Unsettling Realization
“Dude, wake up!” Enzo banged on Caspian’s door. It was almost noon and not like Caspian to sleep the day away. He finally opened the door. When he entered the room he found the king passed out in his bed. The room reeked of booze and sex.
Next to Caspian was a blackheaded woman. Delilah. "Enzo, you should not distrub us." she said stretching. He snorted "You shouldn't be in here. I suggest you leave before he wakes." She rolled off the bed gathering her clothing before leaving. "Bastard" she hissed walking by him. "Satan" he retorted causing her stop, mouth hanginging open in shock, and look at him with wide eyes. "How dare you call me that! I am a daughter of an alpha!" She exclaimed. "You're right, It's offensive to satan." He said. Delilah gasped and rushed out the door.
Enzo just stared at the king unsure of what to do first when finally Gabriel walked in.
“Oh, man what did the cat drag in” Gabriel said walking into the kings chamber with a coffee in hand. “He didn’t just drag it in, he ate it, pooped it out, and covered it with sand.” Enzo said, as he looked wearily at the king laying on the bed.
“Well, rise and shine sunshine!” Gabriel said ripping back the covers.
Caspian growled at his beta in response but didn't move to get up.
Gabriel disappeared into the bathroom, emerging a minute later with a glass of water. Walking to the bed, he threw it on Caspian.
Caspian jumped to his feet with fists drawn and anger in his eyes. "Oh good you're up." Gabriel said unfazed by the king's agressive behavior. "Let's just consider it an early start to a MUCH needed shower." The king sat on the edge of the bed.
“You smell like you decided to take a bath in a manure pile and since I smell traces of Delilah in here…. You might as well have.” Gabriel said.
"I had the pleasure of speaking with the she-devil when I walked in." Enzo grumbled.
Caspian sighed, looking at his beta and gamma. He graciously took the coffee from Gabriel’s hands and sipped. “So are you going to tell us what happened last night or let us put the pieces together?” Gabriel asked with a raised eye brow.
Simply put “Whiskey. A lot of Whiskey . Enough to make me forget Delilah was Delilah apparently.” Caspian said with the pounding in his head finally easing up.
“You do know she is going to be strutting around the palace like she is the queen now, right?” Enzo said.
“Ughh” Caspian groaned. Ever since they were kids Delilah had made it her life mission to be queen. Her father was a member of the advisor council and she spent a lot of time at the palace over the years. He knew her ambition but kept his distance except times he got rip roaring drunk and forgot his senses. “I will deal with that later.” He said finishing his coffee.
The hunt for rogues had been a bust. They caught a few scents but saw not a single rogue. It frustrated him so much he came home and began drinking. In the mean time Delilah had somehow came into the picture. How she got there was still a little fuzzy. Probably better he didn’t remember.
He became frustrated again recalling the unsucessful patrol. "Anything new happen since last night?" he asked.
"No, the storm washed and scents away and the morning patrol did not find anything out of place." Enzo informed him.
"Alright, I'll shower and meet you downstairs soon." The king said. Gabriel and Enzo nodded and then walked out, satisfied with the job they had done.
Caspian hoped a shower would wash away the memory of the night before but to no avail.
After showering, he dragged himself to his closet, half-heartedly putting on his clothes. After a quick check in the mirror he decided his hungover state was not going to get any better.
Opening the door to his room his heart skipped a beat. He froze. There was something in the air, he didn't know what. He enhaled.
His eyes widened as far as they could. That smell. It was so enticing, nothing had ever smelled like it before, but it was faint. Old.
A few heartbeats latter he returned to his senses. There was only one thing it could be. His mate. His mate had been here.... and he had been here with Delilah. He swore under his breath
He had to find her! His hazy clouded mind was all of the sudden crystal clear. He took off sprinting. Searching. He followed it out to the garden where he lost it.
"No! No! No!" He yelled. He had waited all theses years for his mate and now she was gone into the wind.
Gabe! Enzo! He mindlinked the beta and gamma.
What!?! they both mindlinked back freaked out over the panic in his voice.
Find her! he ordered.
Find who? Enzo asked.
My mate! the king said, frustrated. Growling.
What the hell...? Where are you? Gabe responded.
Both Beta and Gamma immediatley jumped into action. After running to Caspian's side they dispersed the entire Royal Guard to search the grounds for the mystery female. By the time they searched the Kitchen though, Alexia's scent had been well covered by the busy kitchen staff.
After hours and hours of searching the palace grounds nothing was found. Gabriel, Enzo, and Caspain made their way into Caspian's office. Gabriel made all three of them drinks from the mini bar, handing Enzo his and sliding Caspian's to him.
Sitting at his desk, Caspian could barely function. "I have to find her" was all he could manage to say.
"We will" Enzo said trying to calm the king down.
"B-but what if she heard me with Delilah? God this is bad...." he muttered.
"It's going to be ok" Enzo tried again.
Grabbing his drink and throwing the glass to the wall causing it to shatter Caspian yelled "This is terrible! What am I going to do?" he paused calming down "I can't think of a worse way for my mate to find me. I don't even know who she is..."
"First" Gabe said taking charge. "First, let's see who all was in the palace this weekend. Ok? sound good?"
"Yes" Caspian breathed nodding in agreement.
Enzo mind-linked the guards and had the log books brought in. "Ok, lets see" he said.
Looking over the files "Alright! there was some work done around the palace in your absence but they were all male. Hmm... Ah! Alpha families visited in preparation for Leadership Training. Checking out where they will stay and such.A nd..." Enzo said scanning the books "It looks like your brother had some friends over but thats about it. Easy enough to narrow down."
"So more likely then not she's in an alpha family." Gabe said. Caspian still unable to think clearly but said. "All right give me the list I'm going to go to every one of those packs till I find her."
"You could do that..." Enzo said wearily. "but royal visits are very cumbersome for packs and you would probably need a reason for your visit.."
"Why don't we bring the packs here? Like an event." Gabe cut in. "A ball perhaps, for Alphas and their families before leadership training. That way it won't be suspicious or raise eyebrows and you can search for her.
"Let's do that" Caspian agreed.
"I will start work immediatly" Gabe said exiting the room. Caspian sighed in relief. He would find her. He had to.