A mess my idiocy had created.
I started quickly looking around the garage.
Keys?! Where were the keys?!
The voices in the hallway got louder, and I could hear them smashing doors and calling out my name.
I quickly opened cupboards and drawers.
The keys must be here somewhere.
My mind was in overdrive. Did Alex mention where he left the keys in his email?!
My brain scanned every word I remembered from Alex’s email as I hastily looked around.
*“I’ve left the keys on the left rear tire if you need it.”*
Like an animation, the words mentioned by Alex unfolded in my head. My silent prayers were answered. I thanked my lucky stars and quickly walked over to the car.
There, on the rear tire, sat a bunch of keys just like Alex had mentioned.
Someone was definitely watching over me today.
I grabbed the keys and slid into the driver’s seat. With shaky hands, I inserted the key into the ignition and clipped my seatbelt.
The door handle I had locked started to rattle. They were trying to get in. I could hear their voices on the other side of the door.
I quickly started the engine, and the car purred to life. The sound of the engine agitated the man behind the door even more. The whole door began to shake as they banged on it, trying to break it down.
I clenched tightly to the steering wheel, staring at the metal garage door in front of me. I was going to die today one way or the other. I would rather die knowing I tried to get out.
I had never planned on being in this situation. I made a bad judgment call, and it was going to cost me everything, even my life. I should have left the past behind me the way it was meant to be.
I put the car into drive and took a deep breath, preparing myself.
The locked door finally burst open and at the doorway stood the biggest mistake I had made. He shouted at his man to stop me while holding on to the wound on his belly. The rage in his eyes sent a shiver down my spine.
Without hesitation, I held on to the steering wheel tightly, and I slammed my foot on the gas pedal, launching the car towards the metal garage door. Within seconds, the vehicle rammed through the door punching a hole before flying out the other end.
I felt my body jolt and hit the steering wheel, but I immediately pressed myself against the seat to steady myself. I could feel my neck muscles ache from the whiplash caused by the crash. I didn’t spare any time looking back at the damages.
I pressed down on the gas pedal harder, and the car purred even more as it accelerated down the driveway. I knew I wasn’t safe just yet. They had faster cars and weapons that could start a small war.
Thankfully I knew my way around the area. I swiftly turned into a few side streets hoping that it would throw them off my trail.
Once I was confident that I had created some distance between them and me, I got onto the highway and headed towards the city. Only one person could help me right now, and I had to get to him before the goons could get to me. I had to clean up the mess I had made. A mess that was going to change my life forever...