Flight of the cardinal

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Chapter 6

Alexander’s still dark gray eyes were staring at me, analyzing my expression.

Was he waiting for an answer?

He inched closer. He smelled like the forest, a mix of pine, spruce, and earth that made me long for my missing freedom. I was convinced that smelling like this was not natural. However, his scent was intoxicating, and I knew I needed to tread carefully about the reaction my body was giving him.

I kept eyeing his lips, imagining what they felt like. They looked so soft. I could see myself wrapping my hands behind his head, curling my fingers in his dark unruly hair, while tasting his mouth, teasing him with my tongue, and nipping his full lower lip. My legs clenched at the sudden heat I felt down in my belly, and I became hyperaware that I was not acting like myself.

I saw him stiffen. I hoped he didn’t notice what he was doing to me. I was so ashamed by the wetness that overcame me I could hardly look at him when I replied, “I’m sorry, milord, but I’m afraid you will have to bring this up with the head maid. I cannot accept. I-I need to go now.”

I ordered my legs to move, but they were not complying at all with what my brain was demanding them to do. It’s like some weird energy pinned me in place. Part of me didn’t want to leave.

Alexander just kept looking at me, his eyes even darker than before. He looked like a predator on the prowl, and I was the snack.

I was able to put one foot in front of the other and slowly make my way to where I assumed Lady Lucia was. I still had my duties, and my day was far from over.

My legs gave out when I heard Alexander growl.

“You must have misinterpreted what I just said. This is not a request,” Alexander let out slowly.

I could feel him pressing his chest to my back while I was trying to hold myself upward by the door frame. His heat seeped through the back of my dress.

“You are to move your belongings after your work is done on my mother’s floor and report to me in my living quarters... tonight.”

Alexander placed his hand on the small of my back, trying to help me regain my posture. His touch burned me, awaking many desires within myself.

I was in shock. Nothing like this ever happened before. Why was my stupid body doing this? This was crazy. What in the world was he?

I registered shock on his beautiful face as well. He kept looking at his hand, then back at me. His mouth was slightly open.

I pushed myself from the wall and quickly returned to the parlour. Lady Lucia was still sitting in her chair, sipping on her ginger lemon tea.

When she noticed the paleness of my skin, she abruptly set the dish on its saucer and hurried to my side.

“Whatever is the matter, Ida?” She held my arm and patted my back. I was afraid her touch would burn me too, but her hands were cool and didn’t give me any electrical discharges.

That was odd. Maybe it was all in my head?

I straightened and cleared my throat. “It’s nothing, milady. I just felt faint for a moment. I am afraid I am not myself today.”

What a poor excuse I was spewing at her! I didn’t know how I could explain what had happened when her son touched me. Not to mention the fear I had, slowly building up in the pit of my stomach at the thought of having to see him every day once I would be stationed on his floor.

This was a recipe for disaster.

Lady Lucia kept sliding her hand up and down my back. She was trying to soothe my nerves, and it worked a bit.

“Don’t fight it, dear; it’ll only make it harder on yourself,” was all she said before excusing me for the rest of the day.

I didn’t know what she was referring to. Was she telling me this concerning my feeling ill or about what I felt towards her son?

This whole situation puzzled me.

When I returned to the head maid, she gave me a sympathetic look and led me to my room.

“You have one hour to get your things ready.” She handed me a new set of clothes and shoes. “I’ll come to get you later.”

She turned on her heels and locked my door after closing it.

I didn’t know if she locked it out of a force of habit or by fear that I would try to leave. Where was I to go? If any servants or maids tried to leave before they repaid their debt, they were punished severely. And with all the ground personnel walking the outskirts of the estate, it was rather pointless to escape sounding no alarms.

I looked over at the new clothes I was given. They were made of softer cotton. They didn’t look as rugged as my current maid’s dress. The dress was still black but looked more fitted and refined. The white apron was clean, with no holes or stains and also made of soft white cotton. I didn’t see any headwear, which would mean that I would have to stain my hair.

I went about making the tincture for the dye. I had an hour, and that was enough time to let it sit and work its magic.

I stroked my flaming locks one last time. The stain would allow me to have brown hair for about two to three weeks before needing to re-stain them. The dye would only hold for three head scrubs.

We could usually bathe once a week in hot water; the rest of the time, we needed to clean ourselves with cold water in a bowl. It was enough to get everything that needed to be cleaned and kept away our hard-working sweat from stinking up our bodies.

I had just rinsed my hair in my water bowl and patted it with a cloth when my door unlocked, and the head maid entered.

I hurriedly put my hair in a knot at the top of my head.

She was accompanied by the same small footboy that had come to Lady Lucia during the day. He must also work on the lord’s floor.

He grabbed the sac that contained my few belongings and returned to the hallway.

The head maid gestured for me to follow him, a grim expression on her face.

“Good luck,” was all she whispered before closing my door and leaving me trailing the small boy while she left in the opposite direction.

She looked back at us, shaking her head, and disappeared at the end of the hall.

I gulped and followed the young boy to my new station.

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