Ashton’s pov
I have never seen a woman so beautiful. Her dark long hair now poking out of her braid and her figure hugging clothes showing of her hour glass figure. She looks human, but a human could not have climbed that cliff, she must be Fae like me with some kind of magic to help her.
She obviously does not know who I am given the way she acted. It's not usual for a woman to walk away from me, I know I'm handsome and being a prince on top of that means they usually fall at my feet. Her rejection was a first and it intrigued me. I want her, so I will make her mine. The chase will only make it more fun.
I let her walk away, but I follow at a distance. The route she takes makes no sense, it doesn't stick to a path and it doesn't seem to lead to any of the districts. She walks towards a campsite and I wonder if she lives here.
Some men walk up to her, maybe they are her family, maybe one is her partner and that is why she was not interested in me. I start to loose interest and start to walk away when I hear her scream.
I turn to help, but the scene in front of me stops me. She is being held by a large man, but has successfully bloodied his nose and kicked another so hard he is doubled over in pain. She can definitely handle herself and watching her fight is sexy as hell. 5 against one is hardly fair though so I decide to intervene.
I cut the 3 off with a wall of fire and open a hole of earth for one to fall in, leaving just the one holding her for her to deal with. As she punches him in the face, I move to the 3 men. Anger fills me, they tried to take something that was mine and hurt her. I'm not sure why I feel so possessive of her, but these idiots were also criminals for attacking an innocent woman. I set fire to two of them and they run off screaming. The last one I pin down with wind, he looks terrified sweat dripping down his forehead.
"Have you seen scouts pass through this way?" I ask.
"No, no one comes this way, that's why we were so happy to see a woman" he stumbles over his words.
"And what were your plans for her?” I ask
"Well..." He does not look at me
"You are disgusting" I say and set him on fire, leaving him to run away flailing to put himself out.
I turn to the girl. She is standing over a knocked out man breathing heavily.
"Are you ok?" I ask gently
"Yes, thank you for your help" she says curtly.
"You were right I do underestimate women" I say nodding to the unconscious man.
She laughs a musical laugh and I smile at her. "They were only human, it makes it easier"
So I was right, she isn't a human, but she didn't use any powers to fight either.
"Why not use your powers?" I ask
"That's none of your business" she says cold again.
I sigh "can I at least know your name?"
"Nice to meet you Ava, I'm Ash" I flash her my best smile.
"You are looking for the scouts?" She asks ignoring by attempted charm.
"I am, I was sent by the king I'm one of his men" I explain, not sure why I don't want to tell her who I am.
"I thought they were sending the prince. I guess the king didn't trust him to do it alone." She says.
"Do you not think he can do it?" I ask trying not to sound too defensive.
She shrugs "I have only heard rumours, but he doesn't seem like the reliable type"
"Well I'm here to find them anyway" I say pushing down the anger
"Do you have a plan?"
"Honestly no, there is not much it go on" I say. "How did you know about the scouts?"
She looks away "they took my friend" I hear the worry in her voice and feel guilty.
"I will find them don't worry. Did you come to look for your friend?" I ask.
She nods.
"Leave it to me, I can take you home safely and then I will hunt down those responsible"
She laughs at me and I lose my temper, no one ever dares to laugh at me. "What!" I snap.
"You don't even have a plan, I doubt you would get anywhere near them especially as they are so far ahead."
"And I suppose you have a plan? Other than running off cliffs and being attacked?" I mock.
"I can track them" she says.
"How?" I say shocked
She looks awkward like she didn't want to tell me that "eh it's hard to explain, I'm just a good tracker" she says.
Her evasiveness is getting annoying. "Why are you being so mysterious?" I demand
"It's none of your business" she says again.
I swear if she says that again I am doing to have to burn something down. I take a deep breath.
"Fine, if you know where to go, show me. I can protect you and take down the people responsible when we find them"
I extend my hand for her to shake on the deal.