Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2


When I get to the playroom the boys are sitting on the floor with a pile of trucks and cars. Jax looks up “ Lilly I need a song.” I sit on the floor in front of them. “ O, you do?” Jace answers “ Yes and me too.” This is something we started a few months ago when we were singing along to a movie together. Now they like me to sing to them often. “ Ok. What kind of song?” Jax thinks about it for a minute, “ Halla from Sing.” I know the one he is talking about. So while we play with the cars I sing Hallelujah from Sing for them.

Lug Nut

I heard my favorite speed demons are here for Lilly to watch so I go to the playroom to say hi. When I open the door I expect to hear laughing and playing but instead I hear the most angelic voice singing. I look around for a radio, the tv on, or even a phone playing music but nothing. I see the boys on the floor with Lilly and that’s when I realize the voice is coming from Lilly. I don’t move for fear she will stop. So I lean against the door and just watch. When the song ends I find myself hoping she will do another. My wish is granted when the boys ask her for another. Lilly just smiles and says “ Sure, but only one more.” The way she says it I get the feeling she says that a lot. She starts to sing the old Rod Stewart song ‘ Forever Young’. And just like before I’m blown away by her voice. It is like nothing I have ever heard before. She is incredible. While she is singing she has her focus on the twins involving them in the song. Like every word is made just for them. Boy, they are eating it up. I can’t believe I have never heard her sing before. I wonder if anyone but the boys have ever heard her. If they had, I am sure someone would have said something. There is no way one of my brothers could have kept this a secret. They would have her singing all the time.

When the song ends I can’t help it. I clap startling them. Lilly blushes and looks at her feet. The twins jump up and run to me “ Uncle Lug Nut '' I get down on my knees and hug the boys. “ How are my favorite speed demons today?” “ We good.''Jax says. Jace says “ We play with Lilly. Momma took sisters to doctor.” I must have looked concerned because Lilly says “ Just a check-up.” I nod in understanding. “ You play too Uncle Lug?” Jax asks. I’m proud to say their speech has come a long way from when they first got here over a year ago. Before I can answer the little guys Lilly starts to pull the boys away “ Boys, I’m sure Mr. Lug Nut is very busy today.” It cracks me up how she always Mr to our names. I know she is just being respectful but it still sounds funny. “ You busy uncle Lug?” Jax asks. “ I am, boys. I just wanted to stop by to see my favorite nephews for a minute.” Jace laughs “ We you only nephews Uncle Lug.” “ That makes you my favorite.” Jax laughs “ You silly.” “ Boys, let’s let Mr. Lug Nut get back to work while we go play a game.” The boys pout but do what they are asked. “ Bye, Uncle Lug.” the boys say. “ Bye boys. I’ll come by later to see you.” They sit on the floor by the toy shelf dragging out Legos to play with. Lilly turns to go sit with them but I catch her before she can. “ Lilly, can I speak with you for a minute.” She looks unsure but I know she won’t say no. “ Sure.” I lead her over to the door where she can still see the boys but they can’t hear us. “ Lilly I heard you singing when I came in.” Before I can say anything else Lilly jumps in “ Oh. Sorry I won’t let it happen again. I didn’t think we were disturbing anyone.” “ Lilly, stop. You weren’t bothering anyone. I just wanted to tell you that your voice is unbelievable.” She blushes bright red and looks anywhere but me. “ Oh. Thanks. We were just playing around.”

“ If that was playing around then I can’t wait until I hear you when you put some effort into it. Listen, I have some friends I would like to introduce you to. They are in a band with me. We have been looking to bring someone in to add something different to it. I think you could help us out.” Lilly shakes her head so fast I’m worried she is going to make herself dizzy. “ I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m not good. I would just embarrass you.” “ Lilly, you would never embarrass me. And as far as being good you are right. Lilly, your voice is, well I have never heard anything like it.” Before either of us can say a word Jax yells “ Lilly plays guitar too.She is very good.” I guess they can hear us afterall. I didn’t think Lilly could get any redder but she is. “ Boys! Shush.” Lilly says. Jax says “ It true and you say always tell truth.” I turn to Lilly `` Is that true?” She shrugs like it isn’t a big deal “ A little. For the boys only.” “ Lilly, come see my friends with me. You have some real talent.”

I didn’t notice the boys had gotten up until they were standing in front of Lilly. “ Lilly, you sing very good. Other people should hear how good. Meet Uncle Lug friends.” Jax says. Jace grabs her hand “ And play guitar. Very good. We looove it when you play.” he says, dragging out the word love. Did I mention how much I love these boys? Lilly might try to tell me no. But there is no way she will be able to tell the twins no. I see the wheels turning in her head. I can tell she is curious but scared as well. She looks at the boys who are now giving her the puppy eyes. Lilly huffs then looks at me “ Ok, Mr. Lug Nut. I’ll meet your friends. But you have to promise not to get mad at me when it doesn’t go well.” “ You have a deal. But Lilly, I know they are going to love you.” And I’m not just saying that. I know the guys are going to love how she sounds. I open the door to get back to business I have to take care of. I turn back to Lilly “ I’ll come to the house at eight to pick you up.” “ Ok.” she says and closes the door.

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